Chef system

Chapter 32 Blueprints

Luo Yu's words made Yang Chen suddenly understand, and there were many thoughts in his mind.Before, he wanted to open a branch just to attract more diners and build his own reputation, but now it seems that the location is not important, as long as the restaurant keeps innovating, there are more products that are popular, and the service is considerate, you just open it. People will come from every corner. This is the saying that the smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley.

The simple meeting between the two was very pleasant. For Luo Yu, Yang Chen admired him more. As a heavyweight real estate investment expert in Binhai City, it is really rare to be able to put down his body to explain such a big truth to himself, and there is no dissatisfaction at all. Patience means that although He Hongqiang's face is supported inside, but the intuition tells that Yang Chen and Luo Yu are a magnanimous person.

Luo Yu also has a good impression of Yang Chen, because he can't see impetuosity and ambition in this young man. He is calm, confident, and suitable for doing big things.Originally, Luo Yu was about to leave. For him, time was money, and talking to others was calculated by the minute, but after meeting Yang Chen, the two of them had a lively chat. Yang Chen took advantage of the opportunity to invite Luo Yu to have a meal, and everything was logical.

Luo Yu also wants to taste how Yang Chen's cooking skills are, after all, this is a young man whom even He Hongqiang admires.Yang Chen also misunderstood Luo Yu. He thought he would be a steady man. After he cooked the dishes and served them, he immediately returned to his essence.

"It smells good, it must taste good, I'll try it first, you don't think you have any objections?"

Luo Yu didn't even look at Yang Chen, reached out to take out the chopsticks, put a piece of perch meat into his mouth, and instantly widened his eyes.

"It's delicious! It's delicious, and the taste is very fresh! The freshness of the sea bass is not covered by the seasoning, and at the same time, the taste of the seasoning can be perfectly integrated into the sea bass meat. High, really high!"

Luo Yu couldn't help giving a thumbs up. The sea bass is really delicious. He has never eaten such a unique sea bass at home or outside. The method must be very particular.

"By the way, Yang Chen, you shouldn't have any secrets about how to make sea bass, right? Why don't you tell me about this method, and I'll ask my wife to make sea bass too."

Yang Chen smiled, "There is nothing special about my method, because the sea bass is steamed first and then the seasoning is added, so the taste of the seasoning can't fully blend into the fish, but the seasoning is specially made, just to wrap the fish Look, in fact, the seasoning is only attached to the outside of the fish, and does not go into the fish. When you eat it, you will taste the taste of the seasoning first, and then you will bite into the fish, so the freshness of the fish will not be lost. As you chew, the fish meat and seasoning are fully mixed, and the proper taste will come out naturally."

There is a specialization in the art industry, and what Yang Chen said Luo Yu didn't quite understand. This did not prevent him from admiring Yang Chen. Every line of work has its own rules, such as cooking, adding a little more salt will make the dishes salty, and real estate investment. Also, excessive pursuit of income will not be worth the loss.

After listening to Luo Yu's suggestion, Yang Chen did not start to open a branch immediately, but asked Luo Yu to help analyze what new peripheral industrial chain should be developed.As the saying goes, a master of all disciplines is not as good as a master of one discipline. Yang Chen didn't prepare too many new tricks, because it would consume too much manpower and material resources to manage.

Thinking of the things about medicinal diet in his mind, Yang Chen decided to conduct research on medicinal diet while doing catering.Of course, although the main purpose of medicated diet is to regulate the body, it is still used for eating in the final analysis, and it is inseparable from the control of cooking skills.Yang Chen told Luo Yu his thoughts, and Luo Yu agreed with this idea, but he still put forward some ideas of his own.

For example, whether the source of medicinal materials used in medicinal diet is qualified, what to do if something goes wrong, and the most important point is how to obtain a business license. The state has always been very strict about medical care. In order to ensure the safety of people’s lives, medical The management and control of medical treatment has also led to an increase in the threshold for practicing medicine and opening hospitals.

But Yang Chen doesn't worry about this problem. Shen Guozhong must know better than anyone how his medicinal diet is. If he goes to find him by himself, it shouldn't be a big problem.The most important thing is how can I ensure that the source of these medicinal materials is reliable, and no one will make some fake ones.

Luo Yu didn't have a good solution to this problem, after all, he didn't have any friends in this area, so the problem could only be left to Yang Chen to solve by himself.

To be on the safe side, Yang Chen decided to discuss it with Shen Guozhong, and believed that he would give him some opinions and suggestions.I called Shen Guozhong in advance. Originally, Shen Guozhong didn't have time to meet anyone, because he was too busy.But after hearing Yang Chen's idea of ​​having a medicinal diet, Shen Guozhong decided to push down some things, and specially arranged a time to chat with Yang Chen in detail.

Three days later, Yang Chen found the mayor's office.Shen Guozhong was sitting in his office reading a newspaper when he heard a knock on the door and got up and opened the door.

"Yang Chen, your idea is not bad. I forgot to ask you when we met twice earlier, what happened to your medicinal diet? I heard from Mengting before that you asked her to get the medicine, and then made the medicinal diet, right? "

Yang Chen nodded, "Mayor Shen, I have some earthen remedies. I can't tell you where I got them from. I guarantee that there will be no side effects. They are all helpful to the body and have beauty benefits. There are those that nourish yin and strengthen yang, and those that detoxify and cleanse the intestines. Of course, these medicinal diets are very common, and there are some more complicated ones that can cure diseases."

Shen Guozhong glanced at Yang Chen in surprise, "According to what you say, just eating at your place can solve the problem, so wouldn't the hospital lose its job?"

Yang Chen scratched his head embarrassingly, "I haven't thought about it, I just want to let customers solve their physical problems through eating, and I don't intend to grab the hospital's business."

Shen Guozhong smiled, "I was just joking with you. Now some hospitals are too outrageous. The prices of medicines have increased, and even medical examinations cost a lot of money. How can ordinary people afford it? If you can really do it, Even if the hospital troubles you, I will press it for him!"

With Shen Guozhong's guarantee, Yang Chen is much more relaxed, but he is not a person who doesn't know how to advance or retreat. Everyone has given him such a guarantee, and it would be shameful if he didn't come up with something real.

"Mayor Shen, what I'm thinking about is whether we can cooperate with some traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, because I need a lot of Chinese medicinal materials for these medicinal meals, and I don't have a way to get them, and I don't feel relieved if they come from other places."

Shen Guozhong knocked on the table with his fingers, looked up at Yang Chen, "You need a lot of Chinese herbal medicines, this is indeed a bit difficult, and I can't open the back door for you, even though I think it's okay, it doesn't mean everyone can accept it. Something, there is a large traditional Chinese medicine hospital in the city, which has been in operation for many years. There should be sources of Chinese medicinal materials. If you can convince their director, I will have no problem here. The director is an old antique with a bad temper. If it is not because of his medical skills, the traditional Chinese medicine hospital It has already fallen into his hands. You can also talk to him about cooperation, if you can get his approval, your medicinal diet will not be a problem, including your restaurant will also be rewarded."

After bidding farewell to Shen Guozhong, Yang Chen ran to the Binhai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital without stopping. Although he was not in a hurry, he was not at ease if this matter was not handled properly.The director of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is called Wu Chengcai. His name is as old as his age. He wears a pair of presbyopic glasses and his eyes are cloudy.

"Dean Wu, I'm Yang Chen, Yang Chen from Chenguang Hotel."

Wu Chengcai rolled his eyes. He didn't know if he heard Yang Chen's words. He sprayed a stream of gas from his nose. Yang Chen frowned, and looked at Wu Chengcai with some doubts.

"Dean Wu, do you often feel some pain in your heart and difficulty breathing?"

Wu Chengcai's body visibly paused, and then he formally raised his head and glanced at Yang Chen, "Boy, do you know medical skills?"

Yang Chen smiled, but did not answer Wu Chengcai's words, "Dean Wu is also a doctor himself, why can't he cure his illness? Is it because he is not good at medicine or is not good at traditional Chinese medicine?"

No one has ever dared to talk to Wu Chengcai like this. Yang Chen's tone is too loud. Does the director of the Chinese Medicine Hospital not have good medical skills?Can't Chinese medicine?This is simply a slap in the face!

Wu Chengcai sneered, and put down the newspaper in his hand, "Boy, tell me a reason, and I'll let you go today. If you can't tell me why, then you will be beaten today!"

The old man has a really big temper, and he's going to beat people at every turn, Yang Chen even wondered if his small body could raise his fist.Anyway, Yang Chen's goal was achieved, Wu Chengcai became angry, and this was exactly the result Yang Chen needed.As long as there is a way to communicate, Yang Chen is confident that he can persuade this old antique.

"Dean Wu, are you 70 years old this year?"

Wu Chengcai was noncommittal, and still looked at Yang Chen coldly.Yang Chen knew the result a long time ago, so he continued talking on his own. "President Wu, you were a soldier when you were young, and you were a doctor in the army, right?"

This is not public information, including many people in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine do not necessarily know that Wu Chengcai has such a history.Now that his interest was finally aroused, Wu Chengcai glanced at Yang Chen and said: "When I was young, I followed the army. I was still very young, and my medical skills were not as good as it is now. So I saw many comrades in arms with me. I am sorry to die in front of you..."

Yang Chen's face was serious, and he followed Wu Chengcai's words, "Principal Wu, you must have been straightforward when you were young, and you couldn't understand some things, so you often get angry, right?"

Wu Chengcai nodded, "My temper has been like this all my life, and I can't change it all my life."

"Then you must have been injured when you were young, below the third rib in your left chest."

Wu Chengcai was shocked. He had never told anyone about his injury, nor had he been checked in the hospital. How did this kid know?

"Boy, how do you know?"

Yang Chen smiled, "How do I know that I can't tell you for the time being, I'm here today to discuss something with you."

Wu Chengcai didn't have any accidents. He seemed to have expected that Yang Chen would say that a young man ran all the way to the Chinese Medicine Hospital to look for him. There would be no other reason than asking for something.After all, today's young people are very impetuous, and it is also a fact that the talents of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals are withering.

Wu Chengcai was not very interested in why Yang Chen came, but he wanted to know how Yang Chen could tell that his body had been injured, and even the location was so accurate.

"Okay, you finish quickly, let's talk about other things, you kid doesn't seem to have studied Chinese medicine, even if you did, it won't be too long, you are only in your early twenties, I don't believe your medical skills can reach The point where the disease can be found by observation."

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