Chef system

Chapter 41 The Grand Opening

The food festival, which has been prepared for several days, finally opened. Tourists from all over the world surrounded the small square in front of the Chenguang Hotel. The potential essence of people is food, so no matter whether they are celebrities or ordinary people, come here Here, the so-called face is completely put aside, and you can eat as much as you can, and only pick delicious food.

Diego and Sean walked between the tents, stopping for a few minutes at each place, tasting the delicious snacks brought by the chefs, and then commenting.The dishes made by Yang Chen are the most memorable for the two of them. Compared with Yang Chen, the dishes made by these people are nothing more than fancy and better looking. The taste is really unflattering, either too greasy or too sweet, or too salty to eat pharynx.

The two wandered around for a long time. Although they didn't have any food that suits their taste, the two of them were still very surprised by the Chinese food. As expected, as Yang Chen said, there are tens of thousands of Chinese dishes, and if you change the same every day, you will eat it all your life. not come.

Chenguang Hotel has now become a special hotel for receiving tourists. In fact, Chenguang Hotel is a three-star hotel. It is up to the grade of Chenguang Hotel.

Foreign tourists who came to the Chenguang Hotel were attracted by the layout of the Chenguang Hotel, and what surprised them even more was that the snacks and fruits carefully made by Yang Chen were placed on the tables in the hotel lobby, which seemed to make people salivate.

"Qunyinghui, this dish is a cold dish. Of course, you may have questions. I can only tell you that Qunyinghui has different recipes in different places, and the taste is naturally different. Like mine, it is completely delicious. Common fruits and vegetables used, sliced ​​radishes, sectioned cucumbers, boiled broccoli, put them together, added a small amount of sugar, I believe the taste will make everyone like it.”

Yang Chen wiped his sweat and introduced the things he made to the guests. He looked very embarrassed, but no one cared about it. Everyone focused on the various dishes in front of them. As for who Yang Chen was, they couldn't care so much .

A gathering of heroes didn't last for a minute, and was completely wiped out. Yang Chen couldn't help curling his lips. This f*ck was dragged by a starving ghost. Haven't you seen anything to eat?Yang Chen prepared a lot of ingredients for this food festival, but the momentum is not enough, the problem is that he has to pay for it himself, and Shen Guozhong didn't say to give himself some funding.

"Don't miss it when you pass by. The freshly baked fried stinky tofu smells stinky and tastes delicious."

Someone outside let out a yo-ho, and then the pungent smell instantly permeated the entire square.Diego and Sean seemed to have been injured by a critical blow, and quickly ran into the Chenguang Hotel, holding their noses.

"Yang, your Huaxia snack tastes too weird, can you eat something so ugly?"

Yang Chen grinned, "The two of you know too little about our Huaxia cuisine. This is called stinky tofu. It smells stinky and tastes delicious. It's inconvenient for me to explain the specific method to you. I recommend you to try it."

Diego and Sean looked at each other, both a little afraid to try.In fact, the tastes of foreign friends are different from those of Chinese people, so stinky tofu is difficult for them to accept.The smell is too strong and it smells horrible.But since Yang Chen recommended it, the taste would definitely not be too bad, the two of them carefully picked up a piece of stinky tofu, pinched their noses and put it in their mouths.

"Well... delicious! I didn't expect this stinky tofu to taste so special. You Huaxia people are so talented!"

Diego couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and ate a few more pieces in a row, still wanting more.Of course, for foreigners, there is no way to distinguish between good and bad Chinese snacks, only whether they suit their taste.Although the stinky tofu made by this little brother tastes good, it is fried too old.

Yang Chen also came to the tent to taste it, nodded and said it was okay, but he still put forward his own opinion, "Brother, your stinky tofu is a bit old, it will taste better if you are more skilled in controlling the temperature."

The little brother who set up the stall knew that he had met an expert, but seeing that Yang Chen was so young, Huaxia didn't seem to have such a number one person, it was very unfamiliar.

"Brother, are you also a chef?"

Yang Chen nodded and shook his head again, "Yes or no, chef is my profession, but my goal is to make cooking into a career, to reach the whole world, so that people all over the world can eat our Chinese food. "

The little brother looked at Yang Chen blankly, as if he couldn't understand why Yang Chen said such big words, "Little brother, are you thinking too much? Now that the name of our Huaxia cuisine is known all over the world, there is no need for you to promote it .”

Yang Chen's face darkened, "I'm talking about allowing foreign friends to eat our restaurant's dishes."

The little brother was a little puzzled, "The food in your restaurant? Is it delicious? Which restaurant are you from?"

Yang Chen pointed to the restaurant behind him, "Well, that is, Chenguang Hotel, and it will open to the whole world in the future."

"Then who are you? But you still want to open a three-star hotel all over the world, aren't you awake? Who are you?"

Yang Chen smiled, "I said that Chenguang Hotel will open to the whole world, then it must open to the whole world, because I am Yang Chen."

Brother Stinky Tofu's eyes lit up, "Yang Chen? Which Yang Chen? You mean the owner of Chenguang Hotel? Are you the owner of Chenguang Hotel?"

Yang Chen smiled without saying a word, turned and left, hiding his achievements and fame.

The food festival is still going on, and various delicacies and snacks are constantly being updated. Visitors who come to the food festival can have a good time. No matter what the taste is, anyone who has free food is willing to try it.However, most of the delicacies displayed in the food festival are some snacks, and the real feast is at the Chenguang Restaurant.

Most people don't know Yang Chen's name, or Yang Chen is too low-key. He has never mentioned his status as a member of the Food Association. Connect him with members of the Food Association, after all, those who can enter the Food Association are big names.

The scale of Chenguang Hotel is not large, so people will feel a little crowded when they come in, but this will not affect the enthusiasm of tourists at all. There will be several big names in the culinary art world in the restaurant who will cook in person, and each will cook a few special dishes for everyone. Dishes for everyone to taste.

He Hongqiang made a stewed elbow, and the other two who followed He Hongqiang made steamed sea bass and tamales respectively, and they all worked hard before doing it.When it was Yang Chen's turn to make a move, the tourists were overjoyed, demanding the rhythm of frying pans.

"Who is this kid? He also cooks? What can he do?"

"Hey, kid, you'd better get out of your way quickly and let those masters do it."

He Hongqiang snickered in his heart, if Yang Chen wasn't a master, then there really isn't anyone here who can be called a master. Yang Chen is the youngest member of the Gastronomy Association ever.There is a good saying, to become famous as early as possible, He Hongqiang really finds it hard to understand why Yang Chen didn't just tell his identity, and insisted on making others despise him so much.

Old Mr. Jiang couldn't stand it anymore, and pressed down with both hands, "Everyone be quiet, you may not know that the one who will cook for you is Yang Chen, the owner of Chenguang Restaurant, you must be very strange, such a young man can cook What, but what I want to tell everyone is that Yang Chen is not only the owner of Chenguang Restaurant, but also a member of our food association. Don't underestimate him, the dishes he cooks are better than anyone else here, so you should be quiet first waiting."

The guests below were boiling again, Jiang Chengren glanced helplessly and walked into the back kitchen.

"This kid is a member of the Food Association? How is that possible at such a young age?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Don't you know Jiang Chengren? He is a veteran of the Food Association, so what he said may be false?"

"It's awesome, it's really awesome! Why didn't you know that Yang Chen still has this ability?"

"You don't know too much. He also opened a health care shop, which specializes in medicated diet. Have you heard of medicated diet? It's really good. I have eaten it several times. It tastes really good, and it can also take care of the body. It's very good. Not bad, I suggest you give it a try."

The outside discussion did not affect Yang Chen's movements. A knife danced up and down in his hand, and the ingredients were quickly broken into strips and pieces under the knife. It was done in one go. This knife skill alone has already thrown others away. A lot, not to mention his control over the heat and the taste.

"This knife skill is really amazing, I'm afraid it won't take ten years to do it."

"Ten years? What are you kidding, don't even think about it without 20 years!"

"Are you all talking nonsense? How old is Yang Chen? He looks in his early twenties, you mean he started using knives not long after he was born?"

So here comes the question, how did Yang Chen practice his sword skills?No one can answer this question, even Yang Chen himself can't explain clearly, because as long as he holds the kitchen knife in his hand, he feels that the knife becomes one with his body, and he can almost do whatever he wants, and he can grab it with his hands.

Yang Chen knew that all of this was due to the food system. Since the food system opened a new chapter, his cooking skills have soared. His knife skills have become more and more exquisite, the control of the heat has become more and more precise, and the error in the ratio of seasonings is almost as small as before. mg calculation.The dishes produced in this way are not perfect, at least for now no one can compare to him.

People's attention was attracted by Yang Chen. Watching Yang Chen cook was like watching a jade carving process, which was pleasing to the eye.A dish took shape within 5 minutes in Yang Chen's hands, and the speed was so fast that people couldn't believe it.

"I've never seen such a superb sword technique. It's fast to the extreme, but the strength control is not bad at all. It's hard to imagine that such a young junior has such skill. It's really a formidable young man."

For Yang Chen's cooking and knife skills, apart from admiring Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang is convinced. Even 20 years ago, he would not have been able to do this. Chen exchanged ideas.He Hongqiang was even more convinced. In the previous sparring session, he thought that there was not much difference between him and Yang Chen, but now it seemed that he was far behind Yang Chen by more than a star, and it would be difficult for him to surpass him even with his whole life's skills.

"In order to avoid people saying that I bully foreigners, I cook this dish of Fujian cuisine. This dish has a very famous name, Buddha Jumping Wall. Of course, anyone who knows the history of Buddha Jumping Wall knows that this dish The original name of the dish is Fu Shou Quan, so I won’t say much about its origin. Food is the most important thing for the people, and I hope this dish can make everyone live a happy, long and healthy life.”

Everyone was stunned, including Jiang Chengren.

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