Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 97 The Fake of Fear

Lilian walked slowly towards the Boggart, drew out her wand and got ready. She was actually quite looking forward to what the Boggart would become next. There was an explosion, and the sound of gasping for air circulated in the crowd. Lily What appeared in front of An was a giant moth. The pale yellow moth flapped its wings rapidly, and countless pollen-like phosphorous powders were scattered all over its body. The dark compound eyes revealed a dangerous aura coldly, and the huge mouthparts of the moth were silent The ground compound opened, flapping its wings and flying straight towards it.

Lilian looked at the moths in the air, and was dazed for a moment. She seemed to think of something. The next second she realized, she waved her wand, "Funny, funny." A crisp voice sounded, and the moths flying in the air The next moment, the wings broke and fell to the ground and turned into a silkworm chrysalis.

"Very good, next." Professor Lupine shouted, "Parvati, come forward!"

Parvati walked forward with a straight face.Snape walked around her.There was another pop, and where the chrysalis had appeared on the ground was now a bandaged, bloodstained mummy; its sightless eyes turned to Parvati and began to walk towards her, very slowly, dragging Standing on his feet, his stiff arms raised... "Funny funny!" Parvati exclaimed.

The bandages on the mummy's feet came undone; it staggered under the unraveled bandages, fell face forward, and rolled its head off.

"Stupid Gryffindor, mummies don't know what's scary. These guys lying in coffins who can't move a bit, don't know where there is the slightest point of fear. It's so boring." Malfoy snorted coldly , dismissive of the fear that Parvati conjured up.

"Oh? In fact, I don't know what's so scary about lions. Could it be that you were bullied by a poodle when you were a child, and it must have bit you a few more times? So I'm instinctively afraid of words with lions?" Harry asked. With a blank expression on his face, he looked at Malfoy with a question mark and sincerity, which made Ron sneer.

"Scarhead, don't pretend to be in front of me. I'm really looking forward to what our great savior will be afraid of. Is it a dementor in black skin? The feeling of being scared and fainting should still be fresh in my memory." Mal Foo glared at Harry viciously, outraged that Potter dared to provoke him.

Before Harry could speak, he cast another glance at Ron who was holding back his smile, "And you disgusting red-haired Weasley, do you think it's funny? When it's your turn, I guess now The one in the classroom must be a pig, and it fits perfectly with the pigsty-like room of your house, it’s really interesting." Malfoy activated the group mocking attribute, fully firing, completely ignoring Professor Lupine who was standing not far away.

"Ron, you're next!" Professor Lupine suddenly called out to Ron.

Ron jumped forward.

Crack! Several people screamed.A huge, hairy spider, six feet tall, was crawling towards Ron, waving its claws menacingly along the way.For a while.Harry thought Ron was too scared to move.Then... "Funny funny!" Ron yelled, and the spider's legs disappeared.The spider kept tumbling; Lavender Brown screamed and dodged.

"Yo, it turns out that you are afraid of spiders. According to Loki, such a humble little bug is actually the source of your fear. The Weasley family is really unique." Malfoy looked optimistic. , completely disregarding the huge spider that Ron transformed.

"Seamus!" cried Professor Lupine.

Seamus hurried over Parvati and stepped forward.

Crack! The place where the spider stayed is now a woman, with black hair dragging to the ground, a face with only skeletons, and a green shade... a female ghost.She opened her mouth wide.An unearthly sound filled the room, and a long, mournful cry made Harry's hair stand cold... "Funny funny!" cried Seamus.

The female ghost made a tearing sound, grabbed her throat, and her voice was gone.

Crack! The ghost turned into a rat, circling around for its own tail, then ??crack! turned into a rattlesnake, slithering and twisting??and??crack! It turned into a bloody eyeballs.

"It's lost its head!" cried Professor Lupine. "We've gone a step further! Next, Augustus!"

When Augustus stepped forward, all the students of Gryffindor and Slytherin held their breath. As for what Augustus was afraid of, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire Hogwarts students I want to know, this man who defeated Voldemort head-on, ended Voldemort's plan twice, led Slytherin to win two consecutive House Cups by himself, and was obviously the spiritual leader of Slytherin, what would such a person be afraid of?Or, is there something that really frightens him?

Augustus walked forward calmly, with a calm smile on his face. No Slytherin student had ever seen a look of shock on Augustus's face at any time. For such a character, the following The changes in Bogut are indeed quite exciting.

There was a bang, a smell of sulfur was generated, a bottomless abyss appeared in the classroom, and a huge black palm protruded from it. Just one palm made all the students, including Professor Lupine, pale Waking up, an evil and dark atmosphere spread throughout the classroom, and the sweeping deterrent atmosphere made all the students tremble involuntarily, as if what was about to happen was a fate of terror that they had never experienced before.Devil, a simple word appeared in the minds of everyone. I am afraid that only the powerful devil in hell can have such power.

Augustus laughed dumbfounded. This Boggart was really fooling. Before the students and Lu Ping took a breath, the Boggart made another explosion, and suddenly a wing covering the sky and avoiding the sun flew across the classroom. Appeared, amidst everyone's exclamation, a pitch-black image of a giant dragon soared into the sky. In the image, the dragon's golden pupils carried ice-cold pressure. Everyone is short of breath, sweating, the giant dragon in the memory hovers over the city, the breath of the dragon is blown out, the earth is overturned, the tower is falling, countless ant-like human beings are running around, the dragon makes a proud dragon cry, the sky Countless meteors and fire rain fell from the sky, spreading for thousands of miles. The huge building complex fell apart in the huge meteorite, and flames and ice filled the ground and air. The scene of doomsday filled the faces of people who had never experienced war with horror. look.

"Occlumency!" Lupine, who has always been calm, suddenly exclaimed. Boggart's continuous changes can only explain one point. The scenes in front of him are all presented by Augustus using Occlumency to deceive Boggart. Illusion, that is, these two scenes of such terrifying concreteness are not the real fear of Augustus, he is playing with the Boggart, but obviously, these scenes must have been experienced by Augustus, otherwise it would not be the case It's true, but what's amazing is that even such a horror can't disturb Augustus's mind at all. What kind of strength can this have? Lupine doesn't understand, maybe only such a person can have it In the true sense, they defeated the terrifying strength of Voldemort, who they feared like a god.But what was his real fear, Lupine suddenly had for the first time in his life the desire to inquire into other people.

Looking at the Boggart in disappointment, Augustus had a smile on his mouth. It seems that if he doesn't let go of his heart, this Boggart will never be able to discover his real fear. Especially looking for his real cause of fear, in fact, he is also quite interested in this point.A faint light flashed in the silver pupils, and the next moment, Augustus opened the ban on his mind.

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