the president's wife

Chapter 019: Bebe

Chapter 019: Beibei will hand it over to you "Ozawa, how about talking to your godmother?"

Cheng Hanlei and Anze sat in the lounge, facing each other.Cheng Hanlei looked at Anze with warm and serious eyes.Anze nodded seriously, then sat there upright.


Anze spoke first before Cheng Hanlei considered the words. Cheng Hanlei, who was thinking about how to speak, raised her eyes slightly to Anze when she heard Anze calling her.An Ze has the same pair of eyes as Shangguan Rui, when he looks at a person seriously, there is a magic power in it that makes people involuntarily focus on him.

"You watched me grow up, watched me and Beibei grow up together. I know that Beibei talked about marrying me when I was a child, but I just said it casually, but every word I said was serious. I decided Beibei, I have decided that only Beibei will be my bride in this life. I will take on the responsibilities that a man should shoulder, and give her a worry-free environment, so that she can be willful and arrogant. No matter what trouble she gets into, Whatever I do, I will clean up the mess for her."

"I know that I am only 15 years old now, and what I say is not convincing. But I am trying to make myself mature, become responsible, and become a real man. I can protect my godmother like a godfather, and I can Just like Uncle Feng protects Aunt Yuan. I will not let Beibei suffer any grievances, I will let her live happily every day. I will try my best to make myself stronger, protect her, and prevent her from being hurt by others."

"I can promise all of these, and I will definitely do it. I'm sorry for what happened today."

Anze stood up, bent at ninety degrees.To express my apology for Cheng Beibei's hands and feet in the ward, because they are still young, and being too intimate is wrong in the eyes of adults.

"Godmother, I can't guarantee that I won't do some intimate things with Beibei in the future."

Speaking of this, Anze's face was stained with a suspicious blush again. Although he had already made a draft in his heart, he still couldn't help being shy when he said it in front of Cheng Hanlei.After all, these are some private matters, but these have to be expressed.

"But I can assure my godmother that I will not overdo it. If I don't give Beibei legal recognition. I won't do anything to Beibei..."

In the end, Anze still didn't have the courage to pronounce the words.Although Cheng Hanlei was just like his own mother in his eyes, he still couldn't hide his shyness when talking about these private matters.

Cheng Hanlei looked at Anze's red ears, logically speaking, what a 15-year-old child said was completely unconvincing.But the child standing in front of him with a serious and respectful face was An Ze.I have seen older children since I was a child, and I know his nature best.

In a short paragraph, she has expressed all her concerns.

In fact, in private, she hopes that Beibei can be with Anze.But, as Anze said, they all know that Beibei is not as mature as Anze.When Beibei was a child, she kept yelling to marry Brother Ze, to be the Red Wolf, and to marry Brother Ze, the Big Gray Wolf.But that was all influenced by the joy, in her own subjective consciousness, she was still unable to make decisions about her own life.

Those words that can only be regarded as childish, no matter how serious Anze is, she still hopes that her precious daughter can be carefully considered.In full, with the normal thinking of adults.Treat feelings, with a preliminary understanding.She will make her own decision whether to be with Anze or not.Does she still want to marry Anze as she did when she was a child? If so, then she has no objection.

I just think that my daughter can not be hurt, and when I can understand what love is, she is still a girl who can choose.Rather than crossing that step with Anze, Anze was identified because of this.

"Ozawa, godmother..."

Anze is smart, so he naturally knows what Cheng Hanlei is thinking.Looking into Cheng Hanlei's eyes, she smiled.

"Godmother, I love Beibei baby Beibei as much as anyone else."

In a word, it is responsible for Cheng Beibei.It also made Cheng Hanlei feel at ease, not to mention that Cheng Hanlei spoiled some Beibei more, and thought about Beibei more.Because people who also love Beibei can know that this should be the case when thinking about Beibei.

"Ozawa, Beibei will be handed over to you, the godmother is very relieved."

Anze didn't speak, but had a firm expression on his face. At the age of 15, he is already willing to shoulder Cheng Beibei's happiness.


Because Anze was leaving early tomorrow morning, Cheng Beibei didn't want to sleep until very late at night, so he pulled Anze and whispered.Many topics have been repeated many times, but Cheng Beibei never stops talking.

Anze listened patiently, without a hint of impatience on his face.

Lei Chenyi was resting inside, and from time to time he had to lift the quilt and get out of bed to have a look.

So, repeated ten times.Cheng Hanlei was angry, Cheng Hanlei was always woken up by Lei Chenyi before squinting.

He went to work and held meetings for so long during the day, and he was tossing like this when he lay in bed at night and wanted to sleep peacefully.

"Lei Chenyi, what do you think Ozawa can do if the two of us sleep in it? Can you be more calm!"

Pulling Lei Chenyi with one hand, he pulled Lei Chenyi's body that had just sat up and lay down.One leg directly went up to Lei Chenyi's waist, pushing Lei Chenyi down.There was no trace of sleepiness in Lei Chenyi's eyes, and he was focused on staying outside.If he hadn't seen Cheng Beibei's red and swollen lips with his own eyes, he wouldn't have known that Anze had made such a quick move.

The most he could convince himself from the bottom of his heart was a kiss, but he still...

This brat, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.Lei Chenyi has been angry for several hours from evening to eleven o'clock now.

"I'm worried."

Lei Chenyi's expression was very serious. When he thought of how beautiful his precious daughter was, what would he do if he was taken advantage of...

"Lei Chenyi, whether you are annoying or not, I have already told you, Ozawa has already promised that he will not do anything to Beibei before getting married..."

"Can you trust a man's words?"

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi amusedly... That glance was full of coquettishness...

Lei Chenyi's heart suddenly softened, and he looked at Cheng Hanlei.

"Lei Chenyi, don't play hooligans."

As soon as Cheng Hanlei saw Lei Chenyi's eyes, she immediately shrank back and quickly retracted her arms.

Now Lei Chenyi finally turned his attention back from the outside, looked at Cheng Hanlei, and hugged Cheng Hanlei back with his big arms.

"Honey, I've been hungry for over a week."

"If you move around again, I'll chop off your hand. Beibei and the others are outside, waiting to go home..."

"If you make further progress, you will feel better."

If you don't starve to death, you will also starve to thin you!

He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and he already has a plan in mind...

Seeing that Lei Chenyi was in peace, Cheng Hanlei hugged Lei Chenyi tightly and closed his eyes.

Now, Lei Chenyi is really good, he didn't keep running towards the door, and opened the door to see if Anze took advantage of Cheng Beibei...


On the hospital bed outside, Cheng Beibei was already very sleepy.The upper eyelids are closing the lower eyelids, but still stubbornly holding Anze's hand, unwilling to close their eyes and sleep.

"Smelly Anze."

He murmured for An Ze, and pouted his lips high.

An Ze looked at Cheng Beibei's coquettish appearance, and his heart softened.The promise he made must be fulfilled, and his hard work is no longer necessary for his mother, who already has someone to protect her.All his efforts now are only for a little woman. In order to get this baby in front of him quickly, he needs to work harder.

"Bebe, be good and go to bed."

"No, you leave when I fall asleep."

Cheng Beibei pouted even higher, and the grievance in his eyes became even more obvious.

An Ze couldn't even tell a white lie about promises he couldn't keep.

"Brother Ze, can you stay with Beibei for a few more days?"

Cheng Beibei put her small face on his hand, looking like a docile kitten.People say that for the sake of beauty, the king does not go to court early.At this time, Anze had the urge to stay with Cheng Beibei regardless of everything, but hoped that she would only have a smile on her face, instead of such a grievance and pity.

He spent too little time with her.

Too little, he felt guilty.

Pursing her thin lips, she didn't answer for a while.He understood what the result of his violation of discipline would be.What he needs is the best, without any flaws.He had to do his best, not only for himself, but also for the little woman in front of him.

"Brother Ze, Beibei is sleepy and going to bed."

A look of sadness flashed across Cheng Beibei's eyes, but he smiled obediently at Anze.As if the question just now hadn't been asked, he finished speaking self-consciously, then yawned, then pulled the quilt to cover himself, and closed his eyes.

Anze's heart twitched...

Seeing Cheng Beibei's eyelashes still trembling slightly, his heart softened.

This is the little woman he put in his heart, who can be willful and unreasonable for small things.But when encountering some things, she is well-behaved and sensible, which makes people feel distressed.

For a while, the ward became very quiet.As the clock ticked, Cheng Beibei's breathing finally began to calm down.Slowly fell asleep, and slept deeply.

Anze held Cheng Beibei's hand, and sat on the side like this, looking at Cheng Beibei's small face all the time, never closing his eyes.

"Beibei, I promise you that I will definitely come back to marry you as soon as possible. Let the godmother and godfather rest assured that you will be entrusted to my care."

Gently stroking the sleeping Cheng Beibei's small face with his hand, An Ze's eyes were full of deep affection.

Early the next morning, it was just dawn

Cheng Beibei woke up with a start, her eyes opened suddenly.When he moved his hand, it was empty.Looking to the side, Anze who was sitting on the side was no longer by his side.His eyes stopped on a piece of letter paper left by the bed, on which was written with a pen.Cheng Beibei reached out and took it, which was left by Anze for himself.

The items listed above are the parts that tell him to be obedient, although he has verbally reminded him several times yesterday.

Cheng Beibei read them one by one, feeling a little complicated in his heart.It seems that after this meeting.She felt a little different about Anze, and Cheng Beibei didn't know what was different for a while.

"Bebe, why did you wake up so early?"

Lei Chenyi got up very early, looking at Cheng Beibei's wide-open eyes.Go over and touch her little face.

"Daddy, morning."

Cheng Beibei suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, and then greeted Lei Chenyi sweetly.

"Bei Bei, the godmother will come to take care of you today. In a few days, Dad will help you with the discharge procedures, okay?"

"it is good."

Cheng Beibei nodded in agreement and looked at Lei Chenyi.Hearing that he was going to be discharged from the hospital, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, very happy.Living in a hospital is really uncomfortable.

An Ran came very early, and brought the breakfast she made by the way. She originally wanted to come over to see Ozawa off, but who knew that Ozawa would make his own car and leave early in the morning.This child is really becoming more and more independent.

Cheng Beibei was eating breakfast and chatting with An Ran.And Lei Chenyi ate breakfast very quickly, after eating, he looked at Cheng Hanlei who was still eating.Holding Cheng Hanlei with her big hand, she said, "Honey, I'm in a hurry today. I'll eat on the way."

Holding the breakfast in one hand, and holding Cheng Hanlei in the other.After saying hello to An Ran, she pulled Cheng Hanlei out of the ward.

Cheng Hanlei was dragged into the car, still confused.Hearing Lei Chenyi say that there are some things that need to be rushed, last night he didn't tell himself that today will be earlier.I didn't see him answering the phone this morning. Something happened suddenly.

Turn sideways and help Cheng Hanlei fasten his seat belt.Holding the breakfast, Cheng Hanlei raised her hand high, lowered her head and asked Lei Chenyi...

"What's the matter, so hurried."


Lei Chenyi answered seriously, turned around after fastening the seat belt, and after fastening the seat belt himself, the car drove out of the hospital.Cheng Hanlei ate her breakfast and didn't ask any more questions.The scenery by the window flew by, and Cheng Hanlei realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the road after Lei Chenyi drove a few intersections.

"Aren't you going to the company?"

"It's still early."

Lei Chenyi's answer was somewhat perfunctory, Cheng Hanlei frowned.He stretched out his hand and pinched Lei Chenyi's thigh, and couldn't help but give Lei Chenyi a blank look...

"Not going to the company, what are you in such a hurry for?"

An Ran came, said hello, and left, as if she was in a rush to do something.


This man really doesn't know how to hide.

When Lei Chenyi felt Cheng Hanlei's gaze, Feidan didn't hold back at all.And even more arrogant, to such an extent that Cheng Hanlei couldn't help but look away.

"Honey, we haven't done anything here in the car for a long time."

The car stopped suddenly, in the underground parking lot of a club.The surrounding light is very dark, and the car lights inside are not turned on, which creates an ambiguous atmosphere.Cheng Hanlei was suddenly pulled into his arms by Lei Chenyi, the flirtatious voice made Cheng Hanlei angry and funny.

Four 10 minutes later...

Cheng Hanlei's sweaty long hair was scattered behind her back, while Lei Chenyi was refreshed and full of vitality.Looking at Cheng Hanlei lying in her arms, she looked so tired that she was having difficulty breathing.The big hands were doing a perfect job gently, Cheng Hanlei didn't even have the strength to move.Although it was not long, he was too eager and purposeful, so a few 10 minutes passed.

The two quarreled in the car for a while, after finishing their clothes, Lei Chenyi opened some car windows.Let the fresh air from outside pour in, blowing away the ambiguity in the car.



An Ran accompanied Cheng Beibei to have breakfast, after breakfast.The specially hired nurse came over at nine o'clock, and An Ran talked with Cheng Beibei for a while. Cheng Beibei didn't sleep well last night.As I talked, I became a little sleepy after ten o'clock.

The eyes drooped a few times, then slowly closed, and soon there was a sound of even breathing.

After An Ran reached out to help Cheng Beibei pull the quilt, she sat and read today's newspaper.The nurse went out to help Cheng Beibei get some water for nutrition and some prescribed medicine.And some basic checks to be done in the afternoon to make some preparations.

An Ran looked at the mobile phone that was put aside, and finally felt a little uneasy.After the gun went off the night before yesterday, Shangguan Rui called her early the next morning. An Ran didn't know what to say to Shangguan Rui, so she silently let the phone ring several times.Until last night, Shangguan Rui called her to go out and talk to her.

She refused on the pretext that she wanted to take care of Niannian and Xuanxuan at night, but this morning, Shangguan Rui made a few more phone calls.She pretended she was making breakfast and didn't hear it. Until now, the phone has not rang again.An Ran sat for nearly an hour, the newspaper didn't move, it was still on that page, she didn't read a single word.


Hoarse voice, slightly tired.When An Ran heard Shangguan Rui's voice, the hand holding the newspaper paused slightly.

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