the president's wife

Chapter 111: Surgery

Chapter 111: Cheng Hanlei was distracted during the operation when suddenly a car stopped beside her...

Cheng Hanlei was taken aback when she saw a familiar car, and was about to turn around and leave, but the car had already pushed away.The driver had already got out of the car, grabbed Cheng Hanlei, and stuffed Cheng Hanlei into the car.

Such a familiar scene has not appeared again for a long time.Cheng Hanlei turned her head and looked at Lei Zhendong who was sitting on the side.

"No, stop."

Cheng Hanlei seemed to have come to her senses, and began to slap on the car door, but the car slid out quickly.Seeing Cheng Hanlei slapping the car door, Lei Zhendong's eyes were clouded, he clasped Cheng Hanlei's clapping hands with one hand, and said in a cold voice: "You don't have the right to say no."

A needle suddenly pierced into Cheng Hanlei's arm, Cheng Hanlei felt her eyes darkened, and her struggling body fell limply.


With the familiar smell of disinfectant, Cheng Hanlei slowly opened her eyes, her body was still under anesthesia and could not move.But with her eyes wide open, she could feel the surrounding environment. The doctor seemed to be preparing for the operation, and the person lying on the operating table next to her was suddenly Lei Xiwen.

"Do not……"

Her throat seemed to be stuck, and Cheng Hanlei found it difficult to speak.

The college entrance examination is one week away, and she doesn't want any accidents. After each operation, her body will be weak for several days. This miscarriage has made her body poor. Now that she is undergoing surgery, she doesn't even know what she is. Is it possible to take the college entrance examination...

Why, they always use various methods to destroy their hopes again and again...

Lei Xiwen slowly opened her eyes, her body was obviously very weak, but she looked at Cheng Hanlei with crazy eyes.

The words of Lei Chenyi standing in the living room and maintaining Cheng Hanlei kept flashing through his mind.For Cheng Hanlei's college entrance examination, Lei Chenyi did not hesitate to talk to his parents like that, and even threatened them.Thinking of what her parents said in the room when her parents came back a few days ago, the hatred in Lei Xiwen's eyes became even worse.

What she hates the most is that she is not as good as Cheng Hanlei, why Lei Chenyi is willing to touch Cheng Hanlei but not herself, the words he said to herself completely tore her heart apart.

She is not reconciled, really not reconciled.

This time the incubation period has been long, and because her body has not yet matured, she can only rely on Cheng Hanlei to pump part of the bone marrow each time to temporarily suppress her illness.And when the time is right, as long as a certain amount is pumped to completely eliminate the disease in her body, then she will be healthy.

Now, she couldn't wait any longer.She doesn't allow Cheng Hanlei's happiness to be based on her own pain, and Cheng Hanlei won't get what she always wanted but couldn't get.

She wanted to ruin Cheng Hanlei, the thing she wanted most.Didn't she instigate Lei Chenyi to come back and say that for the college entrance examination?Doesn't she attach importance to the college entrance examination?Then, she will let her have no chance to take the college entrance examination.

So, when she heard her parents were struggling with how to deal with Cheng Hanlei that day, she went back to her room and picked up the phone...

These days, she did the opposite of what the doctor said every day, and her body gradually became worse and worse, until today, she fainted in the living room.Before she fainted, she felt that her life was passing by, and she knew that she was betting on her own life. However, if the price was to make Cheng Hanlei feel as painful as she wanted to live, losing everything, and even her life, then she would be willing...

Turning her head, looking at Cheng Hanlei's face of despair and collapse, Lei Xiwen felt a burst of joy in her heart.

Her breathing was a little short, her body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and the pain in her body began to erode her bones. These pains made Cheng Hanlei feel a little more pain than herself.

Lei Xiwen was not anesthetized, but because of the severe pain in her body, she couldn't move at all.Cheng Hanlei was anesthetized, but her mind was very clear. The two of them lay there, their eyes touching each other. Cheng Hanlei could clearly feel the hatred bursting out of Lei Xiwen's eyes.


Cheng Hanlei wanted to yell, but she couldn't get a word out of her throat.When Lei Xiwen saw the confusion in Cheng Hanlei's eyes, a schadenfreude smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said in an inaudible voice: "As long as I think, I can make you miserable. Cheng Hanlei, you are destined to die for me." If you live, you can only live if I let you live, and you can’t live if I let you die.”

Seeing the expression on Cheng Hanlei's face, Lei Xiwen couldn't help but sneer when she looked outside, and when Cheng Hanlei turned her face away, she continued to strike and said, "Are you waiting for brother? What do you think?" Brother will protect you or protect me. Don't forget, he is on my side in every operation. Do you think you will change anything if you go to his bed? "

"Cheng Hanlei, brother said that you are his toy, he just hasn't gotten tired of playing with you. I am his younger sister, the younger sister who has always been loved. Toys and younger sister, do you think he will abandon his younger sister for toys? You accept your fate Come on, stop wishful thinking..."

Cheng Hanlei listened to Lei Xiwen's words, the word "toy" was Lei Chenyi's favorite word in front of her.It turned out that he said the same about himself in front of others.

Indeed, she has always been just a toy that he never gets tired of playing with, and she really shouldn't be praying for him to appear at this time.For such a major matter as surgery, Lei Chenyi will definitely know about it.If he had the heart, he would definitely rush over to stop it.He didn't see him, that's enough to explain everything, isn't it?

It's just why, the heart is still tightly pulled into a ball, gathered together, with a touch of despair and heartache...

It was densely packed and unable to dodge.

At this moment, a conversation between the doctor and Lei Zhendong and Xu Peifen came from outside.

The door of the operating room was open, and Lei Zhendong and Xu Peifen, who forcibly brought Cheng Hanlei, immediately looked at the doctor nervously and asked, "Why did Xiwen suddenly get sick? Is it serious? I think Xiwen is more serious than ever before, doctor, Xiwen depends on you. We only have this one daughter, we can't let her have an accident."

"You have to be mentally prepared. When the time is right, the chances of success will be higher. In the middle, you only need to infuse some bone marrow to suppress the disease. But this time, the situation is a bit serious. Miss Lei's body is very obvious. There is no way to suppress it after losing some bone marrow, so surgery is needed immediately."

"Operate immediately? Doctor, we only have this one daughter. You must not let my daughter have trouble."

"Don't worry, we will do our best."

The doctor nodded. Being able to live in a luxury house and drive a famous car is all due to Lei Zhendong, so he has been paying close attention to Lei Xiwen's condition.It's just that I don't understand, Lei Xiwen called me a few days ago to ask her what to pay attention to, how could she suddenly become so seriously ill...

"Doctor, as long as Xiwen is fine, nothing else matters."

Xu Peifen seemed to have thought of something, when the doctor was about to go in, she grabbed the doctor and spoke suggestively.

These words also reached the ears of the two people in the operating room at the same time. The corners of Lei Xiwen's mouth slowly curled up into a smile, looking at Cheng Hanlei's painful eyes, the light in his eyes became more and more smug.

Cheng Hanlei, in front of me, you will never win.You will always be an illegitimate child, a tool to continue my life, and I will always be the only daughter they admit...

Cheng Hanlei's heart clenched tightly, she had already given up any hope for Lei's family, but they were able to do so cruelly.

Xu Peifen's words clearly meant to kill her.

Lei Xiwen's life is her life, but her life is not her life.


The doctor went in to change the sterile gown, and the two of them were also pushed inside.Soon, the doctor got dressed and walked in.

The intern doctor who came in first checked the physical condition of the two people. When Cheng Hanlei was checked, the intern frowned worriedly, looked at the chief surgeon and said, "Doctor Qi, Cheng Hanlei's body seems not suitable for surgery at this time." .Her health is too poor, if forced surgery, it is very likely..."

The latter words were not spoken, but the meaning was already very obvious.

Dr. Qi's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Cheng Hanlei lightly, then took the examination equipment in the hands of the intern, started the examination, then handed it back to the intern and said, "Leave it to me, there is no problem."

One sentence blocked the intern's words, and the chief surgeon had already spoken, so it was inconvenient for the intern to say anything else.It's just that there is still a faint worry in my heart...

"Get ready for surgery."

In a word, it completely eliminated the intern's worries. This was a good learning opportunity, and the intern began to nervously prepare for the operation.

When Cheng Hanlei heard the doctor's words, she couldn't move her body. She just opened her eyes and watched the familiar machine approaching her.

When the instrument penetrated into the body, heart-piercing pain followed.At the moment when the instrument pierced Cheng Hanlei's body, cold sweat had already seeped out. This time, it was obviously more painful than the previous few times.Anesthetics can only anesthetize the skin and flesh forever, but cannot anesthetize the bones.

Cheng Hanlei let out a painful whimper like a small animal from her throat, and felt the energy in her body disappear little by little.

Every time I felt like I was going to faint, I was woken up again by the pain.I just feel that as time goes by, the strength of my body is getting smaller and smaller.

I don't know how long it has passed, it has been longer than ever before, so long that Cheng Hanlei can't feel the sensation of her body at all, she just feels as if she has fallen into an ice cellar all over her body, as if her blood is congealed by the cold.The temperature completely disappeared from the body. This time, he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He seemed to hear the panicked voice of the intern doctor: "Doctor Qi, she's dying, her heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker."

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