the president's wife

Chapter 045: Don't Know?

Chapter 045: Don't Know? "But, are you willing?"

"There is nothing you can't bear to part with, as long as you are cruel."

Qin Ziyan dropped Hei Zi, looked at An Ran and said: "If you lose your mind again, you will lose."

An Ran looked at the smile on Qin Ziyan's face, as if calmly waiting for her fate.Bai Zi fell down and replied: "It's not so easy to win against me."

Qin Ziyan stared at the chess game, and with one move, the game was solved.

The four-player game... how great it would be if one piece could solve the game.


The next day

Shangguan Rui walked behind the two of them, separated by three or four steps.An Ran and Qin Ziyan walked side by side to the place where the car was parked.Qin Ziyan stretched out her arms to hug An Ran, An Ran looked at Qin Ziyan, such a beautiful woman, and said sincerely: "Zi Yan, you deserve to be cherished."

"I think so too."

So, if you don't cherish my people, then be free and easy.

Qin Ziyan let go of An Ran, looked at Shangguan Rui who was standing three steps away from An Ran, turned around with eyes and a smile, opened the car door and sat in.The car gradually left and drifted away.Shangguan Rui walked to An Ran's side, and stood side by side with her, watching Qin Ziyan's car disappear from sight.


Qin Ziyan's mobile phone was still quietly lying on the side, and for several hours along the way, Qin Ziyan's eyes were very clear looking ahead.The car entered city c and finally stopped in front of a coffee shop.Pushing open the door of the coffee shop, the store manager greeted Qin Ziyan immediately after seeing her.

"Miss Boss, you are finally back."


Qin Ziyan looked at the store manager and paused slightly.

"Since you left, Mr. Qiu has come here every afternoon around four o'clock. He sat there until we left before closing at night. He said he came to drink coffee, but every time the coffee was brought up, he didn't take a sip. Mr. Qiu asked the proprietress There must be something urgent, we asked him if he was looking for the proprietress, and he said no."


Interrupting the manager's words, Qin Ziyan walked upstairs.At this point in time, there were also some people on the second floor.Qin Ziyan went directly to the lounge on the third floor. Qiu Ze had the key to his own lounge and pushed open the door of the lounge.There is a familiar smell inside, Qin Ziyan scanned the inside.

Putting down his bag, he walked downstairs with his mobile phone, walked into the bar, and began to brew coffee leisurely.

When the coffee beans were boiling, Qin Ziyan took out her mobile phone and turned it on.The call notification belonging to Qiu Ze only had a few calls on the first day, and there was no news in the next few days.Pressed the call back button, earphones plugged in.He was making pastries leisurely with his hands, waiting for the answer on the phone.

Qiu Enterprises

These few days, Qiu Ze was like the eye of a typhoon, dark and stormy.Everyone in Qiu's executives is in danger. One meeting in the morning and one in the noon is like walking on eggshells.

Everyone who entered Qiu Ze's office every day came out disheveled.Any little mistake can be picked out, just like suddenly becoming a fire-eyed Jinqing.In the past, Qiu Ze would directly pick out some minor problems and throw them for revision, but now, he pointed them out directly and elicited a bunch of embarrassing words.

"Ten minutes to the conference room for a meeting."

When the secretary gave the notice, the nerves of Qiu's executives tensed up instantly. 10 minutes of waiting time, I never hoped that time would pass slowly.Everyone carefully re-reads and considers the small issues in the field under their jurisdiction.I'm afraid that something is not perfect, I'm afraid that something I didn't expect will be pointed out. At that time, it will be bloody again...

Ten minutes later, more than 10 people walked into the huge meeting room.Qiu Ze was the last to enter the conference room. When he walked into the conference room, the conference room was already quiet enough. Since Qiu Ze walked in, everyone's nerves were so tense that they couldn't even hear the sound of breathing. .Everyone's body is tense, and everyone's eyes are fixed in front of themselves.

From left to right, starting from the marketing department, the manager of the marketing department stood up tremblingly.

In fact, we are meeting every day, and we are improving every day.Some small problems, some are not easy to be found.But Qiu Ze pointed it out precisely, and everyone was silent. After listening to the manager of the marketing department, Qiu Ze picked out all the loopholes just now with a cold face.

Next, the manager of the marketing department waited with bated breath for Qiu Ze's reprimand.


The phone's ringtone suddenly rang in the office, and the ringtone immediately made the conference room gasp one after another.

"Who's calling?"

The sound of anger made everyone present feel excited.All the people looked at the people around them one after another, who dared not adjust the vibration when they entered the conference room.I remember that a week ago, Manager X came in too hastily and forgot to turn off the phone.The phone rang in the middle of the meeting, when Qiu Ze's anger...

Everyone checked their mobile phones and was quietly relieved to find that it wasn't theirs.And when everyone realized it wasn't theirs, they all turned their eyes to Qiu Ze.

Qiu Ze originally looked at the manager of the marketing department gloomyly, when everyone looked at Qiu Ze.Qiu Ze frowned slightly, and the secretary also turned his gaze to Qiu Ze.Looking at Qiu Ze's mobile phone, it was blinking, and the voice was coming from it.

"President Qiu, your phone number."

Qiu Ze's expression was startled, and his eyes quickly turned to his mobile phone.When he was in a meeting, only one number was tuned.

When he saw the flashing words on the screen, Qiu Ze's expression changed insignificantly.But he quickly restrained himself, stood up with the mobile phone in one hand, and said coldly to the marketing manager: "Next time, just pack up and leave. The Qiu family does not support idlers who are incompetent."

After speaking, he picked up his phone and walked out.

When the door of the conference room closed, the marketing manager's legs softened and he sat down.And everyone also breathed out, looking at each other, waiting for Qiu Ze who came back from answering the phone to break their souls.

Qiu Ze stood in the office, looking at the darkened phone in his hand.After waiting for a few seconds, the phone still didn't turn on again, his brows slowly frowned again, his face became more and more gloomy and terrifying, and the light in his eyes slowly dimmed again.

The mobile phone in his hand was clasped tightly, and his eyes were fixed on it.




Just when I was about to call back, the phone turned on again.Almost incapable of thinking about waiting for a few seconds before answering, Qiu Ze had already picked up the phone directly.



Qiu Ze listened to the familiar voice from the phone, and the anger in his heart just now seemed to have settled down suddenly.That voice seemed to have a soothing function, calming down all the complicated emotions in his heart.

Listening to Qiu Ze's pretendingly deep voice, Qin Ziyan raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Where are you?"


Another moment of silence...

Qin Ziyan waited patiently, but the movements of her hands did not stop.


"Well, is something wrong?"

Qiu Ze tugged at his tie, as if feeling bound.One action, fully expressing the emotions in my heart.

"Nothing, just made coffee, made pastries, and I'm going to call you to the coffee shop. If you're busy, let's make an appointment next time."

Qin Ziyan's voice was still faint, and she was about to hang up the phone after speaking.

"Qin Ziyan."

Qiu Ze's voice rose slightly, and his face was distorted.Qin Ziyan couldn't see Qiu Ze's expression, but she could also imagine his expression at this time.Sometimes, Qiu Ze is really like a child.The two had known each other for too long, and she knew too many things about him.He was too defenseless and transparent in front of her.As a result, I know him too well, even better than him.

I don't know if this kind of understanding is good or bad.


This time it was Qin Ziyan...

"I'll be there in half an hour."


Smiling and hung up the phone, Qin Ziyan put the phone aside.

Qiu Ze stared at the phone for a few seconds, a little surprised by the last few words he said.From receiving her call to now, there is always an emotion rippling in my heart inexplicably.Wanted to see her, that was clear.

Holding the phone in hand, Qiu Ze went straight out.The secretary waited outside the meeting room, and immediately walked over when he saw Qiu Ze was about to leave.

"President Qiu?"

"The meeting is postponed until tomorrow."

"Ah... oh, I will notify you immediately."

The secretary was slightly taken aback, but immediately nodded in agreement, turned around and walked towards the conference room.Qiu Ze went all the way into the elevator, got in the car, and drove to Qin Ziyan's coffee shop.Open the door, the store manager is busy.They walked upstairs without looking sideways, and the people in twos and threes on the second floor all looked sideways when they saw Qiu Ze.

Qiu Ze rarely comes here at this time, and his outstanding appearance always attracts people's attention.The soothing music was still playing on the second floor, and Qin Ziyan was still standing at the bar.As if he had calculated the time correctly, when Qiu Ze came, he put the pastry in his hand on the bar counter and said to Qiu Ze: "The pastry is ready."

Qiu Ze's suit was draped over his arm, and he stood there looking straight at Qin Ziyan.She was still the same, calm and smiling.Every movement is still so elegant and casual, and the pastry is still the same taste.The aroma of coffee is worn in the nose, and the aroma has a long-lost feeling.

"What are you in a daze for, haven't you seen each other for a week?"

Qin Ziyan was pouring coffee here, picked up two cups of coffee, turned around and left the bar.

"You also know that you have been missing for a week inexplicably."

Qiu Ze stood there, looking at Qin Ziyan's back, his voice could not hide his indifference and accusation.

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