Harry Potter's Otherworldly Archmage

Chapter 45 The choice of the magic circle

In the afternoon, Augustus walked out of the dormitory, and the Slytherin common room was the four of Loki who had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Augustus, you are here. Where are we going for magic training? I have been at Hogwarts for a school year, and I haven't found any place for training." Malfoy greeted Augustus. Stuart said.

"A room I found by accident is perfect for our magic training. I have to say that the ingenuity of Hogwarts' design can be found anywhere." Augustus said lightly.

"There's still such a place, I'm really looking forward to it." Lilian had a smile on her face.

"Go, it's getting late." Augustus glanced at the four of them, turned around and led the three of them out of the Slytherin common room, and walked towards their destination along the huge escalator floating in the air.

At 01:30, the four of them came out of the common room and walked along the densely packed escalators. After a while, they had already reached the seventh floor.

They walked along the corridor to the interior.There is a wall with nothing on it, and on the opposite side is a painting, and Crazy Barnabas is trying to teach the troll to dance ballet.

"That's it." Augustus stopped, signaling that they had arrived at their destination.

"But, there's nothing here." Malfoy looked at the blank wall and the painting on the other side, wondering.

"Stupid, in the world of wizards, there is nothing, which is precisely the biggest flaw. Think about Diagon Alley and Station 9 and Three Quarters. I really don't know how a pure-blood wizard can be so ignorant." The corner of Loki's mouth twitched Make a contemptuous arc.

"Come on, as long as you are knowledgeable, don't be a genius with the same knowledge as us ordinary people. It is normal for mediocre people like us not to see the huge flaws in your eyes." Malfoy had an awkward look on his face. look, chattering.

"It seems that Loki has already discovered that the article is on this wall. As long as you face this wall and focus on what you need, the room will appear automatically." Augustus nodded and turned around. Facing the wall.Both the pimple-covered troll about to whack his ballet teacher and the aggressive ballet instructor pause to look at them.

In the next second, a polished door appeared on the wall.Malfoy watched it nervously.Augustus reached out, turned the brass handle, and pushed the door open.It was a spacious torch-lit room that looked like a dungeon below the eighth floor.

Wooden bookcases lined the walls; there were no chairs, but a few large silk cushions on the floor.There is a bookshelf at one end of the room, on which there are a row of looking glasses and secret detectors, and a large demon mirror.

"It's just right to practice the Stunning Charm." Malfoy poked the cushions with his foot and said with a strange look.

"Look at these books!" Lilian said, sliding her fingers lightly on the spine of the book, ""Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counterattacks"..."Wisdom Against Black Magic"..."Self-Defense Spell Collection"...Wow..." She looked back at Augustus with a wide smile on her face.

"It's indeed a good place." With Rocky's critical eyes, he had to admit that this room is indeed very suitable as a training venue.

"Mr. Augustus, what's this?" Malfoy asked, pointing to the looking glass and demon mirror at the back.

"Dark Magic Detector." Augustus walked towards them. "Basically, it will respond a little when a dark wizard or enemy approaches. But it can't be relied on entirely, because sometimes it can be fooled..."

He stared into the demon mirror; there were shadows moving in it, but he couldn't make out who they were.He turned around.

"Okay, let's start the training. Before the training, we have to do a small test. This test is used to find out which attributes of magic are more suitable for you to learn." Augustus clapped his hands to signal them all to come.

"Attributes? Could it be that magic has attributes." Loki was a little surprised.

"Well, the magic and theoretical knowledge I will teach you next is a magic system that you have never been exposed to. It is different from the magic in this world. It is a magic system developed independently. A brand new magic world is in front of you. A window will be opened, allowing you to see the magical world that you have never touched before."

All three looked serious, a brand new magic system?A magical world that has never been touched?They somehow felt that their fate was about to change completely with this decision.

Inserting the silver wand into the ground, a vast wave of magic surged out, and the teaching robes flew, and the three of them opened their eyes with difficulty, and 14 huge stone tablets appeared on the ground in a flawless circle, engraved on the stone tablet There are grotesque incantations, all of which are crude muse runes, showing a deep black.

The center of the circle is a black hole, and the magical energy gushes out in a strange state between gaseous and liquid visible to the naked eye. It is divided into 14 strands and sucked into 14 stone tablets. Loki is shocked that the 14 strands of power are not equal in quantity. The gesture of sharing is absorbed into the stone tablet, but it is decomposed into 14 kinds of energy in the first time when it breaks out of the pulse point.So what is powerful is this amazing selection power that never appears in any official orthodox books in the world. It is like a surgeon who usually dissects at the surface level, but now there is a horror that can operate at the soul level. Role.

"These 14 stone tablets represent 14 different attributes of magical energy. All you have to do is put your hands on the magic source in the center, and it will test your magical attributes." Augustus nodded to them Come forward and test.

Loki was the first to step into the magic circle, and put his hand on the source of the magic energy. A suction force came out from the palm of his hand, and unknown energy passed through his body and then into the center of the circle. In the next second, with the magic energy Passing, a stele glowed with luster, crystal light spots appeared, and a large area of ​​frost appeared on the stele.

"Ice physique." Augustus explained concisely, Loki nodded and walked out of the magic circle.

Afterwards, Lilian walked up, and when her palm was connected to the source of magic, a stone tablet lit up inexplicably, and a raging flame burned.

"Fire." Augustus waved his hands with some satisfaction, and the two of them occupied both of his magics that had reached the legendary realm.

The result of Malfoy's test is the wind system, a rare magic system, but its flexibility is the leader among the major attributes.

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