The vision of the Tiangang Sword not only attracted the attention of the team members present in the Supernatural Bureau, but also the powerful monks from all over the world sensed it.

"Huh? Is there a treasure about to be born? Dragon Kingdom? South?"

An old man with a cane walked out of the temple quickly, facing the east in silence.

In the Western-style church, the saint who was leading the believers in prayer suddenly stopped preaching and cast strange eyes towards the east.

"Is there a holy object to be born?"

In the forest across the sea from the Dragon Kingdom, a monk wearing an upside-down pot also looked up in the direction of the Dragon Kingdom, counted with his fingers, and then quickly disappeared in the forest.

In the Longshen Mountains of the Dragon Kingdom, an old man with white beard stroked his beard and smiled, nodded in the direction of the Tiangang Sword, and then went back to his cabin.

The sacred relics that other sects were enshrining resonated at the same time, as if a group of younger brothers had found their boss.

Such visions aroused the curiosity of Taoist monks in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and some even began to inquire about each other using Lingzi mobile phones.

When the light of the sword dissipated and fell into Lin Hui's hand, everyone instinctively moved over to look at such a rare treasure.

"Huh? How did it become ordinary?"

"What do you know? This is called the self-obscurity of treasures, and it is a phenomenon of returning to the truth."

"Oh, so it is."

It was only at this time that everyone suddenly realized.

Since the vehicle that came here was thrown into the deep pit, the masters who were able to hurry in the supernatural bureau set off first to go back to the bureau to find out the whereabouts of the madman.

Lin Hui still had to go to the top of the mountain to deal with that deadly array, so he stayed.

"There is another formation on the top of the mountain?"

When Lin Hui told them that these monsters came from the death qi formation, everyone in the Supernatural Bureau couldn't help but looked up at the top of the mountain.

"By the way, leader, what is the guide to Huangquan that this lunatic Taoist snatched?"

Lin Hui said that he didn't understand the function of this thing. His system only reacted when it saw the real thing. Such a name has no information to provide at all.

"I don't know exactly what it does. I just remember that the case at that time was a case of summoning by an evil god, and this thing can be regarded as a kind of evidence."

The leader itself is not a person in the Taoist sect. In his opinion, these are just props used by criminals to cheat money and sex.

Who knew that this crazy Taoist really fell in love with this kind of thing, and even caused a storm in the city. When he led a group of members of the Supernatural Bureau to the top of the mountain, what Lin Hui saw was swamps.

The swamp was covered with all kinds of filth, and the sour smell was overwhelming, and the more sensitive female team members ran to the side and vomited wildly.

Lin Hui suppressed the disgusting churning in his stomach, and looked at the swamp in front of him.

"Ding, I found the dead air formation in Xuankong. The host can use the Tiangang sword spirit to open the clouds on the top of the mountain, and break the formation with natural sunlight."

The system gave prompts to break the formation in a timely manner, which made Lin Hui feel that the system was considerate enough.

But when he took out the Tiangang sword and couldn't communicate with the sword spirit anyway, he realized that the system prompt is for you, but you have to find the method by yourself.

"Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch."

I don't know if the sword spirit went into a dormant state after being upgraded just now or what, the Tiangang sword has never made any response.

"Leader, there are two hostages here."

When members of the Supernatural Bureau searched the entire mountain, they found two people tied up in a nearby cave.

When Lin Hui followed the crowd in, he saw that Su Dingfang was already unconscious inside, and the other was the housekeeper uncle who was tied up tightly and his mouth was tightly gagged with a rag.

When the uncle butler was rescued, he asked others to rescue Su Dingfang first.

When the team members of the Supernatural Bureau stepped forward to check, there was nothing they could do.

"Master Lin, this person seems to have been taken away..."

Lin Hui interrupted the team member with a wave of his hand, stepped forward and supported Su Dingfang's forehead with three fingers, and then opened his eyes to look.

"It's not soul-destroying, it's just that the death energy has invaded for too long..."

"Ding, when the spiritual root seed is found, the host can teach the celestial master's mysterious skills and activate the function of assisting disciples."

At this time, the system gave Lin Hui another piece of information that surprised him.

When he carefully read the following instructions, Lin Hui suddenly felt that the system that had been so silent now seemed to have been updated.

I saw that in addition to the newly opened aid subsystem, there is also a shopping mall system, and the task system has also changed significantly.

[Host: Lin Hui]

[Identity: Heavenly Master Seal Descendant]

[Level: Internship Celestial Master Level 9 100%]

【Magic Weapon: Tiangang Sword】

[Cultivation method: 10% of the second volume of Tianshi seal script]

【Merit: 3000/5000】

These are some of the simplest information, appearing in the upper left corner of his field of vision, and below it there is a merit bar graph like the experience bar in the game.

The upper right corner is the logo of the mall, but it indicates that the number of levels is not enough.

The lower right corner is in the form of a package, which should be the kind where all magic weapons can be placed inside.

It was only at this time that Lin Hui felt that he was the perfect body. It turned out that the system that showed no sign of existence at all made him feel like he was only having a dream.

I can't feel that I have crossed at all.

Well now, I have finally become the protagonist in the novels he often read in his previous life.

With such a mentality, Lin Hui felt a lot more relaxed.

"Master Lin...Master Lin..."

Seeing that he checked the hostage for a long time without any response, everyone thought that something happened.

"It's okay, let's take them out first. To break this formation, I have an idea."

When everyone brought the two hostages of the Su family out of the swamp, the leader of the Supernatural Bureau hurried to Lin Hui and whispered: "Master Lin, Binhai City is running out of time now, we can't waste any more time here gone."

What the leader means is that it's fine if the person is rescued, and the mess here will be cleaned up later.

But Lin Hui had a mission, how could he leave all at once?
Is this not the experience you want?

You must know that this is a task issued by the consciousness of Mount Taihe, so you have to get some merit here before leaving.

And he found that after he broke through the maze, the members of the supernatural bureau with their eyes above the top called him master.

This swelled his mentality a lot.

"Since I have come to this world, then I am the son of this plane, and I have to pretend to be strong."

It was precisely because he started to have such thoughts that in the days to come, a young but profound master of Xuan Gong appeared in Binhai City.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

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