the president's wife

Chapter 026: I owe him too much

Chapter 026: I owe him too much, and the love you gave is too deep and selfless, making me feel that it is a sin not to be able to respond. ------Cheng Hanlei.

In the bedroom, Cheng Hanlei lay there quietly.He cried in the study until he fainted in Lei Chenyi's arms, and was carried into the bedroom.He was dizzy as if he had fallen into an illusion. In that world, he was still there.

Opening her eyes, Cheng Hanlei looked at the familiar ceiling and Lei Chenyi who was sitting by the bed.The reality and the dream couldn't be distinguished for a moment, his eyes fixed on Lei Chenyi's face, looking at his worry-filled eyes, his heart clenched again.This is not a dream, Jue, he is really gone...

He closed his eyes, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

A pair of big hands gently wiped away her tears.Cheng Hanlei didn't open her eyes, tears flowed quietly.She knew that she was Lei Chenyi's wife and the child's mother.She shouldn't be crying for another man at this time, but the pain in her heart can't be suppressed.Her rationality could not overcome her emotions. Too many complicated emotions came together, and she was so painful that she didn't even know how to express it in words.

Cheng Hanlei opened her eyes dimly, looking at Lei Chenyi who was sitting beside her.I don't know how many times I opened my eyes and saw Lei Chenyi's eyes full of pain, Cheng Hanlei's lips twitched, wanting to call her husband.I wanted to say I'm sorry, but looking at Lei Chenyi, the tears fell even more uncontrollably.

"Eat something? You haven't eaten all day and night?"

Lei Chenyi's voice was very gentle, which made Cheng Hanlei's heart ache even more.She was heartbroken because of another man, yet Lei Chenyi, who was so domineering towards his feelings, was forgiving himself with the greatest tolerance.Even though she was not hungry at all, and had no taste at all, Cheng Hanlei obediently let Lei Chenyi help her up.

Lei Chenyi stretched out his hand to take the porridge on one side, and the warm porridge that had already blown on it exuded an aroma.

"This is the shredded chicken porridge I bought from the market early in the morning."

Lei Chenyi's voice stated softly, Cheng Hanlei felt guilty, and her eyes widened again.Looking at the porridge he fed to her mouth, she opened her mouth and pressed it into her lips.I swallowed without chewing, and I didn't seem to feel what I ate with my empty stomach.Lei Chenyi fed two more spoonfuls, and Cheng Hanlei obediently ate them all.

On the fourth bite, the stomach seemed to be repelling.The few mouthfuls of porridge she had just eaten turned outward, and Cheng Hanlei's face was already sickly, with no blood at all.At this moment, he covered his lips in discomfort and bent down.I vomited out all the stuff in my abdomen, and retched until I couldn't vomit anything...

Lei Chenyi yelled at the doctor again, feeling a series of examinations in a daze.The final diagnosis sounded faintly in his ears, because he was too sad and refused to eat.

"Cheng Hanlei."

Lei Chenyi sat on the side of the bed, looking at Cheng Hanlei who was rapidly haggard, his heart ached terribly.The monstrous anger was on his face, but when he met Cheng Hanlei's guilty and sad eyes.Lei Chenyi's anger seemed to be drowned out by a basin of cold water, and his heartache covered up everything.

He couldn't bear to blame her, because he knew how much Shangguanjue's departure was a blow to her.If it wasn't because he knew, he wouldn't have kept it a secret from her all these years.

A sigh made Cheng Hanlei's heart ache.

She wanted to eat, and didn't want Lei Chenyi to worry.However, the pain in her heart made her unable to convince herself, she could only watch Lei Chenyi suffer with her...

Standing beside the bed was a stand for drips, and some nutrient solution and glucose were infused together.

Cheng Hanlei fell into a deep sleep again, and vaguely heard what Lei Chenyi and the children said outside.Hearing the children's worried questions, Cheng Hanlei wanted to open her eyes and get up and tell the children that she was fine.But the heavy eyelids drooped down again, and fell into a daze again...

In this life, she owed Shangguan Jue too much...

What's more, during the one month with him, all she wanted in her heart was to return to Lei Chenyi's side, and what she wanted was another man, and she didn't even pretend to be sincere.He was so good, so good that she felt that it was a sin for her not to respond to him.

Cheng Hanlei is sick...

I have been falling asleep dizzily, half asleep and half awake, falling asleep and waking up suddenly, not sleeping deeply, but I can't always cheer up.Close your eyes, some pictures of the past flashed in front of your eyes.

The first time he struck up a conversation with himself, he looked like a playboy. At that time, he was still holding a senior sister who couldn't remember the face in his arms.Those peach blossom eyes thought they were full of electricity to discharge her, but because of her indifference and silence, the smile froze on her face.

He said he wanted to chase after him, but he hit a wall again and again.It was a joke at the beginning, and then he found that there were fewer and fewer women around him, and he spent more and more time pestering her.

He peeked at his hobbies and took himself to the piano room.There, he confessed to himself.At that time, the first time I was young and ignorant, and the first time I was moved, it was the first time I felt warmth from others after entering Lei's house.

Because of Lei Chenyi's threat, she rejected him, saying she was playing tricks on him.At that time, he was so angry that he raised his hand and wanted to hit himself, but because of reluctance, he withdrew his hand and left.After a car accident, I was worried about going to the hospital to see him secretly, and heard the little nurse say that he was still calling my name when he was asleep. At that time, the warmth in my heart, the feeling of being cared by someone, was very good.He said he would protect her, and at that moment, she was moved.

In a daze, Cheng Hanlei couldn't tell the difference.If it weren't for Lei Chenyi's strength, would she have turned into liking and then love because of the warmth given by Shangguanjue?

He was still limping out of the hospital. In his own little world, he told himself that she was the only thing he wanted to have when he grew up, and he was true to himself.At that moment, she, who had been living humblely, seemed to have found support, and wanted to try to believe for once, believing that he could protect herself.She became his girlfriend, but because of this, Lei Chenyi was angered...

She was forcibly snatched by Lei Chenyi, he stood outside the glass window and left in shock.She dragged her broken body and hid in her own small world, feeling that the little faith she had just ignited was destroyed.It was he who turned back and hugged her in the rain, and told her that no matter what she became, she was still his favorite.He wanted her, now, and in the future.The firm tone made her believe that he would protect her and never let such a thing happen again.Soothe her pain and sadness of being robbed of her innocence, and warm her with his arms.

He is the best person to her, and he never got any benefits from her, but he treats her well without hesitation.

He found a new house for her, he negotiated terms with her father for her, and he planned every step of the future for her.In the end, the result was the defeat of Shangguan's family, and he was forced to leave his hometown and go to England.He gave her the purest feelings, the most sincere sincerity.But she hurt him to the bone, was forced to go to England, and fell to the root of the disease.

Tears welled up again. I always feel that I have forgotten many things in the past.Close your eyes at this moment, everything is so clear in front of your eyes.He is kind to himself, his expression, his eyes, his hug.

When he came back from England, he should have firmly believed in recovering from himself the harm he had suffered.However, he couldn't bear to hurt even a little bit.

He dressed her up and made her the most beautiful bride for Lei Chenyi.He delayed the treatment again and again for himself, if he had treated earlier, would the result not be like this.If it wasn't for him, wouldn't he have the root cause of the disease, wouldn't he die?

It was her, she personally ruined his life little by little.Let a man who loves her so selflessly have no chance of survival.

"It was I... who killed him..."

In the middle of the night, Cheng Hanlei muttered a word.

"It was me who killed him..."

Lei Chenyi opened his eyes almost immediately, and the tall body leaning on the side immediately got up.Turning on the bedside lamp, she turned her head to look at Cheng Hanlei's wide open eyes, those beautiful eyes were full of self-blame and guilt, she fell into her own world.

"Leilei, it's not your fault."

"It was me who killed him..."

Cheng Hanlei just muttered this sentence, if it wasn't for her, Shangguan Jue would still be alive and well.He will meet a woman worthy of his love, be happy, and have children.It was she who prevented Shangguan Jue from having such an opportunity, it was her fault...

No matter what Lei Chenyi and Cheng Hanlei said, she couldn't seem to listen.

After midnight, Cheng Hanlei silently stopped talking.He didn't sleep either, just stared blankly at the ceiling with his eyes open.Early the next morning, Lei Chenyi looked at the worried eyes of the three children, forced himself to touch the heads of the three babies and said: "Your mother is fine, she just fell asleep, don't wake her up. Auntie has already made breakfast Yes, let the driver take you to school after eating."

"I want to see mom."

Lei Zitong looked at the closed door, and hadn't seen her mother for almost two days.

"Father, Mom likes me telling her jokes the most. If I tell Mom a joke, Mom will be fine."

Lei Zitong pulled Lei Chenyi's sleeve...

"When you come back from school at night, be obedient."

Lei Chenyi's voice was full of tiredness.


Cheng Beibei pulls Lei Zitong sensiblely, and winks at Lei Zitong, who purses his lips and nods.

The three kids went down to breakfast and said goodbye to him and went to school.The house was quiet again, and not long after, the psychiatrist came over.

Cheng Hanlei suffers from depression...

After An Ran knew that Cheng Hanlei was ill, she rushed over immediately.

"I'll talk to her."

An Ran looked at Lei Chenyi who came to open the door, with a haggard look, the matter seemed to be more serious than she imagined.She also knew about Shangguan Jue's absence.Shangguan Rui had told her a long time ago, but they, like Shangguan Jue, hoped that Cheng Hanlei would not know about this matter.

Anyone who has experienced everything knows what position Shangguanjue holds in Cheng Hanlei's heart. He is considered a very important existence in Cheng Hanlei's heart.Even if it has nothing to do with love, if she loses it, what kind of pain will she feel.No one can guarantee that after knowing that Shangguan Jue is not there, Cheng Hanlei can recover quickly with just shedding tears.

Pushing open the bedroom door, An Ran looked at Cheng Hanlei who was sitting there.Nutrient solution was still inserted in her arm, Lei Chenyi could only feed her something mouth to mouth every day.Although she stopped vomiting, Cheng Hanlei seldom spoke.The whole person seems to be sunk in his own world, which is a world that no one can enter.

Shangguanjue's death dealt a great blow to Cheng Hanlei.It was more serious than they imagined, because they believed too much that Shangguan Jue was alive and healthy, and they were not mentally prepared to bear the fact that Shangguan Jue left.It was a bigger blow than knowing Shangguan Jue's limited life before, which none of them thought of...

"Han Lei."

An Ran walked over and reached out to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand.She was wearing a thick coat, but her hands were still shockingly cold.

"Han Lei."

An Ran sat beside Cheng Hanlei, under the warm sunshine, Cheng Hanlei's face was pale and translucent.Those eyes were wide open, staring blankly at a certain place.After An Ran yelled twice, Cheng Hanlei's gaze slowly turned to An Ran.

"An Ran, you're here."

very soft voice...

"Han Lei, look how thin you have become, may I go and cook you something to eat?"

"I do not want to eat."

Shaking her head, she has no taste.

"Then shall we go out for a walk?"

"I'm so tired, I don't want to move, how about next time?"

"Han Lei..."

An Ran wanted to say something else, but Cheng Hanlei squinted her eyes tiredly and said, "An Ran, I'm so sleepy. I want to rest for a while."

After finishing speaking, before An Ran could speak, she had already leaned on the recliner and fell into a drowsy sleep.The sound of shallow breathing proved that she had fallen asleep.The sun was shining on her body, and Lei Chenyi was standing behind him, he looked at Cheng Hanlei's almost transparent little face, the pain in his eyes could not be concealed.

In the evening, Lei Zitong and Lei Zixuan finished class first and came back earlier.His face was bruised and purple, and his clothes were dirty.The situation of Lei Zixuan and Lei Zitong was not much different, and the two walked into the house.Both An Ran and Lei Chenyi were taken aback, Lei Chenyi looked at Lei Zitong's injured little face with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

She no longer hugged Lei Zitong in her arms to comfort her as before, but said in a cold voice: "Lei Zitong, Lei Zixuan, go to the study room immediately, and you won't be allowed to eat tonight."


"No matter how naughty you are, Dad can tolerate you. But now your mother is sick, and you clearly know that what your mother dislikes the most is that you fight. You are not obedient at this time, you..."

Lei Chenyi's anger was written all over his face, this was the first time Lei Chenyi had such a big temper towards Lei Zitong.

Lei Zitong's eyes were full of tears, looking at Lei Chenyi's face full of anger, tears rolled out.Biting her lips, she went upstairs to the study room, and Lei Zixuan had always been afraid of Lei Chenyi, but today when she saw her sister walking upstairs, she raised her lowered head and spoke softly but firmly. Said: "Father, you blamed my sister wrongly."

The anger on Lei Chenyi's face hadn't dissipated yet, his eyes turned to Lei Zixuan, and Lei Zixuan tightly clenched his hands in fear.But still boldly said: "My sister just wants to fight and hurt herself, so that my mother will scold her when she sees it. In this way, my mother will talk to us. She wants to see her mother's vitality, unlike now This way. She doesn't want her mother to be sick..."


Lei Zitong just walked to the stairs, and after hearing Lei Zixuan's words, he burst into tears.

Lei Chenyi's heart was stabbed like a knife.Stepping forward a few steps, he hugged Lei Zitong into his arms.Lei Zitong cried aloud with aggrievedness, and was held in Lei Chenyi's arms and cried, "Dad, I don't want to see my mother like this, I want my mother to blame me and punish me. Dad, what happened to my mother? When will mom be well?"

Cheng Hanlei was awakened by the sound outside and opened the door.When the calm little face heard Lei Zitong's words, she stood on the stairs and looked at the dirty Lei Zitong downstairs, listening to what she said crying.

Tears just flowed out without warning, and I haven't shed tears for two days.

Cheng Hanlei slowly slid down her body, making everyone downstairs look towards the stairs with a bang.


Lei Chenyi immediately put down Lei Zitong, and strode upstairs, three steps turned into two.He quickly walked to Cheng Hanlei's side, hugged Cheng Hanlei with his big arms, and raised Cheng Hanlei's face nervously.

A face full of tears...

"Mom, Niannian got into a fight today. Mom, please scold Niannian."

Lei Zitong stood beside Cheng Hanlei with eyes red from crying, her little face was covered with bruises, and her pretty appearance was greatly discounted.The school uniform is full of mud and dirty.Listening to Lei Zitong's words, Cheng Hanlei burst into tears.He reached out and hugged Lei Zitong into his arms, and said hoarsely, "Baby, I'm sorry."

Lei Zitong heard Cheng Hanlei talking to him, and burst into tears again.Lei Zixuan stood aside with red eyes, obviously wanted to cry, but didn't dare to cry.A man sweats like a man, he bleeds but not tears.This is what my father taught himself, although at this time, he really wanted to cry.

His lips were pursed tightly, and his eyes were wide open.Stand there, pretending to be strong.An Ran stood behind the family of four, watching Cheng Hanlei crying with her arms around Lei Zitong.

Lei Chenyi put his arms around his wife and daughter, looking at Lei Zixuan who was standing there wanting to cry but not daring to cry, his eyes were red.Stretching out his hand to put his son in his arms, Lei Zixuan rarely felt his father's embrace.Looking at his eyes, it was a gentle look that I had never seen before.Lei Zixuan's eye sockets became hot, and Lei Chenyi's heart ached with that expression of restraint.

"Daddy allows you to cry today."

In a word, Lei Zixuan's tears flowed down like a switch.It's not earth-shattering like Lei Zitong's crying, but the tears can't be stopped.


Cheng Hanlei and An Ran were cooking dinner in the kitchen, while Lei Zitong and Lei Zixuan stood at the door of the kitchen, looking into the kitchen.Occasionally exchanged a look, discussing in a low voice.

"Is mother really cured?"

"It should be fine."

Lei Zixuan's voice was not sure, and when he was sick and cried, he suddenly got better.

"What are you two doing here?"

Lei Chenyi gave chestnuts to the two of them, Lei Zitong stuck out his tongue at Lei Chenyi, the wound on his face had already been treated, but that appearance still made Lei Chenyi feel distressed, it made people angry and funny at the same time.His daughter always had all kinds of strange things in her mind, and her strange thoughts made him, a father, speechless.

"Father, did my fight make my mother recover?"

Lei Zitong took Lei Chenyi's arm and whispered.

Lei Chenyi thought about it in his mind, and to be precise, he could say the same.

Nodding, Lei Zitong's eyes were shining.

"Dad, look, it's good for me to fight. When I fight in the future, if my mother scolds me and punishes me, you should continue to cover me."

Lei Chenyi couldn't help but laugh at that smug little face...

"Nian Nian, Dad didn't mean to kill you just now."

"I know, I know, you also care about your mother. Ann, I understand."

Lei Zitong looked like a little adult, and patted his underdeveloped chest. Needless to say, I understood everything.

"Little girl, go and play."

I pinched the tip of my baby girl's nose...

Lei Zitong felt like a hero for a moment, and triumphantly walked to the sofa with Lei Zixuan.And Lei Chenyi stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at Cheng Hanlei wearing an apron.In fact, he knew that she still had a dark wound in her heart.I was able to come out just because I didn't want to worry him and the children anymore.When he left his arms after crying just now, he saw that there was still melancholy in her eyes.

As soon as Cheng Beibei came back, Lei Zitong pulled her back enthusiastically.

"Sister, do you know? Mom is already cured, and I am now a goddess doctor who can cure all diseases."

Lei Zitong dragged Cheng Beibei, showing off excitedly.That small appearance makes people speechless.

At dinner, Cheng Hanlei cooked several people's favorites.Putting them on the table one by one, Lei Chenyi knew that Cheng Hanlei wanted to use this method to make up for the guilt he had made to the children in the past few days.Both Cheng Beibei and Lei Zitong are typical foodies. When they saw the delicious food, they immediately swept away without politeness.

Lei Zixuan is relatively reserved, but when he is growing up, his taste is also very good.I haven't eaten well these few days, my father and two sisters don't taste good, and he doesn't seem to have any taste, so he doesn't eat much.Seeing that they all began to eat and eat, they immediately followed suit.

Cheng Hanlei watched, the bottomless emotions in her eyes were covered up.

An Ran and Lei Chenyi looked at each other, they both knew Cheng Hanlei well.They are not so single-minded like children, so they can't hide their worries about Cheng Hanlei in their eyes.

Cheng Hanlei accompanied the three children as before. After the children were asleep, they went to the safe room. The two chatted for a while, and Cheng Hanlei returned to her bedroom.

Lei Chenyi had already put away the bath water, and when Cheng Hanlei walked in, he said, "Take a bath first, and go to bed early today."

"it is good."

Cheng Hanlei nodded, as if she wanted to say a lot to Lei Chenyi, but for a while, there were thousands of words and countless clues, and she couldn't figure out a single clue.Stepping into the bathroom, the whole person soaked in the bathtub.In the bedroom overflowing with aroma, is my favorite aromatherapy.Cheng Hanlei closed her eyes, and a sigh echoed in the bathroom.

Standing outside, Lei Chenyi's eyes were as deep as the sea.Hearing the soft sigh in the bathroom, my heart was heavy.

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