Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 12 Shooting Advanced, Vampire Bats


Should be a ranged weapon.

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'Iron Sand Firebolt', a simple firearm with low shooting accuracy, has a 20% chance to launch 'Iron Sand Critical Strike', forming an area of ​​scattering, with an effective range of 35 meters and an attack speed of 6 seconds.

It needs 1 iron block and 1 'fire attribute element fragment' to synthesize 10 rounds of bullets.

If the range is 35 meters, the current tomb space can basically cover all of them.

The attack speed is 6 seconds, it should be used for filling bullets.

There is still a 20% chance to produce a scattering effect, which is really good.

With a gun in hand, don't panic.

Although it is still relatively simple, firearms can still make people feel more secure than cold weapons.

Although there are only 3 pieces of 'Fire Attribute Element Fragments', Xiao Ran still synthesized 10 bullets, wanting to see the effect.

Fill the last round, go to the corner opposite the treasure chest, and aim the gun.

With a flick of the wrist, gunshots rang out. The sound was so loud in the empty tomb that it hurt the eardrums.

Scaring the cheetah is also a thrill.

"It's okay, it's just a musket."

After comforting the cheetah, he looked at the treasure chest he was aiming at just now, and there seemed to be no change.

Looking at the other two treasure chests, they are still intact.

On the wall... there is no...

Looking up, only to find that on the top of the tomb, there was a black burnt paste, and there was a trace of white smoke.


Power really does.

But this accuracy is a bit embarrassing, and it is too outrageous.

Although, during his university military training, Xiao Ran had participated in live-ammunition shooting training, and his grades were not bad.

However, all standard rifles are used, and the workmanship of this firecracker is too rough, and the accuracy itself has a big problem.

Xiao Ran tried another shot. Although the situation had improved, it still missed a lot.

In this situation, it is impossible to form a combat force at all, and at most it is just a sound.

Xiao Ran could only put away the 'Fire Gun' first, ready to explore the next tomb.

This time it was one orange, one yellow, and three dark green.

Xiao Ran took a look with the 'Detector', and there was only one 'Black-haired Zombie' in the orange tomb.

Not only is its combat power four times that of the 'White-haired Zombie', but it also has the skills of 'spraying poison' and 'exploding'.

Thinking of the scene of a black-haired zombie spitting out green corpse poison, it is as disgusting and terrifying as it needs to be.

He randomly chose a dark green tomb to enter.

I thought there was nothing inside, but there were two 'Three-eyed Vipers'.

It should be due to the growth of one's own combat power, so the difficulty of the display is reduced.

There is no need to do it yourself, the cheetah can handle it all easily.

With the experience from last time, Xiao Ran paid attention to the 'loyalty' of the spiritual pet this time, the value was 99, only dropped by 1 point.

Just take it back and it fills up in no time.

It seems that with the 'Beast Mastery', this matter is no longer a problem.

There is only one 'wooden treasure box' in the tomb. After opening it, you will get ordinary resources, X1 fragments of fire attribute elements, and a stainless steel pot.

"Sign in!"

"Ding dong! Sign in successfully in the new tomb! Get the skill 'gun shooting' (advanced)!"

[Gun shooting] (Advanced), improve the shooting accuracy of all firearms, reaching the level of ordinary combat soldiers.

Upgrade 'proficient' conditions: wood X45, fine iron X4, wind element fragments X2, ice element fragments X3, Cordyceps X6, essence X18.

It's a shooting skill.

Xiao Ran immediately took out the firecracker to test the effect.

A shot was fired, right on the target, and a big hole was blasted in the very center of the 'wooden treasure chest'.

It's really accurate.

Xiao Ran suddenly became interested, and placed an empty coke can on the box.

After aiming, it was another shot.

Bullets grazed the coke can and blasted on the stone wall behind.

It seems that 'Advanced Shooting' can't handle such a crude firearm.

But there is no need to shoot too small targets, this level is enough.

He simply reloaded and pulled the trigger again.

A piece of iron sand shot out from the muzzle of the gun, blasting the entire wooden box into pieces.

This power is really not small...


The cheetah seemed to have gotten used to the sound of gunshots. Seeing how powerful its master was, it raised its head and let out a cheer to cheer the master up.

After he had almost practiced marksmanship, he began to check the entrance.

This time it is one red, two oranges, and two light greens.

Although it is light green, Xiao Ran should detect it in advance to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter.

"Start probing!"

"There is 'Vampire Bat' X12 in the tomb, and its condition is normal!"

[Vampire Bat], a low-level cave-dwelling creature, with fleshy wings stretching about 0.4-0.7 meters, IQ 50, combat power 80, can fly, good at group attack, skill: night battle bonus.

Attribute restraint: wind.


It turned out to be a group of bats, the individual combat strength was average, but there were a lot of them, and they also had air superiority.

Night time can also increase the combat power by 2 times.

Now it's only light green difficulty, and it will definitely be red at night.

Now that I have 'fire gun self-defense' and cheetah support, it shouldn't be a big problem.

A blue light flashed, and he was already in the new tomb.

There are messy rubble in the field of vision, and there are three treasure chests in different positions.

The surrounding rock walls are not so regular, and the entire tomb is like a cave, and there are no bats in sight.


The cheetah raised its head in warning.

Xiao Ran raised his head, and there were also strange rocks on top of his head, with a few dry vines hanging down.

Squinting his eyes, he finally found something gray hanging upside down on the top of the rock.

Because they are similar in color to rocks, it is difficult to identify them without looking carefully.

It is now noon, the bats are still sleeping, and no one has been found breaking in.

In fact, now Xiao Ran can also try to open the treasure chest secretly, and go directly to the next tomb after signing in.

But I don't know if these monsters are just dozing, or if they will attack suddenly.

In addition, he didn't want to give up so many 'jingyuan' in vain.

Take out the 'Fire Gun' and synthesize 10 rounds of bullets first.

Then he raised his gun to aim at the closest and largest one, and pulled the trigger.

The bat was shot, fell down, and fell heavily to the ground. It should have died straight away.


Xiao Ran was overjoyed.

The sound of the gun startled all the bats immediately.

The bats first plopped into a mess.

Then they locked onto Xiao Ran, and all of them flew towards him, opening their mouths to reveal sharp fangs.

Bang bang bang!
Xiao Ran fired three more shots in succession, hitting two hits.

The cheetah also went up to meet them, clawing wildly with its sharp claws, and killed the two flying at low altitude.

But there are still a lot of bats, and they are good at launching group attacks from all directions and angles.

The cheetahs were in a panic, and one of them accidentally got bitten on the side of the bat, and hurriedly rolled around on the spot before shaking off the bat, and the others immediately attacked.

"Mengmeng, get out of the way!"

Hearing the master's order, the cheetah immediately started the 'wind dash', turned into a yellow shadow, and rushed out from the encirclement.

In the blink of an eye, it was ten meters away.

A ball of iron sand spurted out from the muzzle of the gun, covering all the seven bats in front of it.

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