the president's wife

Chapter 006: Onset

Chapter 006: Classroom [-], Year [-]

In the last class in the afternoon, the window was opened, the breeze was blowing gently, and the hair on the temples was gently fluttering with the wind.The language teacher was talking about the contents of the textbook on the podium, and Cheng Beibei, who was sitting in the second row, was a little distracted.From time to time, I looked down at the time, and the get out of class was over in 5 minutes.

"Cheng Beibei, where did I go?"

At some point, the language teacher walked up to Cheng Beibei's side and knocked on Cheng Beibei's table, with a hint of displeasure in his voice.It is not ordinary obvious that he dared to distract himself in his class.

"Teacher, you just got to the second paragraph on page five..."

"What did I just say?"

Cheng Beibei's pretty face was full of confidence. She finished what the teacher said just now verbatim, and then turned her gaze to the teacher.The one who was blocked had nothing to say. He looked at Cheng Beibei, a student who was a bit of a headache when he said it, but he always kept at the top of all subjects.Just after finishing speaking, the get out of class bell rang.

Even though he was still a little unhappy, he didn't make things difficult for Cheng Beibei anymore.The teachers at Cheng Beibei's background school probably knew that picking criticism would not be good for his future.

"get out of class."

After Cheng Beibei heard what the teacher said, she immediately put the schoolbag that she had packed up on her shoulder, turned around and walked out.

"Nian Nian, help me take my schoolbag home and tell my parents that I'll be back later."

Stuffing the schoolbag into Lei Zitong's arms, Cheng Beibei has already run out of the school without looking.In order to buy time, the image and so on have to be sidelined.Moreover, she has never had an image at all.

"Sister, where are you going?"

Lei Zitong hugged her schoolbag, looking at Cheng Beibei's almost invisible back, a little speechless...


Cheng Beibei reached out to stop the car, and after reporting the address, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Last night, Anze called himself.The two haven't seen each other for three months. Although it's not a holiday this time, he has already arranged a time. This time, he can stay for two hours when he passes by S city.Although two hours is short, I haven't seen him for four months, and I really miss him.

With a blushing face, Cheng Beibei, who is in the second year of junior high school, already has many more suitors around her.There are as many love letters as there are seniors and juniors.The drawers are full of delicious things every day. Cheng Beibei listens to Anze's words, and every time he receives them, he obediently gives all of them to his classmates, so that Cheng Beibei's popularity in the class is extremely high.

She is beautiful and easy to get along with.It is rare to be able to mingle with both boys and girls. Although he is not the monitor, he is more charismatic than the monitor.Not being the squad leader is entirely because Cheng Beibei hates trouble.

Maybe it's because of Anze's relationship, now Cheng Beibei feels weak and weak when he sees his seniors and juniors.The small body made her feel unattractive, like Anze's muscles have gradually developed, and the whole feeling is very safe, which makes her feel that Anze is the most handsome and attractive man among the boys she knows now.

There are still 10 minutes left before the agreed time, Cheng Beibei glanced at the traffic ahead, and hurriedly urged: "Uncle driver, can you go faster?"

Cheng Beibei is too pretty, and her smile is too sweet.The driver who called uncle was elated, and smiled back at Cheng Beibei who was sitting in the back and said, "Leave it to uncle."

After the words fell, the driver had already picked an alley, and 10 minutes later, the car had parked at the agreed place.

It is only 10 minutes away from the train station, and there are a lot of pedestrians coming and going.Cheng Beibei stood at the agreed place, it was very quiet, there was an alley behind, and a KFC store was just a few minutes' walk ahead.After she and Anze sat inside for a while, Cheng Beibei thought and waited patiently.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Cheng Beibei glanced at the time.Looking in the direction of the station, he still didn't see An Ze's figure.

Cheng Beibei pursed her mouth unhappily. She rushed over in such a hurry because she was afraid of wasting the time for the two of them to meet, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

Cheng Beibei muttered, picked up the phone and called Anze.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area."

Cheng Beibei hung up the phone angrily...

"Stinky Anze, you dare to be late, come and see how I deal with you."

Cheng Beibei was muttering, even though he said so, his eyes were still looking in the direction of the train station.After waiting for another half an hour or so, the sky had gradually darkened, but An Ze's figure was still not seen.Cheng Beibei's expression has completely dimmed now, and he is really angry.

In a flash, half an hour had passed, and Cheng Beibei started calling again.Still unable to get through the phone, Cheng Beibei listened to the single official female voice, and was so angry that he wanted to smash the couple's mobile phone that Anze gave him.

"Stinky Anze, smelly Anze."

Cheng Beibei was so depressed that she wanted to tear Anze apart, if Anze was in front of her.Cheng Beibei's voice became slightly louder as he kicked the pebbles on the ground.

After another 10 minutes, Cheng Beibei turned around and was about to leave.

Don't wait, smelly Anze, she won't forgive him.

If you miss the appointment, you will miss the appointment, and there is not even a letter.That's how you let your pigeons go, bastard.

"Little sister, are you waiting for a boy named An Ze?"

As soon as Cheng Beibei turned around, he saw a man approaching him with an anxious look on his face.Cheng Beibei looked at the person vigilantly. Both mother and father had confessed, and they had seen it in the police report, and they should not talk to strangers.However, hearing him mention Anze's name, although Cheng Beibei was on guard, he couldn't help asking, "How do you know Anze?"

"It was Anze who asked me to come here to tell you that he was late just now, and he ran into a car because he didn't see the car in order to come. Now he is being sent to the hospital one stop ahead. I am afraid that you are waiting here in vain. Let me inform you for him."

"What did you say?"

Cheng Beibei was dumbfounded when he heard about the car accident.Nervously grabbing the man's arm with one hand, he asked in a trembling voice, "How is An Ze? Is the injury serious?"

"I... I don't know... I have already called an ambulance and sent him to the hospital. You should go to the hospital to see the specific situation."

"Hospital... where is the hospital? Uncle, where is the hospital?"

Cheng Beibei felt as if he had lost his soul and lost his mind. Pulling that person was like pulling at straws.

"Little sister, don't worry. Uncle will take you to take a taxi. Here, the station is crowded at this time, so it's not easy to take a taxi. Take a taxi here, and the hospital will be there soon. Don't worry, your friend will be fine."

While comforting, the man led Cheng Beibei to an alley.Cheng Beibei didn't doubt that he was there, and immediately followed the man forward.Both of them walked in a hurry, and Cheng Beibei was worried about Anze, so he walked even more hastily.No wonder I couldn't get through on my phone. It turned out that there was a car accident.The phone must have been smashed to be out of service.

The more Cheng Beibei thought about it, the more worried he became, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Cheng Beibei's vision was a little blurry, and her feet were choking, and she immediately reached out to wipe away her tears.The anxious worry at the beginning seems to have eased a bit.Cheng Beibei found that he followed a man in front of him and had already walked deep into the alley.I was startled, and suddenly remembered the reminders from my parents.Cheng Beibei has always been clever, and he quickly figured out the situation in front of him.

His footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned around and wanted to run back.However, at some point, three big men who were more than a head taller than him followed behind him.Cheng Beibei could not help clenching her little hands quietly. She has a few kicks and kicks. Although she doesn't like martial arts, because Nian Nian has learned it, she will occasionally learn two moves.There is no problem in self-defense, but it is very difficult to deal with the four people who are obviously accomplices in front of them.

Cheng Beibei's back was leaning against the wall, her face was already white.Looking at the situation in front of her from the corner of her eye, she was caught between the four of them, and no one could escape.

Quietly put your hands behind you, picked up your phone, and started dialing the number.

Seeing that they had successfully tricked Cheng Beibei, several people immediately moved closer to Cheng Beibei, and Cheng Beibei had already dialed Lei Chenyi's number. As soon as they connected, the man who brought her in saw the light snatched...

"Dad, save me."

After a scream, it was the sound of the phone being thrown against the wall and shattered.


Cheng Beibei's face hurt, and a slap was slapped heavily on Cheng Beibei's face.Cheng Beibei felt his ears buzzing, and immediately felt the smell of blood in his lips.She has always been doted on since she was a child, and she has never been abused like this.Cheng Beibei's eyes turned red from the pain, and her legs were stunned by the brain, and she fell to her knees softly.

The shadows in front of him overlapped a little, looking at the debris on the ground.She wanted to get up, but she just felt that someone had already pushed her down, and a pair of hands had already clasped her school uniform.

" me..."

Cheng Beibei was a little dizzy before his eyes, his body was pressed to the ground, and he grabbed the hem of his clothes with his hands, trying to stop it.With her mouth covered, she whimpered and murmured Anze's name.But someone grabbed his hand and pressed it aside, something pierced into the back of his hand, and Cheng Beibei suddenly woke up from the pain.The pain, the obvious feeling of blood flowing out, and the man who tricked him with his eyes was undoing his belt with one hand and pulling the zipper.Someone has started tearing at the leggings she's wearing under her skirt...

The sound of cloth being torn was so piercing that Cheng Beibei suffocated.Tears slid down the corners of her hair, and her heart tightened tighter.The whole person's breathing seemed to stop in an instant, and the suffocation made Cheng Beibei's heart hurt more and more.That long-lost feeling is flowing through the limbs and bones of the body...

Her illness... broke out...

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