My Lady Queen

Chapter 56: Real men never look at the explosion behind them

The high temperature continued to scorch the ground, and the nearby brown rocks were burnt into glass. Except for a few knights who saw the opportunity quickly, there were only two people, Wishing and Ophelia, who were a little farther away. people.

"How did this happen? He saved me, but I didn't even see his face clearly, so he just...died?" Ophelia couldn't believe what happened in front of her eyes, but it was true. Under this level of explosion, not to mention flesh and blood, even iron men can be melted.

Make a wish and comforted: "Oh, forget it, there are already quite a few people who died today, and it doesn't matter if one more or one less. It doesn't matter if you don't see the face clearly, he must be a middle-aged uncle with a swollen face and an unshaven beard. , you should leave a good impression in your heart. I will introduce another one to you later."

"You're talking nonsense!" Ophelia was really angry this time, and turned around all of a sudden: "It doesn't matter what he looks like. We are losing ground in the battle with the Winged Man because of the lack of such a person. hero."

"Wow!" Wishing widened his eyes and exclaimed in surprise as he stuffed both hands into his mouth.

"Hey, I'm telling you to be serious, can you be serious!" Ophelia was very dissatisfied with the attitude of making a wish.

"I'm not wowing you, I'm wowing behind you! "

"Behind me? What happened behind me..."

Ophelia turned around with tears in her eyes and looked back.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, she immediately made the same action as wishing.


Amidst the raging fire and the continuous sound of huge explosions, a figure riding a tall horse slowly walked out of the sea of ​​flames.

As he got closer and closer, he could vaguely see the various intricate pattern patterns on the cloak on his body and the harness of the horse under his seat emitting dazzling light.

The hero who single-handedly killed two Winged Men, and then shot down the super-large fire demon from the sky, just came slowly on his horse.

Behind him, there were huge explosions that continued to occur, which were the violent reaction of the fire demon's internal organs coming into contact with the air.

Wishing could not help admiring: "Sure enough, he is a real man, and he will never watch the explosion behind him."

He looked at Ophelia who was drooling and infatuated again, and sighed: "But this time I'm in trouble, this little girl is hopeless."

The death of the leaders of the two winged men declared that the offensive and defensive battle of the volcano church had come to an end. The remaining winged men lost effective control and command, and the chaotic hunting instinct regained the upper hand. After a few, they began to fly towards the purgatory crater not far away.

Soon, the knight came to make a wish and Ophelia, his helmet completely covered his face, only the red feathers on his top were fluttering in the wind.

He was riding on the horse, condescending, and he had clearly seen Princess Ophelia, but he still had no intention of dismounting.

He first looked at the giant winged man who died beside the two of them, and asked, "Did you kill this?"

Because he was wearing a helmet, his voice was a bit muffled.

Just as he was about to make a wish, he suddenly felt Ophelia tugging at the corner of his clothes behind him.

He naturally understood what this little girl was thinking, but for the sake of the task, he still made a respectful and humble look: "No, to be precise, it was killed by Her Royal Highness herself, I just got a little angry The role of micro-moments."

"Really?" The knight obviously doubted this statement.

Even though he himself just killed a winged leader, you must know that the longbow he used was the weapon of the elves on the Phantom Plateau, and even the arrows were taken from the unique ancient warfare of the elves. Trees are extremely precious weapons even among elves.

Not to mention that the suit of armor he was wearing was enchanted by several archmages and top alchemists of the Principality of Nagar.

If this set of weapons and armor is converted into gold, it is estimated that the fire demon can be smashed to death.

Ophelia hates being underestimated the most, she said flatly: "I forgot my weapon in that winged man's body just now, go, take it out for me."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Wishing decided to pretend to be his grandson to the end, he trotted quickly to the body of the winged man, suppressed his nausea, put his hand into its wound, and groped for a while before finding the dagger.

Seeing that Wishing respectfully returned the dagger-shaped dressing knife commonly used by women in the Northland to Ophelia, the knight believed it a little.

"I can't tell, you still have this ability, you really deserve to be the daughter of Grand Duke Ka Suo." The knight replied.

"You know my father?" Ophelia was full of curiosity about this mysterious knight.

The knight didn't answer, but lowered his head slightly, raised his hand and took off his helmet.

"Damn it, it turned out to be you!"

Wishing to see this face clearly at first glance, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ophelia was worse than him, she was already dumbfounded, with her mouth half-opened without ladylike grace, and her whole body was extremely stiff.

Under the helmet was a handsome face with short black hair, whoever it was if it wasn't Prince Faustalo.

Faustalo threw the helmet to an attendant beside him, got off his horse, and walked slowly to Ophelia: "Is every girl in the Northland like you?"

"Ah, almost, but there are not many people as cute as me." Ophelia was completely in a state of trance. She felt that her brain was not enough, and she didn't know what she was talking about.

Wishing to slap his forehead, he hurried forward and said: "Oh, she is a princess, of course she will be so powerful, she is just a winged man, it's no big deal."

Faustalo looked at the wish, and deliberately pretended not to know him and asked, "This is..."

Ophelia immediately came back to her senses, and hurriedly took two steps aside: "Actually, I don't know him very well. Speaking of which, we've only known each other for a day."

"Well, you Ophelia, I've never seen you kill a donkey like this. My name is Wishing, it's her...uh, it's just... summoning..."

"Okay, okay, let me tell the truth, he is my summoned beast!"

Ophelia finally couldn't help but speak.

"I told you, don't call me a summoned beast!" Wishing was on the verge of going berserk.

What a smart person Faustalo is. Hearing what the two of them said, and thinking about the information he had, he immediately sorted out everything.

Perhaps, I really misunderstood Her Highness the Princess.

he thought to himself.

"Your Highness, are you all right, great! Hey, the princess is here too, you..."

Just when the scene became a little embarrassing, the unlucky vice-captain Robert was covered in wounds and led a group of cavalry to charge forward.

And this is the story of Emperor Nagar and Empress joining hands to kill a winged leader, which has been spread throughout the continent for a long time.

Later, some wandering bards would always compare the two of them with Nagar's founding emperor and his wife.

As for Faustalo being able to sit on the throne of the emperor as the third heir to the principality, it is not known whether there is such a reason.

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