With the water diversion device, Li Zhiwei used the auxiliary system in his hand and anchored to try to make a water diversion device.

It shows that there is a shortage of materials. There are so many materials gathered on his island, but there is still a lack of key materials, which are crystal stones.

This is a new material that he has never seen before. After looking in the material post, no one found this material. He speculated that it was a material from the seabed, which made his plan to imitate the water diversion device fail.

Similarly, the formula of the water guide contains magic stones.

Gathering stones are too versatile.The Gathering Stone is the material for making the murloc's javelin, and the Gathering Stone can also open the Desert Lost City.

"There are still too few Gathering Stones, so continue to increase the collection of Gathering Stones."

Xu Mengqiu: "I have already notified you, but now I receive less and less magic stones every day."

"Now the Gathering Stone is too useful. Add it to the long-term collection of materials and collect it every day."

At present, Li Zhiwei and Ye Zixuan practice the magic circle on the inscribed javelin every day, which consumes magic stones, but this is the technology of this world, and he has to understand it.

The topic changed: "Zixuan has worked hard for two more days, let's engrave the magic circle on the javelin together, and then engrave the magic circle on the water guide."

"Okay, I understand. I guess tomorrow I will have a better control over the magic in my body."

The murloc's landing this time sounded an alarm for him. If they hadn't gone to Jushi Mountain to observe the environment of the island, the murloc's sudden landing might have caught them by surprise.

There are mountains on the island, so they must be used rationally, and the scout outposts on the mountains are used.

"Calculate the number of people who died at the hands of murlocs today."

"There are three people in total. They died from the murlocs, and some of them defeated the murlocs. I don't know if it's true or not."

Li Zhiwei nodded, secretly thinking that there are still more than 9000 people in the channel now, and three of the more than 100 people who died today were killed by murlocs. The murlocs are gone, but they don't know if there is any connection between these murlocs.

The crisis was just around the corner, which made him decide to use the second method to upgrade during this period of time.

Although it is a bit of a disadvantage to use the second upgrade method at this time, it is safe to use. The purpose is to move the position of Jushi Mountain to the center and continue to raise the altitude of Jushi Mountain. The east of Huludao passed by Li Zhiwei four times in a row The upgrade has become protruding 400 meters above sea level, forming a small mound where Vault One stands alone.

Jushi Mountain is surrounded by deserts, and water control is inaccessible. Unexpectedly, the first disaster helped them to a certain extent.

The one who was able to come to the refuge under the Jushi Mountain was Xu Mengqiu who brought the island. There are many plants and spring water. This is the only way for the murlocs to enter the Jushi Mountain refuge. As long as this passage is guarded, the murlocs can be kept out.

For this reason, Li Zhiwei made a plan to cut down all the trees near the Caspian Sea tomorrow, creating a desert isolation zone, leaving only the trees around the hot spring, and relying on the spring water to create a desert oasis.

Life-saving is the most important thing, and everything else can be put aside.

At the same time, he did not give up on Shelter No. [-], and emptied out all useful things, leaving only some ordinary items there as a temporary resident, but the center of gravity has shifted from here to Jushi Mountain Shelter.

After everything is arranged properly.

Only then did he have time to open the chat channel, read the news, and listen to the report all the time.

"Big brother upgrades too fast, chasing him further and further away."

"Without a skill, it's a little hard to get survival points. Boss, don't you know if I can pass when I'm level ten?"

"I can also make tools that give survival points, quack quack!"


"His island is currently full of women. A man probably won't want them. Even if you put your face on him at the tenth level, he won't talk to you."

"Brother, can I give my sister some food? Chat privately."

"Yeah, that's why I'm worried. People who went to Li Zhiwei's island seldom talk in the group, and I'm afraid they've been banned."

"Don't go there, you won't have good fruits in the past. Believe me, you might as well develop your own island! Now you can make tools by yourself again, and your survival points will come quickly, so there is no need to rely on others."
"Boss's workbench, making tools is really easy to use. After I know how to make tools, I am very efficient, and the upgrade has been accelerated a lot."

In the chat channel, there is everything. What he didn't expect was that the workbench, to some extent, prevented people from coming to his island.

Xu Mengqiu said in a strange tone: "Your workbench is sold well! It has improved the overall level of the islands in our channel, and the contribution you have made is limitless. People are not willing to come."

"You say my head is big."

There are two sides to the sale of the workbench. The improvement of the overall level of the island brings many benefits.

First of all, the materials on the island have greatly increased. 90.00% of the materials used to make tools now come from external islands. The materials on his islands are basically not used, and they are still increasing.

More animals and plants were discovered. Some animals and plants that had not been seen before were discovered, and there were many kinds of potions among them. Successive methods were also developed. Eight kinds of potions had been discovered, and he exchanged them for 170 There are seven kinds of potions, and the specific efficacy of some potions is still unknown.

After Ye Zixuan's trial these days, it has been confirmed that there are two kinds of potions that have the effect of restoring magic power. This is the benefit of the high level of the island as a whole.

Of course, the disadvantages have also emerged. People are pursuing freedom, and people with ideals are unwilling to come here. Some people have vaguely formed new alliances to conduct transactions, but there is no main product, and it is difficult to achieve success. These have caused him The impact is limited.

He is also happy with this situation. There must be other groups in a channel to ensure the activity of the channel and help him find shortcomings.

He calculated, and it was getting closer and closer to the raging sea prompted by the system, and there were only fifteen days left.

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