Desert Island Survival: My island can be upgraded

Chapter 23 Manufacture of Water Collector

After inspecting the new island, Li Zhiwei returned to the cave shelter, which he named Shelter No. [-].

Apart from the cactus, there are some drought-tolerant plants left on the small island that this upgrade has attracted. The leaves are few and the roots are well developed, which does not help him much now. In general, the materials brought by this upgrade are the rarest, and the upgrade is the most Hip pulling.

He was a little disappointed, and a little confused about how the three wolves survived.

Vault No. [-] did not meet his expectations, and continued to dig deeper.

Until noon, Li Zhiwei was eating when he received a trade request from Ding Xiaowen.

It turned out that Ding Xiaowen, the stubborn stone that Li Zhiwei wanted, had collected it.

This kind of stone is generally pressed directly on the vegetables when pickling vegetables in rural areas, and placed in a large tank. The surface of the stone is very smooth, and it feels as smooth as jade.

Stones like this could be found by the river in the past, but now Liu Zhiwei has searched all over his island, but he has never found this kind of stone.

Most of the rocks on the islands are reefs and pitted layer stones that are either too small or too large to be used to aid in making water collectors.

When upgrading the island, there were inexplicable swordfish, piranhas and other dangerous fish in the sea, which made him dare not go into the sea to touch rocks at will.

He is a tool man, he knows his position very well.

Fishing is also done in the shallow water on the beach by the sea, and a few wooden stakes are nailed to make simple fishing facilities.

Fortunately, there are a lot of fish in the sea, and there are always blind fish hitting the net.

Now that the stubborn stone is finally available, what Li Zhiwei wants is this kind of stone. After absorbing the heat of the sun, it can condense water continuously when it is cold at night.

He told Zhang Qing before that he needed this kind of stone, but he has not found it until now, but Ding Xiaowen found it first.

To be rewarded so quickly, it seems that everyone pays off.

Finally, the water collector can be made.

With the water collector, you no longer have to worry about water problems.

The formula for making the water collector is: Rope*1, Stone*1, Wood*4, Barrel*1.

Except for the stubborn stone, he has already prepared other materials.

Now that everything is ready, he started making water collectors without saying a word.

The water collector is made into a boxy thing, with stones framed by wood in the middle to ensure the maximum absorption of solar energy.

The interaction of heat and cold at night will produce water droplets, which will condense on the stubborn stones and drip into the bucket through the rope.

Looking at the completed water collector, Li Zhiwei admired the assistant in his heart. He deserves to be my assistant. I don't know how effective this water collector is.

When he thought that the experiment could be carried out tonight, he couldn't help but feel excited. With the water collector, he would not have to be so embarrassed with water. For convenience, he has been using traded water these days.

Put the water collector that has been made in a place with good sunlight, and let the sun shine on it. After making the water collector, the system will give you 500 survival points.

Li Zhiwei dived in the group for several days, and found that the people on the island are not very short of fresh water.

Because there are many people, there will always be rain on the island with people, so those who are lucky can rely on the sky to drink water. What is lacking is not fresh water, but the lack of fresh water tools.

And now he can't sell the barrels, because he doesn't have enough.

Before the sun went down, he transferred all the supplies in the first shelter to the second shelter.

Now the depth, width and height of No. 8 shelter are: 4*3*[-]. (The height is calculated from the top of the cave to the bottom floor.)
He plans to make another bed, one bed here, one bed there, and he can earn survival points.

When Li Zhiwei made beds before, Zhang Qing reported that there were very few people who traded, and there was a certain limit for him to make tools every day, otherwise he would be very tired, so he reduced the share of bed production.

Yesterday, a fire was built in the shelter, and the moisture was driven out a lot, but today the shelter was expanded a little bit, although it still felt a little damp and smelled of mud, but he had already decided to spend the night here in the future.

The stone wall has already been built by him, and the doors and windows have not yet been installed.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, he went to the beach and pulled up the fishing net. In the morning, he had caught a net of fish and put it on the reef to feed the birds. Now this net of fish is his dinner.

He dragged the net up as usual, but he didn't find the swordfish hidden in the water in the dark at all.

Those fish eyes blinked a few times inadvertently.

Li Zhiwei found that the net of fish in the morning had been eaten by seabirds.

That's good, just in case it won't eat, only by raising these seabird groups can he eat whatever he wants without restraint.

Get this net of fish and put it in his bucket.

In the evening, he plans to grill fish, which is Yoyo's favorite.

After eating, he still has wolf skins to peel, which is an important task for today.

The cooled wolf skin was very difficult to peel, and he regretted it a little. He didn't skin the three wolves at the beginning, and the delay in peeling them now increased his labor costs.

At this time, Zhang Qing sent a message saying.

"I have some bad news about animal mutation."

"What do you mean by animal mutation?" Li Zhiwei asked inexplicably. He only killed mutated animals, but he didn't investigate how these things mutated. After all, surviving now is the most important thing.

Zhang Qing continued: "If more mutated animals are killed, the number of mid-level mutated animals will increase. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to kill them now. It takes a long time to kill each one. Many of them have changed from ordinary mutated animals. It has become an intermediate mutation."

After listening to Zhang Qing's explanation, Li Zhiwei's heart skipped a beat. He just paid the price of time. It seems that although the animal has mutated, it is still not Zhang Qing's opponent.

Li Zhiwei asked: "You mean the animals around the island are constantly mutating as we hunt and kill them?"

"Yes, the speed, endurance, and strength of these mutated animals have all become stronger. If you kill animals, pay attention to avoid injury."

Li Zhiwei knew that she was concerned about her own safety: "Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention." He couldn't say that he had poisoned three mid-level mutated wolves.

The news of the animal mutation is obviously just a communication between their groups, and most people in the group still don't know about these things.

Li Zhiwei suggested: "Let's announce this news, it will be helpful to others. Of course, this is just a suggestion."

"We are making arrangements here, and it will take a few days to finalize this matter. It is not very credible to say it now, and there are very few people who have reached our level."


He still has a lot of things to do. He is very busy every day and has no time to rest. Now he is completely 007.

All the skins of the wolf were peeled off, and then the wolf was disembowelled, and the meat was cut into small pieces and thrown into the pot, and simmered over low heat.

The wolf was poisoned to death by a poisonous snake, so he dared not eat it, but he wanted to fry the wolf fat like lard and make it into an oil lamp.

Under Yoyo's dissatisfied eyes, Li Zhiwei threw the cut wolf meat into a stone pot and continued to refine it.

Fortunately, during the constant contact these days, Li Zhiwei and Yoyo have a good relationship. Although this cat is a bit arrogant, it has already begun to listen to him.

From afternoon to night, it took Li Zhiwei four and a half hours to completely deal with the three wolves. This was the result of his neglect of many details.

There is not too much wolf oil, only half a wooden barrel is filled.

He is going to keep the dried meat and test it to see if it can poison the crabs to death.

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