the president's wife

Chapter 044: Are you willing?

Chapter 044: Are you willing? Qiu Ze's car parked outside Qin Ziyan's coffee shop, opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Qiu, our lady boss is not here."

Just as Qiu Ze walked in, the store manager inside had already voluntarily told Qiu Ze.This was what Qin Ziyan told him when she left yesterday, if Qiu Ze comes over, tell him like this.

"When are you coming back?"

Qiu Ze didn't feel relieved, and asked casually as he walked to the second floor.

"do not know."

"I don't know? What do you mean by not knowing?"

Qiu Zeren was already standing on the stairs on the second floor. When he heard the manager's words, he stopped in his footsteps, and turned around to look down at the manager.

"The proprietress only told you that she was not there when you came. She didn't say when she would come back?"

The store manager conveyed Qin Ziyan's words...

"Where did she go?"

"The proprietress didn't explain."

The store manager shook his head, just as a new waiter had a question, the store manager said to Qiu Ze: "Mr. Qiu, do yourself, I still have things to do."

Nodding to Qiu Ze, he turned and walked in the direction of the new waiter.Qiu Ze stood there, stunned for a while.What the store manager said was circling in her mind, where did she go?I don't know how long it will be there?

She, is she hiding from herself, or?


In the upstairs lounge, the quilts were neatly folded, and the small space was neatly tidied up.Went down to the second floor, sat where Qin Ziyan and Qin Ziyan used to sit, stared at Qin Ziyan's seat, in a daze.

Not finding any news in the lounge, Qiu Ze felt a little annoyed, picked up the mobile phone that was put aside, and dialed Qin Ziyan's number.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off."

Hearing the monotonous voice from the phone, Qiu Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't hide a trace of irritation between his brows.

She didn't tell herself where she went...

Qiu Ze pulled it out again, the voice was still monotonous, Qiu Ze's face became more and more gloomy and ugly.

After a while, the store manager brought up a cup of coffee.Seeing Qiu Ze's expression was not good-looking, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and went downstairs immediately.And Qiu Ze pulled it out a few times annoyed, but it always showed the power off status.


The phone was placed heavily on the table, and the chest was heaving violently, which was a very uncomfortable feeling.When going out for Qin Ziyan, the store manager only let him know when he came, without notifying himself in advance, he actually had to get the news of her departure through other people's mouths.

Isn't he her confidant?Does the relationship between the two of them need to be known from others even where she is going?Every time he went on a business trip or abroad, he never told her.Go for a few days, what to do, don't tell her.Is she okay?

Still confidant...

The more Qiu Ze thought about it, the angrier he became. He stared at the phone, wanting to see a hole in the phone.Isn't it just that I haven't contacted her as frequently as before?When he was texting her downstairs last time, he was waiting. Wasn't it just an attitude of waiting for her?In the end, there was no response.The next day, there was no response either.

Her attitude showed that she was just being a confidant.Then, his little thought will be put away.It is true that if you can't give her love, you shouldn't go beyond the current relationship of friends.

It's good for her, now she even started to push the word confidant...

Qiu Ze had been sullen for a long time, but after the sunset, Qiu Ze seemed to calm down slowly.

In fact, they are just friends, and to put it more intimately, they are bosom friends.Where she goes, she really doesn't need to report to herself.As for himself, what exactly is he angry about, and what is he worrying about.

Qiu Ze was frightened by the emotion that came out of his heart, he took a sip of the cold coffee on the table, the bitter taste and the taste that didn't suit his taste at all made Qiu Ze unable to swallow it .

The coffee in my mouth spit out directly...

When did it start, there is a habit that has permeated life...


The dishes on the table are not rich, they are all home-cooked dishes.Braised fish, imperial concubine chicken, three small stir-fries, plus pork ribs and winter melon soup.Although it has not reached the perfect color, fragrance and taste, it can be regarded as beautiful and delicious.There were three sets of bowls and chopsticks on the dining table, and Shangguan Rui took off his apron. It was hard to imagine how he looked at home. Shangguan Rui was also a surprise in the mall.

"If you don't keep such a man in your pocket, if he gets tired and quits at that time, you will regret it too late."

Qin Ziyan walked in with Anran when Shangguanrui called for a meal to understand the apron, and whispered in Anran's ear.

The backs of An Ran's ears began to get hot again, obviously she was no longer a teenager, but her face was still flushed.

Shangguan Rui looked at An Ran with warmth behind his ears, and Qin Ziyan smiled brightly.It is rare to see this overly calm woman smiling so brightly, her eyes turned from Qin Ziyan's face to An Ran's with some puzzlement.And An Ran avoided Shangguan Rui's gaze, and pulled Qin Ziyan to sit down.

Shangguan Rui didn't talk a lot, and he played the role of listener most of the time.

The topics that Qin Ziyan and An Ran talked about were wild and unconstrained, and they had a very pleasant meal.

After dinner, Qin Ziyan will help clean up...

"No need, I can come."

Shangguan Rui stopped him.

An Ran pulled Qin Ziyan and said: "Let him clean it up, I'll take you for a stroll around the neighborhood, usually after dinner with Shangguan Rui, I will also stroll around."


Qin Ziyan stretched out the word oh, An Ran bumped Qin Ziyan, and the roots behind her ears seemed to be getting hotter.

Shangguan Rui looked at An Ran's blushing appearance, and liked to see her shy appearance like a girl.Usually when I send her flowers by myself, she murmurs that it is a waste of money to send flowers when she is very old.The back of one ear turned red quietly, she was accepting his compensation for her.


咖啡 厅

Qiu Ze's car was parked in front of the cafe again, it was already the fifth day.Pushing open the car door and going in, the store manager saw that it was Qiu Ze, and before Qiu Ze could ask, he had already answered directly: "Mr. Qiu, our lady boss hasn't come back yet."

"I'm just here for coffee."

Qiu Ze's voice was flat, but his eyes were slightly lowered.The same location on the second floor, the same cup of coffee.Qiu Ze sat there until the sunset, when Qiu Ze stood up and left.

After Qiu Ze's car left, the store manager came up to clean it up, looking at the coffee on the table.I didn't take a sip. From the first day, I took a sip of coffee, and the table was covered with coffee.For the past four days, Qiu Ze also ordered a cup of coffee, but never took a sip.

Standing on the second floor, watching Qiu Ze's car slowly leave, the store manager shrugged.

For coffee?

Ha ha.


Shangguan Rui has been in a very quiet position. When Qin Ziyan and An Ran are chatting, most of the time he returns to the next door.When it was time to cook, I came back again. After eating, I chatted for a while and found a reason to leave again.Give Qin Ziyan and An Ran time to spend alone, sometimes Qin Ziyan cooks while An Ran acts as a helper, and Shangguan Rui sits alone on the balcony and reads.

Qin Ziyan lived here for a week.

Here, the hustle and bustle of the city is less.The tranquility makes the heart calm down very well, and I haven't called on the phone for a week.The departure was actually very sudden, but it had already been planned in my mind.She arranged for the store manager to take care of the coffee shop early on. The coffee shop was originally a sideline business, but after opening the coffee shop, she actually rarely left S City.This time, I want to leave for the last time, if I fail.Then, she will give up forever.

really give up...

After dinner, Shangguan Rui said that he had something to deal with and went back to the next door.

An Ran and Qin Ziyan were playing chess, chatting while playing Go.

Both of them are intelligent women, and Qin Ziyan sees more thoroughly than An Ran, and they already understand each other by opening up some things.An Ran didn't ask about what was going on between her and Qiu Ze, nor did she ask why she didn't turn on her cell phone these days.She knew that Qin Ziyan had her own ideas in everything she did.

"An Ran, I'm going back to City S tomorrow."

"Go back tomorrow? Don't you want to stay a few more days?"

An Ran and Qin Ziyan got along very well, and usually chat online.And now hearing that Qin Ziyan left, I really feel a little bit sad.

"One week is almost enough. If you can succeed, one week is enough. If you don't have the heart, then no matter how long you leave, it will be in vain."

Qin Ziyan is brave and faces her feelings.When she can still control it, she is in a wait-and-see state.Knowing what is the best way for the two of them, but beware that she has gone off track, she began to take the initiative to fight for herself.

An Ran feels sorry for Qin Ziyan who is too smart and strong. Some people say that stupid people have stupid blessings. I don't know if this sentence is true or not.She just hoped that Qiu Ze would stop being obsessed with unnecessary things. If she missed a woman as good as Zi Yan, she would definitely regret it in this life.

"An Ran, don't help me. If he has a heart, he has a heart, and your identity can't say anything. If you speak, it's just hurting him. What I want is not that he will get hurt. I have already done what should be done. , In fact, he should also have something to say in his heart, but he is unwilling to measure it. I do this to force him to measure and face it. If he is not willing to face it squarely, then he can only miss it. Life is alive , there are always misses. And I am no longer obsessed with what does not belong to me.”

"But, are you willing?"

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