the president's wife

Chapter 007: How's My Daughter?

Chapter 007: What's wrong with my daughter?

Cheng Beibei's pale and bloodless face slowly began to turn purple.The breathing became more and more rapid, the pupils began to dilate slowly, and the body twitched extremely rapidly.There was no struggle and resistance, but when the human hand caressed her body, the whole person twitched even more violently.The man's hand has torn off the leggings...


One of the men saw that something was wrong with Cheng Beibei, and immediately called out to the man who was taking out the treasure.The man glanced impatiently, when he saw Cheng Beibei's appearance.The action of pulling out the baby stopped suddenly...

"what happened?"

They just wanted to rape, they never thought about killing people.A few brothers lived by cheating and abducting, and they just got a fortune and transferred from city S.Occasionally, I saw this girl. She looked so juicy and made people feel obscene. So I circled behind her.After finding out the situation clearly, when she heard her talking about An Ze non-stop, and looking in the direction of the station from time to time, she knew in her heart that she was waiting for someone.

So, I tricked myself into the alley, prepared to vent my anger, and run away.

But didn't expect...

"Boss, are you still on?"

The other brother was obviously a little timid. If this situation really happened.If it is killed, this matter will become a big mess.

"Last p, don't run fast."

Zipper with one hand, then turn and run.Cheng Beibei was thrown into the alley, startled in pain...


Cheng Beibei's eyes became more and more distracted, and he couldn't hear anything in his ears.Anze has always been by his side since he was ill since childhood.Since returning to S city, he has not had any relapse.The disease has already been brought under control, but I didn't expect to get sick at this time.It seemed as if he could hear footsteps moving away, and Cheng Beibei's lips were squirming with bruises...

In the end, I seemed to hear a familiar voice in my ears, and the last trace of sober mind fell into a coma...


Cheng Hanlei answered the call. Lei Chenyi just came back from the company and went upstairs to take a shower.When Cheng Hanlei heard the phone ring, she picked it up and answered it.When he heard Cheng Beibei's cry for help from the phone, his legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground.Holding the armrest of the sofa with one hand, he shouted nervously: "Bebe, where are you? Bebe..."

Then there was a bang, the sound of the phone being smashed, and the other side was no longer in the service area...

Cheng Hanlei was stunned as if she had been energized by someone...


The phone in her hand had fallen to the ground, and Cheng Hanlei stumbled upstairs.With a bang, the door was pushed open, and the bathroom door was pulled open.And Lei Chenyi had just turned off the water, and he still didn't take the bathrobe in one hand.Standing there naked, seeing the open door in the mist, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, jokingly said: "Want to take a bath?"

Before the flirtatious joke came to an end, Cheng Hanlei saw tears in confusion.Her lips were trembling, her body was trembling violently...


"What's the matter? What's the matter, Beibei?"

Lei Chenyi took a step forward, only to see that Cheng Hanlei's expression was wrong.When he saw that little face that seemed to have lost all anger, there was a dazed tear in his eyes, and his hands trembled violently, trying to catch him in the air.Lei Chenyi held Cheng Hanlei's hand with one hand, and asked nervously.

"The phone... Beibei... something went wrong... Husband... Beibei... Beibei..."

Cheng Hanlei can be calm and self-sufficient in the company, once she encounters problems about children.She will immediately lose her sense of control, and she will be in a state of disorientation.Lei Chenyi's expression changed drastically, he put his arm around Cheng Hanlei, and walked out quickly without even caring about drying himself off.Picking up the phone in the room with one hand, he quickly dialed the number.

"Leilei, help me prepare my clothes."

He held Cheng Hanlei's face in one hand and confessed, and immediately made phone calls one after another. After 2 minutes, I hung up the phone.Cheng Hanlei had already started to help him get dressed, and at this moment, she was no longer shy.Regardless of whether the clothes would be uncomfortable to wear on the body full of water droplets, Lei Chenyi helped put on the clothes with his hands, quickly put on the coat, then casually brushed his hair back, looked at Cheng Hanlei and said: "Leilei, listen Come on, leave Beibei's affairs to me. Don't worry, I have everything. You wait for news at home, and I will notify you immediately if there is any news, do you hear?"


Nodding in a daze, watching Lei Chenyi stride away.Standing in the room, Cheng Hanlei felt cold all over.The past few years have become more and more comfortable, and the days are peaceful, with only occasional disputes left.Although the children occasionally make some small problems, the three children are very obedient and upright.

All along, she and Lei Chenyi have been preparing for Cheng Beibei's illness.Heart problems require surgery.However, they followed the doctor's advice and hoped that Beibei could undergo another operation at the age of 16. When Beibei was older, his body would be able to bear it better.After all, it is a heart surgery, and I want to make sure it is absolutely safe.

Cheng Beibei has always been very sensible, and he is also very clear about the seriousness of this matter.After she lost her temper during that playground run, Cheng Beibei no longer did too stimulating sports, nor did she come into contact with irritating things.I haven't even seen a horror movie this big.I was safe until I was 14 years old, and I could arrange surgery at the age of 16, but I didn't expect such an accident to happen...

her babe...

Even though Beibei is not her own, but these years, no matter whether there is Niannian and Xuanxuan or not, she and Lei Chenyi still treat Beibei as if they were their own, and it has never changed.

her baby...

Grab your arms and tighten them tightly.Because of worry and tension, the mood has not calmed down for a long time.Cheng Hanlei didn't wake up until she felt the pain in her arm.

a little bit...

Cheng Hanlei immediately wiped away her tears, and then walked to the next door.

Feng Tuoxi's relationship circle is no worse than Lei Chenyi's.Now that Zuo Jianning and Yin Kejia are still abroad, and Lei Chenyi is going to the white way, he can also ask Feng Tuoxi for help, and ask about the underworld side.For Feng Tuoxi, the underworld here will give Feng Tuoxi some face.


Yuan Diandian was developing a new dessert in the kitchen while humming a little song.In the evening, I was going to share it with Cheng Beibei, smelling the delicious smell, Yuan Diandian was very proud, thinking about how Cheng Beibei would flatter me later.I have been neighbors with Lei's family for so long, and Cheng Beibei is my favorite. The words spoken by that small mouth are the most sincere.

As soon as the freshly baked desserts were brought out of the kitchen, I saw Cheng Hanlei walking in.

"Han Lei, it's just in time. I'm going to your house right now? Is my little Beibei back? I'm going to let her taste the dim sum I just made."

With a face full of enthusiasm and excitement, after hearing Cheng Lihanlei say that Beibei had an accident, the plate in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.The sound made Feng Tuoxi, who was reading on the second floor, immediately bounce off his chair and rush upstairs quickly.

"what happened?"

He hugged Yuan Diandian nervously and watched her whole body.

Yuan Diandian was stunned, what was buzzing in his head was that something happened to Beibei.Something happened to her precious future daughter-in-law, and she wanted to please her in every possible way, just wanting to keep it so that her unworthy son could marry back as a daughter-in-law.


The more Yuan Diandian thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she burst into tears.Looking at Feng Tuoxi who was looking at him nervously, he grabbed Feng Tuoxi's collar with one hand, stood on tiptoes, tears rolled down his face, and looked at Feng Tuoxi and threatened: "Feng Tuoxi, Let me tell you, don't let my precious daughter-in-law in the future have an accident. If you don't let my precious daughter-in-law come back safely, let my son become a monk in the future. From now on, I will never allow you to enter my room again, You should be a monk too. Did you hear me, I want my baby to be safe, safe, did you hear me?"

Yuan Diandian's voice was a bit loud, and Feng Tuoxi frowned when he heard the hoarse and crying voice.

For a moment, I really didn't know whether to cry or laugh, it was obvious that Beibei liked the boy named Anze.She is still here focused on using delicious food to lure Cheng Beibei into Qing Yu's daughter-in-law, her mind is so full that she doesn't know what to think about every day.

"what happened?"

I don't want to argue with my second-to-none wife about monks. After he has dealt with Beibei's affairs, he will study with her about letting him become a monk. If he can become a monk, can she be a nun? !

Cheng Hanlei looked at Feng Tuoxi, and immediately said about answering the phone.Then Feng Tuoxi nodded, nodded to Cheng Hanlei, and then went to make a phone call...


The two children were handed over to the aunt at home. Cheng Hanlei and Yuan Diandian said they were going out to buy some things, so that the two little ones would not make trouble at home.


Arriving almost at the same time, Cheng Hanlei and Yuan Diandian just got out of the car when they saw Lei Chenyi and Feng Tuoxi coming out of the car.Lei Chenyi held Cheng Beibei in his arms, and Cheng Hanlei was all too familiar with that appearance.Her legs gave way, and if Yuan Diandian hadn't helped her up, Cheng Hanlei would have fallen down.

Emergency treatment in the emergency room.

Cheng Beibei had a sudden onset of illness. She hadn't had an illness in these years, but this time she had a sudden onset.It was menacing, and Cheng Hanlei was leaning against Lei Chenyi's arms, her whole body was about to collapse.

She didn't take good care of Beibei...

"Bebe is fine, don't worry."

Lei Chenyi thought that when he rushed there, he saw Beibei lying in the alley.At that time, the surging anger and the hostility in his eyes were suppressed in the deepest part.Comforting the woman in his arms, his heart was twisted into a ball.

With a bang, the operating room opened.

Immediately greeted...

"How is my daughter?"

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