Vehicles and equipment worth dozens of tons were dropped from a position of hundreds of meters, just like small bombs.

At the moment of the explosion, Lin Hui stretched out his hand and shouted, "Sword!"

I saw the Tiangang sword coming out of the mountain wall with a swipe, and flew straight into Lin Hui's hands.

Lin Hui raised his skill to the highest level at this time, and the veins on his hands and head were exposed.

The team members of the Supernatural Bureau had already cleared the vicinity of the mountain wall, and they all waited to see how this non-organized folk master performed safely to break through the formation.

I saw Lin Hui raising his sword and sweeping towards the mountain wall.

A sword light flashed, as if nothing happened.

Lin Hui's face was still flushed at this time, and all the veins were showing.

The clothes on his body were torn apart by his size, and someone from the Supernatural Bureau yelled, "It's now..."

With his order, all the active team members launched their strongest attacks towards the stone wall.

Lin Hui also used his strength in his palms, and pushed out his palms against the stone wall.

Only to hear the mountain wall began to make a booming sound.

All the way to the other end, the mountain wall began to be pushed by everyone and Lin Hui's palm.

"Move, move..."

With mutual encouragement, everyone pushed the huge mountain wall towards the deep pit that was smashed out by the car.

At this time, the Tiangang sword flew to the mountain wall again at some point, and inserted into it again with a swipe.


There was a sharp cry from inside the mountain wall, as if some animal had been stabbed by the Tiangang sword.

The entire mountain wall can suddenly move easily...

When the mountain wall was moved, all the Lingzi mobile phones of the Supernatural Bureau could be connected. Hundreds of mobile phones rang at the same time, and no one had time to answer them.

Only the non-aggressive ones started talking to the other side of the phone about how things were going.

"The dead air is starting to subside..."

Lin Hui said to the team members beside him while pushing the mountain wall.

The leader on the other side also heard what he said, and immediately told the other side on the phone about the current predicament that the Ghost Bureau is currently encountering.

When Lin Hui and the others were trying to break through, the outside of Taihe Mountain was already filled with countless reporters.

Everyone is not allowed to enter this besieged area, and can only wait outside for news.

But at this time, whoever let out a scream, I saw a reporter with a pale face pointing at the mobile phone and speaking incompletely.

"Ling, Ling...the Spirit Bureau has been robbed..."

"What? Are you out of your mind? Is it possible?"

"That's right, even if the newly opened state department is not very popular, it's not easy to enter, how could it be..."

Before the barista finished speaking, he was shocked by the mobile phone video in his hand.

I saw the bloody and violent scenes captured by the reporters in the video. The entire supernatural bureau was slaughtered, and the methods were extremely cruel, which is simply outrageous.


Some of the more sensitive reporters started vomiting on the spot with green faces and pale lips.

This news was quickly deleted by the entire network, but it attracted the attention of more netizens. People who knew about the Supernatural Bureau even went to the headquarters of the Supernatural Bureau to verify it, but they were blocked from the fence. .

"This is definitely something wrong, and it's still a big thing."

The foresighted people among the reporters had already left Taihe Mountain for the first time and ran into Binhai City.

More reporters stood there with their eyes dazed.

"What happened to this world?"

Everyone was completely stunned by the news.

Taoist Qin was sitting in the car, browsing the discussion forum about the matter of the Supernatural Bureau with a smile.

He also specially posted a few breaking news posts, which attracted a large number of netizens to call him a master after his ID.

"Hee hee, these idiots..."

Putting away the phone, I saw the people in black who had already dealt with the last blood pool come back.

He smiled, clapped his hands and congratulated them: "Congratulations on completing the task, now it's time to send you on your way."

There are many smart people among the men in black. They already knew that they would be silenced, so they threw their mobile phones at the entrance of the nearby police station during the mission, and there were all the things he confessed in selfies.

It's a pity that Daoren Tan is holding the phone now.

When the smart man in black saw the mobile phone in Taoist Tan's hand, he hurriedly ran outside without saying a word.

But no matter how fast it was, it couldn't be faster than the black shadow that flashed from Taoist Tan's shadow.

In less than three seconds, all the men in black fell into a pool of blood.

Taoist Tan clapped his hands, smiled contemptuously, and walked away.

In Taihe Mountain, when Lin Hui and the others pushed the mountain wall into the deep pit, the Tiangang Sword flew up from the mountain wall.

Suspended above the deep pit, emitting a faint golden light.

"Brother Jian, can you do it yourself?"

After being affirmed by the Tiangang Sword, Lin Hui retreated the team members of the Supernatural Bureau to a safe range.

Made a Xuanmen handprint, and then shouted: "Supreme Golden Light Body Protection Curse..."

There was a flash of golden light, and a huge ball of light surrounded everyone.

The Tiangang sword also resonated in the air at this time.


A stronger resonance sound almost stunned the heads of Jin Guangzhong's team members.

At this time, a black shadow emerged from the mountain wall that was pushed down the deep pit.

The resonating sound of the Tiangang sword became louder, and some members of the supernatural bureau who were less skilled were already stunned.

The black shadow roared towards the Tiangang Sword from below, and the Tiangang Sword slowly approached the black shadow like a divine sword.

The black shadow roared louder and louder, but everyone could hear that this black shadow was at the end of its strength.

Just when everyone thought that the two forces were evenly matched, the Tiangang sword disappeared with a swipe.

Then that black shadow let out a scream, and its voice was so fierce that the entire Taihe Mountain trembled three times.

I saw that the Tiangang sword picked out the entire black shadow from the mountain wall and hung it in the air.

The black shadow could no longer make any sound, and the resonant sound of the Tiangang sword changed from a buzzing sound to a hissing sound, just like a child playing with his beloved toy.

Seeing this, Lin Hui put away the Yin Jue.

The entire Taihe Mountain suddenly became bright and clear, and the team members came back to their senses one after another.

"This... is this a broken formation?"

"Well, the formation is broken, we should go back, this time the crazy Taoist has a big plan."

The Tiangang Sword flew directly above Lin Hui's head like a child returning from playing, but when Lin Hui raised his hand to take back the Tiangang Sword, a strange phenomenon occurred.

I saw that the entire body of the Tiangang Sword began to emit a strong golden light, blinding the eyes of everyone present.

Lin Hui hurriedly contacted Tiangang Sword with his mind, and the result surprised him greatly.

"Damn horse, you can also upgrade a sword?"

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