The stick star overturned during the live broadcast.

This news suddenly flooded the entire Longguo and Bangziguo's networks.

People from the two countries have different reactions to this overturn. Bangzi Country is wondering if someone has switched the star of Bangzi, or the star has suddenly become famous.

As for Longguo, the reaction was mixed, and some diehard fans who were still sticking to the front all helped this idol to defend.But what they said seemed to be for themselves.

And most of the fans have raised a question: Is this the true words of this Oppa?

At the scene at the island country airport, the Taoist priest of the Fulong Temple put down all the bodyguards and retreated to the ranks of the staff.

The stick who was still giving a speech saw this situation and pointed at the priest and cursed a few stick words.

All the fanatical fans present understood what he was scolding, and they couldn't help feeling resentful for the Taoist priest.

" can't curse like that."

A little fan cried out from below.

But he was chased and scolded by the stick star:

"What do you mean I can't swear? I am your emperor. I can swear whoever I want, you bastards, kill this Taoist priest quickly. They are the ones who hinder you from kneeling and licking me. As long as anyone who hinders you from kneeling and worshiping All mine are your enemies. Including your parents, relatives, are just my pigs, and you can only live to worship me."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the fans below turned pale.

They didn't expect that the celebrity they put so much effort into following would be such a person.

Ever since, an impulsive fan among those crowd cursed loudly:

"You idiot, I'm RNMD, I'll refund the money..."

After shouting this sentence, the entire fan group threw all the things that fanned the star on the ground, and stepped on it with their feet.

For a while, the entire live broadcast room saw the live broadcast of these most ardent fans.

The live broadcast on Bangziguo has long been stopped, and it has been changed to a news broadcast method.

But the live broadcast of XXX channel has been on all the time, so the audience from Bangziguo poured into the live broadcast room of XXX channel to continue to watch the follow-up of this incident.

After such a move, the image of the stars of the entire Bangzi Kingdom in the minds of the people of the Dragon Kingdom plummeted.

The stick star was taken away by the islanders on the grounds that they interfered with the normal order of the airport.

He was carried away together with his exclusive photography team.

But these people have become demented now, like a brainless fool.

The live broadcast of channel XXX here is considered to have completed the task, but the empathetic Taoist priest said to these little girls with a smile:

"Don't be disturbed by these little things. It's rare for us to come to the island country. It's also a good choice to take a look at the scenery here."

Although the Taoist priest was tall and strong, the kindness shown made the hurt girls find their backbone at once.

Ever since, this celebrity live broadcast has become a travel live broadcast.

On this day, they came to a small mountain village, which looked no different from some remote mountainous areas in Longguo.

It's just that the scenery is more secluded.

After asking the locals, the Taoist priest understood why the place is so quiet and grateful.

"Oh, that's because we don't have many misdemeanors here, and most of them are the homes of felons, so these felons went to atone for our country, leaving some children to live here."

"Oh, it turned out to be a war criminal village."

Among the monuments erected in the village, we can see the inscriptions of repentance carved by these felons themselves.

When everyone was reading these repentance articles, they could faintly hear the sound of children reading.

"Huh? Daoist, there is still a school here. Can we go and see?"

The Taoist chief nodded happily. He has now become the temporary guardian of these little girls.So these little girls like to report to him about everything they do.

With the live broadcast group, they arrived at an elementary school.

Hearing the sound of reading, it was still the ancient poems of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Wow...that's Ryuta...the most famous star in the former island country, but...why does he teach here?"

These little girls are not only the stars of the Pink Stick Country, but also the stars of the Pink Island Country.

When the young man named Long Tai saw them coming, he nodded to them, motioning the children to continue with the class, regardless of the disturbance outside.

So a group of people just waited quietly outside for the children to finish their classes.

When get out of class was over, Long Tai generously came out and shook hands with the Taoist priest.

After the Taoist clarified the purpose of coming this time, the Mrs. Long also sighed and said:
"Actually, these are all conspiracies by Western countries to wipe out the masculinity of our countries in this way."


Long Tai's words made all the little girls in the fan group petrified, how could chasing a star turn into a conspiracy.

The Long Kingdom people and a small group of Bangzi Kingdom audience who were watching the live broadcast were startled by his words.

Mrs. Long glanced at the camera behind them, and said to the Taoist priest:

"The metaphor I used may be a bit vulgar, I don't know if I can..."

He pointed to the camera, but the Taoist said indifferently:

"As the saying goes, it's okay to talk rough and not rough. You can tell the truth based on your personal experience, so that they and the children can remember it."

"Alas... this is actually a long-planned conspiracy by the West..."

Long Tai sat in front of the camera and slowly explained the problem to these little fans.

"You all know that our island country has been living under the control of a powerful country, and a star like me was proposed at that time. Think about it, what are the characteristics of such a star?"

"What kind of features? Handsome?"

When the fans were speechless, whoever came up with a word that made people feel disgusted.

"I see, it's a bitch."


When everyone heard this word, they immediately became disgusted.

"Yes, you're right. It's the sissies... They try to emasculate our masculine beauty through gender confusion. Looking at our island countries, we know that in recent years, neutral beauty or even feminine beauty has been the mainstream, but , You have also seen such a country, when something happens, do you think such a 'sissy' can protect everyone's safety?"

Long Tai's words were like a heavy punch, hitting the hearts of many fans.

It even stunned the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom and the Bangzi Kingdom.

" this true?"

"I can't believe it..."

"What if it's true? I mean, if what he said is true, have we already been tricked?"

At this time, Lin Hui and the old emperor who were watching the live broadcast looked at each other and smiled.

"OK, the results of this live broadcast are outstanding. You can proceed to the next step."

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