Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 100 The so-called prophecy

Halloween is approaching, and most Slytherin students can't hold back their excitement. This year's Halloween is different from the past. For third-year students, the arrival of Halloween means that their trip to Hogsmeade is about to begin. For I believe no student can refuse this resort in the wizarding world.

The next day, in Potions class, the Gryffindor girls who were usually cautious in Snape's class were all around Lavender Brown, and Parvati had her arms around her shoulders, and she was asking Seamus Finnigan and Dee Ann Thomas explained something, both of them were serious.

"Hey, what happened to Gryffindor today, to take advantage of Professor Snape's absence from such a public gathering, to simply ignore classroom discipline, as a law-abiding Slytherin three-good student, I really can't stand it With malice in his eyes, Malfoy stroked his chin carelessly, as if he was considering how to report when Professor Snape arrived.

"What's the matter, Lavender?" Hermione asked anxiously, as she, Harry, and Ron joined the crowd, oblivious to Malfoy's malicious stare.

"She got a letter from home this morning," whispered Parvati, "that her rabbit Binky was killed by a fox."

"Oh," said Hermione, "what a pity, Lavender."

"I should have known!" said Rajend sadly. "Do you know what day it is?"


"October [-]th! 'That thing you're afraid of, it's going to happen on October [-]th!' Remember? She's right, she's right!"

The Slytherin students were also attracted by their conversation, Lilian sneered disdainfully, she seemed to be another Professor Trelawney fan, "So, you have been afraid that it will be eaten by foxes?" Lilian interrupted their conversation and said to Lavender.

"Well, it's not necessarily the fox," Lavender said, as if he was irritated by Lilian's mocking tone, and there was a trace of anger in Lavender's eyes, "Professor Trelawney has obviously expected all this happening, I'm obviously worried it's going to die. Isn't it?"

Lilian laughed again, with a strange meaning in the laughter, "You have been worried that it will die? So it is an old rabbit?"

"No," Lavender sobbed. "It's still a little rabbit!"

Parvati's arms tightened around Lavender's shoulders.

"Oh. That's it." Lilian had nothing to say about this, and only let out a meaningful sigh.

"Since it's a little rabbit, why are you afraid of its death?" Hermione continued. She and Lilian had quite the same views on how to deal with Professor Trelawney, but as a Slytherin Student, Lilian is really too lazy to pay too much attention to Gryffindor's affairs, so I will stop here.

Parvati glared at Hermione.Heh, it seems that there are people in Gryffindor who understand. Those Trelawney fans are really smart. For these crazy fans who are mysterious every day and always feel superior to others, let them know how terrible their IQ is. It is really difficult, so why not give him a smile, Lilian's red pupils are full of scrutiny.

"Okay, let's look at this logically," Hermione said, turning to the group. "I mean, Binky didn't even die today, right, Lavender just got the news today...?" Lavender Weeping loudly. "?? And she couldn't have been worrying about it because it was a real shock to her???"

"Don't mind Hermione, Lavender," said Ron loudly. "She doesn't think other people's pets matter."

There was a sound of clapping from the crowd, and Malfoy had a smile in his gray-blue eyes, "Tsk tsk, Weasley, you should learn more from your classmate Hermione, such a simple logic problem, the entire Gryffindor As far as Hermione can tell, I'm really worried about your overall IQ. If this continues, you'll probably lose your life when you get old, hey, there's really an inexplicable sense of superiority." Malfoy patted He started to explain Ron with a compassionate look.

The corner of Augustus’s mouth pulled a smile, predicting this kind of thing, in fact, different people have different opinions, and the wise see wisdom. Most of the prophets are actually just using their own experience to make aimless speculations. There are definitely a few people who are the most accurate prophets, besides, the fate is illusory, and the long river of fate is not a straight flow to the bottom. Countless tributaries coincidentally determine the true direction, and a dancing butterfly can trigger a long-distance relationship. Thousands of miles of storms, so a truly accurate and perfect prediction is almost impossible to exist. It is only because of a so-called fear of something that it is added to the prediction, and it is no wonder that Malfoy is worried about his IQ.

Halloween is coming, Augustus and his party walk out of the Slytherin common room and come to the front hall, Loki and Thor follow Augustus, the two seem to be in conflict with each other, even in the middle of walking , the inadvertent collision of eyes also has the slightest spark.

Hundreds of jack-o'-lanterns hung in the auditorium, along with a swarm of fluttering bats and many flame-breathing orange streamers that floated lazily below the ceiling like brilliant water snakes.

Halloween nights always seemed to be a happy one, and at the teacher's table, Professor Lupine looked happy and normal; Still enjoying dinner alone, Dumbledore waved to the professors from time to time. Professor McGonagall's usually serious face was also smiling at this time.Of course, no one could ignore Hagrid's huge figure, and his thick beard was full of wet spirits.

"It's rare to see Lavender such a brain-dead fan. Even if you and Hermione are like this, she probably won't change her mind about Professor Trelawney." Malfoy suddenly mentioned what happened during the day, his eyes still full of seriousness. of ridicule.

"Oh? Trelawney? That so-called female liar? Almost no one in the wizarding world will believe her so-called prophecy, but there is still a chance for these simple students in this school." Loki carelessly picked up a piece of dessert , with playfulness in his eyes.

"It can't be said that, although her name is not true, her grandfather is a real prophet. Even in the dark age of Greenwald's rule, her grandfather's reputation is not damaged in the slightest. For these prophets, no matter In any era, there are always prophets who are truly capable." Sol was not very repulsive, and simply relieved him.

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