The accident of the star of the Bangzi country, and the heartfelt words of the old star of the island country have become the most explosive social events in East Asia.

This star question completely encloses all the countries in the Donglai monster circle.

Some people believed what the star of the island country said, while others kept defending it.

However, the netizens of Dragon Kingdom who have great powers did not know where to find the historical records of the island nation.

Here is a complete powerful country. After taking over the politics and economy of the island country, the general Michael stationed in the island country issued a warrant to rectify the island country’s entertainment company. Some opinions are written in it to make the fact that today’s star atmosphere is a real hammer. up.

Ever since, the entire Dragon Kingdom was angry.

They were angry that a few years ago, not only were the merchants supported by the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom flaunting a political policy of complete westernization, but their greater anger stemmed from the invasion of the Bangzi culture, especially after the young people of the Dragon Kingdom went to the Bangzi Kingdom for further education. Come back to the act of making money in the entertainment industry.

What is even more angry is that these so-called "little fresh meat" have distorted the aesthetics of the next generation of Longguo to an unsightly level.

At this time, the Internet has already directly shouted the slogan of boycotting the stick star, but those NC fans who are still addicted to the stick star gathered together to cheer for their "Ouba", and even started to go to the Internet Seek support from a powerful country and let the powerful country sanction the Dragon Kingdom.

The behavior of the NC fans completely angered the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom, and they directly scolded these NC fans as dogs on the Internet.

When the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom saw such a message, he was so angry that he didn't eat that day.

"The legacy of these sticks is so deep that it needs to be scraped to heal the wound."

These are the original words left by the old emperor to the current emperor, and in the name of Fulong Temple, scholars and experts from the people were called together to study this conspiracy against the entertainment industry or against the next generation of the Dragon Kingdom.

What kind of social status is Fulong Temple now?
Ever since Lin Hui made the heart-questioning ceremony in the island country, 90.00% of the citizens of the entire Dragon Kingdom have worshiped this young Taoist leader like a god.

The good deeds that Fulongguan has done over the years, and the information published online that Lin Hui donated all the bonuses for handling Binhai City and discovering ancient tombs, made no one in the entire Long Kingdom say that he is not a good person.

Therefore, after the Fulong Temple issued such a call, experts and scholars continued to rush over to study how to reverse the current entertainment aesthetic trend in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Seeing such a situation, the old emperor made a rare appearance in front of a group of experts and scholars, and then gave a few words of comfort, and encouraged them to make a plan, and he would directly ask the emperor to implement it.

These experts and scholars saw the affirmation of them by the Supreme Emperor, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they had a heated discussion in the temple, from the history of the Dragon Kingdom 5000 years ago to the media psychology written in modern Western times, and then to the powerful country. The group hypnosis and other methods that people are best at have been analyzed clearly and come up with practical solutions, which made the old emperor overjoyed.

"Okay, okay, you are all talented people from the Dragon Kingdom. If this plan is effective, the Dragon Kingdom will award you the National Scholars Medal."

Lin Hui was also relieved that the Dragon Kingdom in this plane was different from the country in his previous life.

The people here seem to be a little more idealistic, or in other words, this is the characteristic of this plane.

"What? What did you think of when you saw such a scene?"

Now the old emperor is really satisfied with this cheap disciple. He didn't pay much attention to Bangziguo's actions this time, but the young man in front of him reminded himself, and then sent a bodyguard from the temple Xiuwei escorted the team of live broadcasters.

"I didn't expect anything, I just felt that there are a lot of bad people in this world. If we hide at home and concentrate on developing, we will encounter all kinds of conspiracies and schemes."

At this time, the old emperor smiled at him and said:
"This is the way this world is, but... we Long Kingdom, you don't need to worry so much. After all, our ancestors will bless us."


At this time, Lin Hui thought of the "Tianshi Zhuan" in his mind. Aren't these the treasures left by his ancestors?

It was rare for the old emperor to see so clearly.

On the Internet, the people's spontaneous movement to resist stick stars grew louder and louder. In the end, the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom announced a decree to ban all kinds of film and television works with incorrect three views and distorted aesthetics. They are all registered in the register, and their qualifications are judged by professional judges and the public every quarter. This qualification is graded, and only senior star actors can get a certain amount of salary.

This decree was just one of the reports made by the experts and scholars in Fulong Temple, and a bunch of similar decrees followed.

Right now, the entire entertainment industry in Longguo can be said to have been hit by the top.

All the stars began to panic like ants on a hot pot, and they tried to find their own way out.

Of course, these stars who are constantly looking for ways are not serious stars anymore. As for those actors who are law-abiding, they all eat melons with the masses at home, and then wash up and go to bed.

The shock in the entertainment circle of Dragon Kingdom not only affects the economy of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

The most important thing is to completely block the bangzi culture exported from the bangzi country, so that these bangzi stars have to return to their own countries to develop.

And what kind of country is Bangzi Country?A place with a small land area and a small population.

A netizen from Longguo Xiao Bangziguo put it this way: The weather forecast in this country can be solved in one sentence. It will rain all over the country tomorrow.

That is because the land is small and the population is small.Therefore, the castration plan of the powerful country took care of this country known as the miracle of East Asia without any effort.

At this time, after being rejected by the Dragon Kingdom, the psychology of the people in this country began to be distorted.

In addition to constantly swearing at the Internet of the Dragon Kingdom through the wall, they also continue to vilify the people of the Dragon Kingdom and the history of the Dragon Kingdom in their own TV stations and film and television works.

At this time, the kind of resentment seemed to be overflowing from the people of the Bangzi Kingdom, and over time, it gradually formed the same resentment spirit as the sky above the island country.

At this time, the large formation of resentful spirits in the island country felt like feeling the resentment of the country next to it. A strong resentment floated from the island country, and then merged with the resentment over the Bangzi country, which suddenly made the weather in the whole Bangzi country chaotic. get up.

At this time, Lin Hui didn't notice this incident.

He was just wandering around Fulong Temple with nothing to do.

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