Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 46 The Confrontation of Magic Civilizations

{Malfoy's system attribute has been changed to Wind Element, after thinking about it yesterday, I still feel that Wind Element is more suitable for Malfoy}

After the test, Augustus looked at the three people who were waiting for him to speak, with a flash of satisfaction in his eyes. The attribute system of these three people is perfect, and there is no embarrassing situation of no attribute or partial attribute.

"These 14 yuan steles represent fourteen different magical attributes. When broken down in detail, these fourteen attributes include wood, fire, earth, water, gold, wind, thunder, light, darkness, ice, and undead. , Summoning, Arcane, Illusion, the fourteen factions, the physical attributes of the three of you are all mainstream attributes. In the early stage, you usually major in attribute magic that matches your own physique. At a certain stage, you can minor in other attributes. magic."

"Even if so many factions reach a certain stage, it's impossible to finish all of them?" Malfoy asked with some doubts.

"A person's energy is limited. Naturally, it is impossible to cultivate all of them to a high level. However, it doesn't take much time to grasp the surface. A mage should naturally have the spirit of erudition. The most basic truth is to understand by analogy." Augustus They all said calmly.

"In these factions, as the name suggests, I can probably understand their functions. But why have I never heard of any wizards from these factions in history? Obviously, such a huge magic system cannot be solved overnight. What can be formed must go through a long period of accumulation and precipitation. Logically, if such a magic system appears, our ancient families should have records." Loki raised a key question.

"That's right, I've never heard of these magic factions. This simply subverts the existence of the existing magic system. If it gets out, we might all be caught as guinea pigs." Lilian shuddered inexplicably.

"The origin of these magic factions, to be specific, is a secret." It had already whetted the appetite of the three of them, but the sudden turn of events even Loki couldn't help but vomit blood. "Okay, that's the end of the question-and-answer time. The following is the main lesson. The test just now is simply a test of your most basic physique. Whether you can master the factions of your physical attributes or even reach the point of proficiency depends on your future talents. If you have enough perseverance, the master will lead you in, practice is up to you, I will tell you how to get started, and master the magic skills of your faction, but the specific development is all up to you." Augustus looked at the three people in front of him, These three can be regarded as the first batch of disciples in this life. In the last life, he had eight disciples, and the weakest one had reached the level of a great magister.

"What do we need to do to get started." Loki asked another meaningful question.

"The first lesson I want to teach you is the most basic operation method of a mage, meditation! Meditation allows you to see the magic net space, and the magic elements in the surrounding air, and communicate with the magic elements that match your physique. Form your own unique magic string, even if you have achieved entry. According to your talent and element affinity, the time to form the magic string varies, and it depends on you.” Augustus said while The meditation method he wrote and how to form the magic string were sent to three people to watch.

"What's the magic string for?" Malfoy asked simply.

"For a mage, the magic string is like a bridge that communicates between you and the elements of the world. The spiritual power of the mage affects various elements in the world through the magic string, forming the spell you need to release. The length of the magic string is a measure of your ability to communicate. In the early stage, the length of a mage's magic string can even determine the power of his spell." Augustus had a smile in his eyes, and the magic string, as the measure of a trace mage, has always been like A sword of Damos hangs over the mages.

All three of them are intelligent people. After reading the theoretical plan on how to meditate and form the magic string, they all began to try to meditate for the first time.

Augustus stood quietly, looking at the three in front of him, waiting for the result of their first meditation.

Time passed slowly, Loki opened his eyes first, followed by Lilian and Malfoy.

"I saw that the ubiquitous elements in the world are really amazing, but it's a pity that without the magic string, they can't affect them at all. Those pure white elements are ice elements, and there is a kind of cordial feeling at first sight." Luo Ji was obviously very excited. The first time he came into contact with the world of elements, the brilliant colors that existed between the heaven and the earth, and the endless operation of elements made him still feel like a world away.

"Yeah, those fiery red elements are like the twinkling stars in the sky, giving people an unusually warm and bright feeling." Lilian nodded. This magical feeling is like a bystander in the world.

"You all succeeded in meditation? It's really unlucky. Is my talent really poor?" Malfoy patted his forehead in disappointment. He didn't expect his first meditation to fail. It's really unlucky.

"It doesn't matter. After all, it is a small number of people who can succeed in meditation for the first time. Don't worry too much. With your talent, you should be able to succeed next time. You may not have grasped the essentials of meditation. Let's take a look at the key points I wrote. There should be no problem." Augustus comforted the aggrieved Malfoy with a smile on his face.

"The next step is to form the magic string. Let me take a closer look. The formation of the magic string is very important, and there must be no mistakes." Loki said to himself with a serious face.Picking up the essentials of forming magic strings written by Augustus, Loki carefully studied each word.

Not to be outdone, Lilian also picked up the copywriting and began to study it. Malfoy could only continue to look at the essentials of meditation.

The whole room was quiet again. Augustus looked at the three people who were studying hard, and couldn't help but feel inexplicable. These three people were the first students in this world who came into contact with his magic system, and they might become this magic system in the future. The backbone members of the magic systems of different worlds in the world, and the collision of the magic systems of the two worlds, planted a seed today. It is unpredictable who will be fused or even swallowed by whom.I don't know what his actions today will leave behind in history after thousands of years. Whether the flapping of a butterfly's wings will produce a storm that sweeps the world trend is unpredictable.

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