Laozi has existed, and it has truly existed in history.

This news not only caused a sensation among the people of Long Kingdom, but the archeology profession in Long Kingdom became very popular all of a sudden.

All archaeologists, no matter they are big cows or novices, are eager to go to the small city next to the capital to find traces of Lao Tzu's existence.

There are also some archaeological majors who search for the historical records of the Great Zhou Dynasty in major museums, trying to find the record of Lao Tzu's position from the vast historical materials.

For a time, both the small town next to the capital and the major museums were overcrowded.

"Teacher, can I really find my birth certificate here?"

"It's okay if you can't find it. This is what we call the birthplace of the saint. Letting you come here is actually to feel the aura of the saint."

As a rookie in the Department of Archeology, I heard the teacher say this, and then I looked at the crowded crowd around me.It seems that there are too many people who came to feel the spiritual energy this time.

The leaders of Chen County did not expect Lin Hui's words to boost the local economy.This was unexpected. Of course they were delighted to see such a scene, but there are really too many people now.

The entire town can no longer afford the daily life of so many people, and has to take measures to divert and limit the flow.

The cultural relics halls about the history of the Great Zhou in the major museums have always been deserted. The sudden arrival of so many experts from the Department of Archeology made them panic.

"What? The carbon-14 equipment has been borrowed by someone else? Hurry up and find a way for me. No matter what, you must find it today."

"Teacher really can't help it. The only few carbon-14 equipment left in the Department of Archeology have been dragged to the bitter city of Chen County,"

"I don't care if you want to steal or rob, in short, I must have carbon 14 today to test the authenticity of the records of these Dazhou officials."

The leaders in the museum felt uncomfortable seeing these crazy archaeologists desperately urging the equipment to be in place.

"Everything that can be displayed in our museum is genuine. Why do these people still need to be inspected? Who doesn't believe this?"

The staff below were discussing in low voices, and the faces of the leaders became more and more ugly.

But they can't help it!They dare not offend every big bull here, they can only watch helplessly as these big bulls continue to play with these Da Zhou cultural relics.

The great bulls in the major museums are fanatical, but the archaeological researchers in Fulong Temple are really cautious, for fear that they will startle the old emperor who is resting on the table with his eyes closed if he speaks loudly.

The old emperor is officially sitting in the scripture storage pavilion today and looking at these researchers. He wants to know all the evidences of Lao Tzu's existence in the records of Taoism at the first time.

People in foreign countries have never understood why the people of Longguo are so fanatical about the fact that Lao Tzu existed?
They couldn't understand how much influence such an old man had on Longguo!
"Cut, how do these uncivilized barbarians understand that Lao Tzu's influence on our culture is profound. How many foundations of emperor's power and tactics have been bred by just a thought of inaction?"

The old emperor sneered at these foreigners. In his opinion, the 5000-year inheritance of the Dragon Kingdom is the real core civilization of the world.

Now, as long as it is proved that Lao Tzu is real, then all schools of thought will discover and confirm it at the same time.

In the lounge of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Yan Zhenzhen asked Lin Hui curiously:
"Master, is our Daozu's discovery really that important? We already know that there is a Daozu. Why do you still want to confirm its real existence?"

Lin Hui smiled. This female apprentice still seemed a little confused about the enthusiasm of the people of Longguo.

"Lao Tzu's thoughts have been passed down, but what about the spells I mentioned. What about his ability to cut off half a mountain with a single throw of the pen?"

"In addition, Lao Tzu exists. Shouldn't the hundred schools of thought also exist? And the inheritance they left behind is not just as simple as thought?"

"Master, do you mean to say that the techniques, spells and even profound arts left by the various schools of thought are what we are looking for?"

"You're beginning to understand!"

Yan Zhenzhen nodded to Lin Hui with a smile, and then went out to broadcast the new discovery and study of the Bayeux Sutra to the netizens.

However, Lin Hui faintly felt that a huge energy was rushing towards him. This was an energy he was familiar with but unfamiliar. He could only quietly wait for the arrival of this energy.

In the main hall of the Longguo Palace, the current emperor covered the mobile phone in his hand with a memorial, and Yan Zhenzhen was broadcasting live on the mobile phone.

In the hall, two groups of people were arguing loudly, and some even started to curse.

"What about the existence of Lao Tzu? Why do we spend so much effort to dig out these things that have no scientific basis?"

"That is, these have no scientific basis at all, and we should vigorously criticize them."

"Are you blind? Or are your eyes blocked by the benefits given to you by foreign friends, have you not seen the current situation in the island country? Have you not seen Master Lin's miraculous exercises? Have you not seen how proud the people of Dragon Kingdom are now? ?"

"We are just discussing based on facts, and others are attacking personally."

"Furthermore, these are only isolated cases without universality, and there is no scientific basis for them. No one knows the situation of the island country. Maoxiong and Qiangguo have already sent people to the island. It is estimated that scientific research results will come out soon. "

"Okay, then this is not universal. But how much influence Lao Tzu has had on the Dragon Kingdom, as a Dragon Kingdom person, it is impossible for you not to know it? Now that you say these things, as a Dragon Country person, your conscience will not hurt ?"


The emperor on the dragon chair watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and suddenly chuckled.

Seeing the emperor's expression, the ministers in the hall couldn't help but focus their attention on the emperor.

"Oh, it's nothing, you continue, I'm reading the booklet."

The ministers all smiled wryly in their hearts, this emperor is really unscrupulous, there are already bursts of noise in the mobile phone you covered with the memorial.

In the live broadcast room, Yan Zhenzhen was seriously introducing the new discovery of the Beiye Jing to the water friends, but the water friends' attention was on Su Dingfang who was behind him holding a leaf and smashing it to the ground desperately.

Su Dingfang wanted to confirm how hard the leaves blessed by the master were?
Will it be really invulnerable like that ancient tomb?
Neither he nor Yan Zhenzhen thought that what he did would make the water friends happy again.

"In terms of being funny, I still think that Young Master Su is No.1, not one of them."

"Of the three masters and apprentices, the most unreliable one is Young Master Su, who can be called the existence of the second senior brother."

"I'll go, upstairs you found the truth and everything about it, first young master Su still has to change his name to Second Senior Brother in the future."

"The name Second Senior Brother really suits him."

"Second Senior Brother..."

"Second Senior Brother..."

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