Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 11 Big White Zongzi, Iron Sand Fire Gun

'Wind Cheetah' LV2, wind attribute beast, strong point agility, aptitude A, combat power 195, loyalty 100, skill: wind sprint.

Upgrade LV3 condition: Essence X8.

After being promoted to a level, the combat power has increased by 70, and the high aptitude is powerful.

And also got a skill.

'Wind Sprint', doubles agility within 1 second, cooldown time is 5 minutes.

The speed of the cheetah itself is very fast. If it is doubled, with the current size of the tomb, wouldn't it be possible to move to any position without obstacles?
Although it only has an explosive power of 1 second, it is relatively practical.

Look at the shape of the cheetah again, it is bigger than before, its teeth and claws are sharper, and it is slightly shining with blue light.

The yellow entrance also turned light yellow.

"Mengmeng, there are two 'white-haired rice dumplings' inside, each of us is responsible for one."

Xiao Ran began to arrange tactics for the cheetahs: "Pull the zongzi as far as possible, and then activate the 'sprint' to come back to support me, forming a local area two against one, and defeat each one."

Cheetah nodded, as if he understood what he meant immediately.

Xiao Ran also clearly knew what the 'spiritual pet' was thinking, this 'beast control technique' was really wonderful.

"Then let's go in!"

Holding an ax in his hand, Xiao Ran entered the tomb first.

There was a flash of blue light, and then the cheetah appeared.

The area of ​​this tomb is still about the same size, but it is very empty, and the line of sight is much wider.

There are gray flat stone walls all around, except for three treasure chests and some dry branches in the corner, there are only two wooden coffins side by side in the middle.

The quality of this coffin is not very good at first glance. Not only is it simple in appearance, it is covered with green moss, and there are even holes in some places.

The coffin board pressing on it has been misplaced, and it is really about to be unable to cover it.

It seems that the 'white-haired zongzi' inside was a poor ghost during his lifetime.

Xiao Ran was originally an ordinary college student and would not discriminate against others, but he would never be merciless when meeting in a narrow way.

This time the cheetah didn't rush forward impulsively, it stood in front of its owner and examined the situation in front of it.


Suddenly, a terrifying and shrill scream sounded.

It's like stepping on an old cat's tail, making the hairs on your body stand on end.

Immediately after two bangs, the dilapidated coffin boards were torn apart.

Two groups of white shadows jumped out of the coffin and landed stiffly, dust flying.

Xiao Ran finally saw the face of this monster.

Both zombies were shorter than normal adults and dressed in rags...not so much clothes as a few rags.

The exposed parts are all black rotten flesh, similar to the previous 'Carrion Wolf'.

There are some inch-long white hairs growing on the carrion, which makes people feel even more horrified.

Most of the cheeks are also covered with white hair, the eye sockets are just two holes, the whites of the eyes are like dead fish, and there are a few strands of sparse hair on the top of the head.

The most disgusting thing is that one of the nostrils can be seen with white maggots drilling around.

Faced with this disgusting thing, Xiao Ran suddenly felt that the 'Viper' and 'Lizard Alligator' were much cuter.

They raised their heads and screamed twice again, and the white-haired zombies quickly approached Xiao Ran.

"Mengmeng! Come on! Pull the one on the left away and go to the opposite corner!"

Xiao Ran gave out an order loudly, and he quickly backed away.

The cheetah shot out like an arrow from the string, and blinked in front of the left-handed zombie, its sharp claws slashing across his waist.

Although the combat power of zombies is not as good as that of cheetahs, they are not so easy to be instantly killed.

Staggering backwards, a large piece of rotten flesh was grabbed from his waist.

The cheetah didn't like fighting either, and ran to the opposite corner according to the previous tactical deployment.

It seemed that the blow had little effect on the zombie, so he turned around and chased after the cheetah.

There was no way for Xiao Ran to retreat, waiting for the zombie to approach, he slashed his neck with an axe.

The zombie's agility was obviously not high, and it only had time to dodge for half a step, getting out of the way of the neck, but the left arm was hit.

But this thing is a 'humanoid zombie' after all, the ax didn't have any flame effect, coupled with the lack of strength, it didn't cut it off directly, the ax blade was embedded in his shoulder.

Xiao Ran wanted to pull out the ax forcefully and continue chopping.


The white-haired zombie suddenly emitted green light from its eyes, and clasped the handle of the ax with its right hand.

Xiao Ran pulled with all his strength, but he didn't move at all.

So much strength?
It should be the use of the 'Rage' skill, and the strength has increased by 50%.

The zombie opened its mouth, revealing its sharp yellow teeth, and bit towards Xiao Ran's neck.

Xiao Ran let go of the handle of the axe, took advantage of the momentum of the 'Bajiquan' leg strength, kicked the zombie away, and retreated with the momentum.

But after a few steps, he leaned against the wall, and there was no way to retreat, so he could only shout: "Mengmeng! Escort!"

The cheetah on the other side of the tomb immediately turned into a yellow shadow and rushed towards it in the blink of an eye.

He jumped up, bit the zombie by the throat, and pulled it to the ground.

Xiao Ran stepped forward, stepped on the zombie's shoulder, pulled out the axe, and slammed it on the zombie's face.

There was a crackling sound.

The zombie's entire face collapsed, but it was still able to struggle.

"Death to me!"

Xiao Ran pulled out the axe and struck again.

This time, the flame effect finally appeared, and the zombie's head exploded and burned to ashes.

Get rid of one, and the other will come.

It's a bit strenuous to deal with one by yourself, but it's much easier to deal with a cheetah.

The cheetah used its speed to deal with the zombies, while Xiao Ran slammed his axe.

Although, he also had a 'furious rage' to increase his strength, but there was nothing he could do.

Finally, Xiao Ran chopped out flames again, and chopped off the remaining white stiff.

"The player kills 'White-haired Zombie' X2 and gets 'Essence' X4!"

"This ghost thing is really difficult to deal with..."

But kill one, you can get 2 'jingyuan'.

Xiao Ran threw the ax and sat down on the ground.

He lowered his head and found the rattan armor on his chest, and was scratched by the zombies with a deep mark.

If you didn't eat the 'lizard crocodile' meat, increase your defense.

If not, he would have to be injured by this monster.

Now there is no medicine at hand, let alone a doctor, if he is really scratched by a zombie, let alone whether there is corpse poison, the infection alone will kill him.

He took out a bottle of water, took a few sips, and felt that his physical strength had almost recovered, so Xiao Ran began to explore the tomb.

Collect the basic resources and start to open the treasure chest.

This time, all three are 'iron treasure chests'.

"Congratulations to the player! Open the 'Iron Treasure Chest' and get X3 iron blocks, X1 refined iron, X2 pieces of wood element fragments, X1 rechargeable desk lamp (full charge lasts 48 hours), and brute force leather armor!"

"Congratulations to the player! Open the 'Iron Treasure Chest' and get X3 iron blocks, X1 refined iron, X1 earth element fragments, X1 fire element fragments, 2.5 bag of 1KG fragrant rice, and a high-quality leather belt!"

"Congratulations to the player! Open the 'Iron Treasure Chest' and get X3 iron blocks, X1 refined iron, X2 pieces of metal element fragments, a small wooden table, and the formula of 'Detoxification Pill'!"

In addition to copper and iron blocks, element fragments, daily necessities and food, there is also a 'prescription'.

Look at the prescription first.

'Jiedu Pill', which can remove the negative effects of low-level natural and biological toxins, green leaf X2, realgar X3, purple leaf X3, 'water attribute fragment' X1, can be configured with 5 capsules.

Can remove low-level natural toxins?

This ghostly place is full of poisonous snakes, insects, rats and ants, so it is safe to be prepared.

But the herbs needed are not available at present, so let's keep them for now.

When you are free, go to the trading platform to find it.

Both pieces of equipment increase attributes, high-quality leather belts, and I have gotten the same one before, and they can also be listed for sale.

Look at the 'Brute Force Leather Armor' again, strength +9, defense +9, it is better than the previous rattan armor, so replace it immediately.

After checking, start to sign in the new tomb.

"Ding dong! Sign in at the new tomb and get an 'Iron Sand Firebolt'!"

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