The image of Lin Hui's three masters and apprentices summoning Lao Tzu in Chang'an really shocked the whole world. This is not the first time, and everyone in Longguo believes that Lao Tzu is real.

Now there is no doubt about the evidence.

The water friends in the live broadcast room have basically begun to adapt to this situation.

"Wherever Master Lin goes, miracles happen there. Isn't this normal?"

"That's right, that's true. Master Lin's skill is getting stronger and stronger now!"

"If one day, Master Lin can summon Lao Tzu. I won't be surprised at all!"

"I'm waiting for the day when Master Lin summons Qin Shihuang. I feel excited just thinking about it!"

The discussions among the water friends in the Long domestic live broadcast room are just rational discussions.

Discussions on the Internet are unusual, and foreigners still have doubts about Lin Hui.

"This man came out with another magical thing. Who is he? Is it a god? Or a human? Or a devil?"

"Such a heretic will be tied to a cross and burned to death. He is a devil. Look at what he has done to the current island country?"

"Didn't you read the news upstairs? The island country has recovered. Although it has not fully recovered, some people have slowly woken up."

"Isn't it? Is this true? Can a beast like an islander wake up?"

"It's true! Just when Lin Hui summoned those images."

At the same time, countries around the world are also paying close attention to the changes in the island country.

"Report sir, the islanders are indeed awake, it's just..."

"Just what? The next report will be finished in one go, so don't show off your temper in front of me."

"No sir, there is still an unknown about the sobriety of the islanders, that is, these people generally don't speak much, or they don't know how to speak human language."

"Don't know how to speak human language? What's the situation?"

The intelligence personnel responsible for monitoring the situation of the island country are reporting to the intelligence chief of the powerful country.

The islanders are indeed waking up, as reported by the intelligence personnel of the powerful country, the islanders who are awake now don’t know how to speak human words, only the screams of beasts are left.

Lin Hui snorted disdainfully after knowing this, it was the greatest luck to wake them up.

"Master Sanzang is still too kind."

Lin Hui is now surrounded by countless historical researchers, asking questions all over the place.

They felt that the restoration of the Bayeux Sutra seemed to be a good thing, but who was the middle-aged mage in that video?Who is that old man?
Although they have guessed all this, they still can't be sure without substantive evidence.

Lin Hui looked at these old men suspiciously, and he could see that they could recognize who these two people were.

"Haven't you already determined who these two people are? Do you still need me to confirm?"

"Master Lin, what you said. Without your confirmation, how dare we say it casually?"

"Yes, yes! You have to be responsible."

Lin Hui looked at them with strange eyes, and there was a little smile in the contempt.

"So you are afraid of being responsible? Tell me earlier, I can ask my master to tell you."

"Uh... that's not necessary, now we just want you to say, did this old... person really exist?"

When one of the elderly people raised this question, Lin Hui looked around and all the people around him were staring at him.

"I can clearly tell you that the old man is Lao Tzu Li Er, the author of the legendary Tao Te Ching."

Lin Hui's words frightened everyone, and after a short silence, loud cheers erupted.

And all the water friends in Longguo's live broadcast also burst out with extraordinary enthusiasm when they heard the words, and they went to the street to celebrate enthusiastically, although everyone didn't know why they were so excited.

But this is a kind of recognition and pride for one's own culture bursting from the heart.

At the same time, neighboring countries also watched the live broadcast, and their reactions were different.

The believers in the Elephant Kingdom were ashamed, because they found out through the network of the neighboring Longguo that their Buddhas were all evolved from the elders of the Longguo.

Country H's mood is very mixed now, the founder of a Taoist sect is actually from Dragon Country, why not from our own country.

So they began to dig deep into Lao Tzu's genealogy. Unfortunately, the age is so long that even the people of Long Country can't figure it out. The people of H Country can only use their imaginations to compile Lao Tzu's genealogy.And loudly told the world that Lao Tzu's ancestors had 1/3 H country blood, and the conclusion was that Lao Tzu was also from H country.

The people of Long Country are dismissive when they see the performance of the people of H Country on the Internet. Now we don’t have time to celebrate, how can we have time to play with your rubbish?

"Master Lin, we certainly believe what you said. But historical research requires evidence. I hope you can provide guidance in this regard."


To be honest, Lin Hui really didn't know how to guide them, but he thought that the third volume of his Tianshizhuan had been upgraded.

"It's good to try."

With this in mind, he opened the third volume of his Tianshizhuan, and searched for the word Laozi in the simple search box.

I saw rows and rows of documents appearing in front of him, and those documents were very detailed.

It's even down to which plane he's in, and what kind of person is this Lao Tzu?What kind of stories and works do you have?
He was surprised to find that there is also an earth plane, and the plane he is in is called Blue Star.

According to the information given by the search engine, Lin Hui told the old people a piece of news:
"If you want to find Lao Tzu, you can look through the history of Spring and Autumn. There is a place called Chen Guo."

"Chen Guo? I know, it's not far from the capital, but..."

Among the elders, of course, there are big cows who are very clear about historical materials. As soon as Lin Hui's words came out of his mouth, they had already realized that he was talking about a place where history existed.

"Don't worry about it. What I'm talking about is Ku County in Chen Guo. It's a small place. He didn't live there much, but his birthplace is indeed there."

When Lin Hui said this fact with a stern voice, everyone couldn't believe it.Because the long history has been buried, and there should be no evidence of Lao Tzu's birth.

"Or you can find the list of Da Zhou's officials. He was working as a librarian in the library at the time. Of course, what I said is the current title, which should not be the title at that time. But these are your majors gone."

"That's right, it's ours, our specialty. Thank you, Master Lin, we will immediately look for his footprints."

After getting this accurate information, these old men rushed out in a hurry.Lin Hui was amazed at their vigorous steps and flexible movements that shouldn't be at their age.

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