My Lady Queen

Chapter 55: The White Horse Rider

It wasn't until this time that the rest of the troops came up from behind one after another, and immediately fought with the Yi crowd.

Ophelia's eyes didn't move away from the white horse rider from the beginning to the end, but the surroundings became more and more chaotic, and she couldn't see the man's face clearly.

But Wishing knows that the real danger actually comes from the sky. Once the huge slow-moving fire demon flies to the sky, all of them will have no bones left.

And these wingmen on the ground are just buying time for it.

From the bottom of his heart, Wishing regretted this summoning mission. Originally, he just wanted to find a few jewelry and leave, but who would have thought that he would encounter a wingman attack, such a fatal thing, he would Don't want to go through it again.

So he looked at the nympho Ophelia, then at the brave knight on the white horse, and immediately made up his mind that they must match up as a couple, help Ophelia fulfill her wish, and leave as soon as possible , As for what kind of jewelry is not jewelry, we will talk about it later.

So, he hurriedly shouted in the direction of the knight: "Hero, don't keep looking at the ground, look up, there is a bigger one up there!"

The man had obviously heard the reminder to make a wish, he slashed a winged man in front of him with a sword, and looked up.

Seeing this, he was also taken aback, and hurriedly rode his horse to a small mound, and shouted in a low voice: "Form a double ring formation!"


The surrounding knights got the order and quickly formed two circles centering on this man. The outer circle held a long sword and tried to keep the Winged Man out of the circle, while the inner circle took off the longbow behind and quickly shot and killed the winged men from all over the place. Winged people swarming in the direction.

And the knight on the white horse in the middle took down his emerald green longbow as if no one else was around, bent the bow and set an arrow, and quickly shot the first one.

His arrow was also green, and there was a trail in its flight, which was very conspicuous.

The arrow was shot quickly and accurately, and it went straight to the winged man who was like a small hill in the sky.

It's a pity that a winged man next to it stepped forward and blocked the arrow with his own body.

After being attacked, the Wingman formation in the air speeded up obviously, and those on the ground also started to attack more frantically. All of a sudden, the knights suffered heavy casualties, and the double ring formation was also crumbling.

But the white horse rider in the formation seemed to have not seen all this at all, and drew out another arrow, aiming steadily at the sky, without even shaking his hand.

"Wow, so handsome!"

Ophelia completely forgot about her current situation.

Wishing nodded: "Well, although there is still a little gap compared with me, it's okay."

Ophelia turned her head and gave him a big blank stare.

This time, he shot another arrow steadily, but then shot a second arrow at an unstoppable speed.

Same as last time, the first arrow was blocked by the Winged Man next to it, but the second arrow went through the gap and directly hit the super-large Winged Man behind.

The arrow didn't enter its body at all, and it opened its mouth in pain to let out a loud roar, as if a thunder had been struck out of thin air.

A lot of blood flowed from its wound, and the blood started to burn when it met the air, and then fell to the sandy ground not far away. Even without any combustion aid, it burned for a long time before it was slowly extinguished.

"Wow, the shot hit the shot, he shot so far!"

Ophelia clapped her hands and cheered.

Wishing glanced at her: "Be reserved, remember that you are a princess, boys don't like girls who are too proactive."

Ophelia immediately showed an open-minded attitude.

But at this time, the super-large fire demon had already flown very close. It opened its mouth and spit out a large puddle of yellow-green liquid, and the flames burned blazingly less than 500 meters away from this small hill.

The Knights suddenly panicked.

But the knight on the white horse was still as steady as a rock, he bent his bow and took an arrow, after a short glance, another arrow shot out.

The scene just now was repeated again. It was still a winged man who blocked the first arrow, but it exposed a gap, and was hit by the second arrow to the super-large fire demon behind him.

Only this time, when the second arrow touched Huomo's body, the tail feathers burst suddenly, and the speed of the arrow accelerated again, directly coming out from behind Huomo.

A stream of blood arrows shot straight out from the wounds on both sides of the body, and coincidentally poured on one of the Winged Men, and immediately ignited a fire.

The lit wingman immediately wanted to fly away, but in a panic, it bumped into another one.

In this way, the fire became bigger and bigger, and in a blink of an eye, three winged men caught fire.

Except for the high-ranking creatures, most of the winged creatures have low IQ, and their behavior is more driven by instinct.

When the rest of the Winged Men saw the fire ignited on their own kind, they immediately fled in all directions. This super-large fire demon couldn't fully support the flight with its own strength, and fell towards the ground in a diagonal line.

Looking at the trajectory of its flight, the place where it fell was this small mound.

With its size, even if it doesn't do anything, it can crush all the people below to death.

Wishing quickly pulled Ophelia up and wanted to run, but he didn't forget to turn around and shout: "Hero, hold on, we're going to find rescuers!"

Ophelia shook off his hand all of a sudden, pouted and said, "What, coward, I'm going to stay here and not go anywhere."

Wishing quickly began to calculate in his mind, if the summoner died, what kind of punishment he might receive as a summoned beast.

On the other hand, the knight on the white horse, unaware of the impending catastrophe, drew the last arrow in the quiver.

This time, the time for him to accumulate energy was obviously much longer. He made a wish and even saw that a dazzling light was gradually gathering at the emerald green arrow.

Seeing that the huge fire demon in the sky was getting very close, the knight on the white horse finally let go of the arrow string, and shot the last arrow with a bang.

The super-large fire demon that has lost the protection of other winged humans naturally cannot dodge this arrow, but even if the arrow less than one meter long hits it, it is just like a steel needle stuck in a person's body. Pain is pain, but definitely not fatal.

And just when making a wish and decided to pick up Ophelia and run away, I saw that the body of the fire demon shrank inward suddenly, paused for a while, and then blasted a huge hole, countless Flaming entrails flowed from the wound.

At the same time, air began to flow into the wound, igniting the internal organs again. Although it looked intact on the outside, in fact, a raging fire had already ignited inside its body, and there were even explosions from its mouth and nose. There was black smoke.

On the verge of death, the super-large fire demon flapped its wings with the last of its strength, and its body like a hill, like a burning meteorite, rushed straight to where the white horse knight was.

"do not want!"

Ophelia yelled, but immediately after, the fire demon fell to the ground, and a violent explosion occurred, shaking the entire basin, and the sea of ​​flames that shot straight into the sky even knocked out more than a dozen Winged Men in mid-air.

Make a wish and said: "Oh, it's a pity for this hero. Given time, he might grow into a strong man like me."

And Ophelia's first love ended before it even started.

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