The island's promotion to four levels in a row also shocked the people on the channel.

"The boss refreshes my online again and again."

"I said, why hasn't the big brother upgraded these days? It turns out that he saved up to get a big one."

"Those who used to say that Li Zhiwei won't be able to level up come out and take a look, does it hurt?"

"There will be a chance to tow the island soon, can the boss give it a chance."

"Boss, big brother, what's the benefit of continuing to upgrade?" Someone asked.


The channel is as active as ever, most of it is praise, but there are very few words of slander.

He has read these words too much, and he is immune.

The total area of ​​the nineteenth-level island has reached 92000 square meters. What is the concept of such a large area, it is almost the area of ​​two Diaoyu Islands connected together.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for murlocs to go out after they landed on the island. Now it seems that the larger the island, the higher the chance of survival. To upgrade to a level [-] island, [-] survival points are needed now, and the number of survival points is getting higher and higher. The more, although with the help of the auxiliary system, the number of survival points obtained now cannot keep up with the survival points required for the upgrade of the island, which is a regression.

In this upgrade, the survival points contributed by Xu Mengqiu and Ye Zixuan accounted for 20.00%, which is already a lot, and Li Zhiwei was very satisfied.

If it wasn't for an unexpected situation, he would have to go down to level five before upgrading the island.

In an emergency, he chose to use the second method to upgrade. Li Zhiwei does not want to use this method now, because the island is equivalent to growing taller than himself. Taking this upgrade as an example, the surface area above the sea is [-] square meters.

These newly increased areas are the edges of the original islands, and now they have surfaced out of the sea, so bringing things is far less than capturing things on overseas islands. Overseas islands are like opening blind boxes. There are surprises and may bring new ones. species, while in-place upgrades do not.

The in-situ enlargement directly brings the marine life that was originally hidden around the island ashore.

Li Zhiwei seems to have returned to the ebb tide, holding a javelin, facing the sea creatures, and making up the knife, the survival points slowly increased, Li Zhiwei was painful and happy.

The head of Huludao is now more than ten meters above the coastline, and there is a drop. The spring water finally appeared when the island was upgraded this time. This is the spring produced by his own island, which surprised him a little. This is the original upgrade of the island. A hidden benefit.

I will no longer need to irrigate the ground with condensed water from the ice coffin.

Until the evening, the make-up for the creatures that emerged from the sea was not completed. The area was too large, but it was already dark, so Li Zhiwei gave up.


Four murlocs were dissected, and one murloc was traded to Zhang Qing, which was regarded as reciprocity.

Ye Zixuan and Xu Mengqiu vomited while dissecting the murloc. After vomiting, they got better, but their hearts were empty.

After the upgrade of the island this time, the cave shelters are getting farther and farther away from the coastline, but Li Zhiwei is still a little worried. He returned to the shelter under the Jushi Mountain. This shelter has been completed for many days, and the infrastructure is already in place. There is also a hot spring. More convenient.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the kang, forming a circle, of course not fighting the landlord, but summing up after the battle.

The heat of the murloc matter in the group has not subsided, and this topic was hyped up by him. He didn't expect the murlocs to land on his island all of a sudden. He felt a little caught off guard, but the result was good. .

The murlocs came so fast and died so directly.

After getting close to the murlocs, the fear the murlocs brought to them gradually subsided, and now Li Zhiwei was more confident in dealing with the murlocs.

"The mermaid battle this time was beautiful, now let me talk about the advantages.

The information provided by Zixuan was very accurate, and clearly marked the murloc's movements, allowing us to take the lead.

Mengqiu's attracting monsters is very straightforward, and he hopes to continue to manage. "Li Zhiwei summed it up in a simple sentence.

"It's gone? You don't boast about yourself."

Li Zhiwei pretended to be profound: "I'm too perfect to need these sweet words."

After talking and laughing for a while, the mood of the two women became much better. Xu Mengqiu killed the murloc, and then he and Ye Zixuan dissected the murloc. The two were so disgusted that they didn't eat a few bites of the evening meal. The main reason was that Li Zhiwei pretended to try to eat the murloc. The meat was unanimously opposed by the two women, and it was true that Li Zhiwei was disgusted.

"The advantages are finished, now let's summarize the disadvantages.

The follow-up knife is not straightforward enough. This is a weak point. It is not good to still be hesitant even though it has been dissected before. You must understand that these murlocs have already stained their hands with the blood of our compatriots. If you don’t stop them today Here, do we still have a quiet life in the future?

Impossible, since we have made a move, we must cut the weeds and root them out. Development can only be achieved through struggle, and compromise means perdition.

We don't know how many murlocs there are on the bottom of the sea, but many people died at their hands in the channel, and their number is definitely not a minority. Once they go back and attract more powerful murlocs, we may all be wiped out. So we can't be soft. "

Li Zhiwei spoke at length.

The expressionless nods of the two women should be: "Understood, Island Master Li."

"Although the area of ​​the island is very large, it is like a grain of sand on the endless sea. You have also seen it on the Jushi Mountain today. The largest island in the channel is like a grain of dust on the endless sea. After all, it is not big enough. , there is no strategic depth, others will be finished in one hit, and there is no place to hide, and the future focus will be on upgrading the island."

"You are the island owner, we all listen to you."

After discussion between the three of them, we will go up to Jushi Mountain every day. Ascending to see the distance, we can not only exercise, but also patrol the situation on the island. Tomorrow, we will build a station on the halfway up Jushi Mountain, and there will be people on duty every day. In addition, Jushi Mountain is now The shelter next to it needs to be expanded, and there is only one kang here.


Finally, there is the research loot.

After killing the murlocs, they got a bunch of messy things, but they didn't give them survival points, the most valuable of which was the water diverter in the hands of the murloc boss.

The name is detected by the system.

The main function is like a water pump. When there is enough water, it gathers water and spits it out. It goes back and forth like this, but it absorbs more water and has the function of storing water.

Only then did the murlocs go ashore, and the water was pooled in pools. This had something to do with the working principle of the water diversion device, and some water would be lost every time it was used.

There are lines on the water guide, which are much more detailed than the magic lines engraved on the javelin. Li Zhiwei called this line the magic circle.

Now Li Zhiwei and Ye Zixuan are focusing on imitating the magic formation on the javelin, and after they are proficient, they will try to replicate the formation on the water diversion device.

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