Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 99 The Growing Up, The Lonely

For Professor Lu Ping, a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, he has been very popular recently, not only because of his gentle and elegant appearance, but every class he gives is always full of new ideas and full of interaction with students. It was Draco who was nagging and wanted to trouble Lupin, but he had to admit that to some extent, Lupine's class still wanted to be interesting.

After the Boggarts, they studied red hats, unpleasant little monsters that lurked wherever someone bled, in keep, on deserted battlefields In the potholes, they wait to lash out at those who get lost.From the red cap they went on to the kaba, a crawling aquatic creature that looked like a scaly monkey with webbed hands, busily strangling the waders who walked in their ponds without knowing how deep they were.

Augustus is quite interested in these interesting magical creatures. Although these creatures are weak and fragile in some appearances, among the black magic creatures, these little things that Professor Lupine found are still representative. Just from the characteristics of his life and aggressive performance, we can know that Professor Lu Ping has spent a lot of effort in preparing lessons.

Of course, Potions is still the most depressing class these days. Snape wants to take revenge these days, and everyone knows why.The story of the Boggart manifesting as Snape and Neville making him dress in his grandmother's clothes spread like wildfire across the campus.Snape didn't seem to find this funny.The mention of Professor Lupine's name brought a menacing gleam in his eyes, and he bullied Neville even more now than before.

In divination, Professor Trelawney still predicts everyone's future with her hollow and mysterious voice. Many students have been captured by this magic stick and feel awe of it from the bottom of their hearts. Regrettably, she It seems that she is dependent on Augustus. Before each class, she will look at Augustus with teary eyes, as if in the next second, Augustus will return to heaven. For this, Augustus Gusdu could only smile lightly. This so-called great prophet is very obsessed with his death.As for Gryffindor fans, Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown like to go to Professor Trelawney's classroom at lunchtime and always come back with an annoying sense of superiority, as if They know the same things that others don't.

Nobody really likes Care of Fantastic Creatures class, which gets pretty dull after an action-packed first lesson.Hagrid seemed to have lost heart.Now they learn lesson after lesson how to care for Flobber caterpillars, which must be the most annoying creatures in existence.

"Why would anyone bother to take care of them?" Malfoy said as he spent another hour stuffing shredded lettuce down the slimy throat of a Flobberworm.

"Come on, don't underestimate yourself. Would you be happy if you took care of the Hippogriff? Be careful that it's your other hand that's broken this time." Although Lilian looked at the Flobber caterpillar in disgust, , on the other hand still feed them food carefully.

"Are all the magical creatures dead, either dangerous beasts or these disgusting caterpillars, does this Hagrid know what is a magical creature that should be shown to the students? Hey, Dumbledore is so stupid that he appointed this Big idiot, there is a big difference between the magical protected animals in his eyes and that of ordinary people." Malfoy sighed sadly, and the target of his anger rose from the big stupid Hagrid to the old fool Dumbledore.

"Tsk tsk, that's amazing. Speaking ill of the principal and teachers in class, is this the quality of an heir educated by the Malfoy family?" Harry, who was silently feeding at the side, heard Malfoy's complaints, and looked up with admiration. To Draco, it seemed that he was in admiration for Malfoy's daring to speak out against authority so angrily.

"Oh? Has the Lord Savior started meddling again? Look, there are dementors behind you." Malfoy casually glanced at the caterpillar in Harry's hand, and there was a hint of threat in his gray-blue pupils.

"Hehe, in fact, you should say, look, there is a lion behind you." Harry pretended to be frightened, and pushed his glasses strangely.Ron let out a weird chuckle.

Malfoy's pale face instantly turned red, right up to the ears, "Are you trying to challenge me? Eh? Stupid Weasley, and you scar head, do you want to test whether I can defeat you both at the same time?" What? It seems that some people have forgotten the past in the exhibition room and the duel club that night, do I need to remind you with the wand in my hand." Draco pulled out his wand with a smile on his face. cold.

"Draco, what are you doing, put down your wand quickly, there is no place in this class that requires you to take out your wand, you probably don't want to violate the school rules." The sharp-eyed Hagrid saw Malfoy who had drawn out his wand with an angry face, and hurried up Come forward and stand in front of Harry and Ron.

"It seems that you have found a good godfather, Potter." Malfoy glanced arrogantly at the serious-looking Hagrid, and put the wand in his hand into the robe.There was sarcasm in the long tone.

A trace of resignation flashed in Harry's eyes. Indeed, in terms of magic, he was far behind Malfoy. He still couldn't forget the hurricane that connected the sky in the duel club. He didn't even know the name of this terrible magic. Knowing how unfair fate is, some people are born to stand at the top of the pyramid. Even in this magical world, such fairness never existed. They are classmates in the same grade, and they have learned the same things. How interesting this is, power, Harry has never had such a strong desire for power, no matter at any time, without power, he can only be regarded as an insect.However, he is still not reconciled. You must know that even a humble snail has the ambition to go to the blue sky.

Augustus looked at Harry, whose eyes were full of confusion and unwillingness, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth. Although the adventures of the teenagers were full of dreams, they would always wake up from the dream one day. When one day, he found this When the world is no longer as imaginary as a fairy tale, he will always find that sometimes, the destiny that determines the true course of the world is only two words, power, the naked law of the jungle has no illusions, only cruel reality, maybe, when he After starting to wake up, it is the day when you really grow up.There will always be only one person standing on the top of the pyramid, and above the high place is loneliness.

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