Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 96 Boggart in the Closet

In the small classroom, a conspicuous wardrobe is particularly eye-catching. From Augustus's point of view, the magic fluctuations in this wardrobe cannot be more obvious. It seems that today's practical class is the magical creature inside. I don't know. What type of magical creature is it.

"Now, this way," said Professor Lupine, beckoning the class to the end of the lounge.There was nothing there but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their spare robes.Professor Lupine walked to the closet and stood still. The closet suddenly shook and hit the wall with a bang.

"Don't worry," said Professor Lupine calmly, as several students jumped back in fright. "There's a Boggart in there." Most felt there was something to worry about.Neville glanced at Professor Lupine with terror in his eyes, and Seamus Finnigan peeked in fear at the now shaking cabinet doorknob.

"Oh, how touching, a Boggart in the closet, hope it doesn't give us a hug like Hagrid's Hippogriff. I really can't stand a second scare." There was a malicious gleam in Malfoy's eyes, and Harry felt as if he was planning again how to ruin the lesson.

"Boggarts like dark, closed spaces," Professor Lupine cast a deadpan glance at Malfoy, ignoring it, and went on, "wardrobe, the void under the bed, the cupboard under the sink... once I I came across one hidden in my grandparents' old clock. This one was moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the principal if the teachers could leave it alone and give my third graders some practice.

"The first question I want to ask now is, what exactly is a Boggart." Hermione raised her hand, but Lupine looked at Augustus, who nodded and said, "A can A magical creature that probes your inner fears to take on the scariest image you can imagine is simply a fun creature that likes to scare people."

"The answer is very good, and I can't say it better myself," Professor Lupine smiled gently, "but there is something wrong with it. For many wizards, Boggarts are the manifestation of fear. Against him, even many grown-up wizards can be overwhelmed by the horrors that arise, and without a lot of willpower, the Boggart might become a byword for fear to you, rather than just a simple fun creature. "

"However, for us, facing this Boggart has a huge advantage. Has anyone discovered where this advantage lies?" Professor Lupine looked at everyone meaningfully and asked.

Hermione raised her hand again, and Professor Lupine nodded, "Is it because we have a large number of people? Boggart probably doesn't know what it will be like to scare everyone when he faces so many people."

"That's a good answer, very smart," Professor Lupine praised without hesitation, and Hermione blushed slightly, "When dealing with Boggarts, the best way is to have more people. It gets confused. It should What does it turn into? A headless corpse, or a flesh-eating slug? I saw a boggart make this mistake once?? Trying to scare two people at the same time, so I turned myself into a half-snot Bugs. Not scary at all."

"The spell to repel a Boggart is simple, but it takes willpower. You know, what really scares a Boggart is laughter. All you have to do is force it into what you think is ridiculous.

"Let's say this spell without the wand first. Please tell me.. funny funny!" "Funny funny!" said the class in unison. "Okay," said Professor Lupine, "very good. Next, let's enter the practical stage. First, Neville will demonstrate first. You can make your most fearful things as dramatic as possible. For Boggettlian, it will definitely be a big surprise." Unexpected results." Professor Lupine gave Neville an encouraging look, and Neville took a deep breath with fear, nodded, and walked forward.

"If Neville succeeds, this Boggart may turn his attention to each of you in turn." Professor Lupine said, "Now, I hope that each of you will take a moment and think about you. What are you most afraid of, and imagine how you can force it to look ridiculous..." The room was quiet.

As far as Augustus is concerned, he is quite interested in seeing what Boggart can conjure in front of his eyes, but for a master of Occlumency, Boggart is probably helpless in front of him, unless he Automatically cancel the defense, so that it can feel the subconscious in its heart.

"I'll count to three, Neville," said Professor Lupine, pointing his wand at the wardrobe as well. "One... two... three... go!"

A burst of sparks shot from the end of the Professor's wand, and the spark hit the wardrobe door handle.The closet door burst open.Professor Snape, with a hooked nose and a menacing expression, came out and stared at Neville with piercing eyes.

Nachen stepped back, his wand raised, tongue-tied and speechless.Snape moved towards him aggressively, slipping his hand into his robes.

"Fuck? Funny!" screamed Neville.

There was a noise, like the cracking of a whip.Snape stumbled; he was wearing a long, lace-embroidered dress, a tall hat with a moth-eaten stuffed old vulture on top, and a huge scarlet scarlet dangling from his hand. handbags.

The class burst into laughter; the Boggart paused, bewildered; Professor Lupine yelled, "Malfoy, step forward!"

Malfoy walked forward pale and gave Lupine a vicious look, thinking that Lupine had put him in second out of pure revenge.

There was a crackling sound, and a roaring golden lion appeared in front of Malfoy's eyes. The lion swung its sharp claws imposingly, and walked slowly towards Malfoy with a hunting mentality.The surrounding Slytherin students let out a burst of exclamation, never expecting a Slytherin to be afraid of lions.

Malfoy's face showed a panic that had never been seen before, and he picked up his wand and shouted "funny funny." The huge golden head of the lion suddenly turned into the head of a little rabbit, and the mighty body still existed. He hesitated on the spot like neither fish nor fowl.

Malfoy breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced triumphantly at Harry with a pensive expression. In fact, Harry found it rather funny that Malfoy was afraid of lions. Gryffindor represented lions. Malfoy was afraid of lions. Subconsciously, he had always been afraid of Gryffindor?

"Good job," Professor Lupine nodded slightly, and then said, "Next, Lilian."

Lilian took a slight breath and stepped forward slowly.

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