Under Li Zhiwei's sudden idea, the three wolves were poisoned to death without struggling for a long time, which gave him a better understanding of the toxicity of the green gray sea snake.

It seems that there will be more collections of this blue-gray sea snake venom in the future.

Poison is a good way to deal with large carnivores.

After the three wolves were poisoned to death by Li Zhiwei, Li Zhiwei stopped again to see if there was any movement.

Yoyo, the sentry from the tree, came down, and it seemed that there was no other danger.

In the future, when the island is upgraded, there may be other large animals that will appear on his island. At that time, if it threatens his safety and robs his supplies, he will kill these animals without hesitation.

This upgrade reminded him that when he upgrades in the future, he will definitely click to upgrade during the day.

Three wolves gave 1300 survival points.

The system explained that the three wolves were mid-level mutations and should have been worth 1500 survival points, but on the way to kill the wolves, the cat caused damage, so the obtained survival points became 1300.

Pets can even affect his acquisition of survival points.

The three wolves were already dead, so Li Zhiwei went to observe.

The wolf's fur is quite long, but there are fine sands in the wolf's fur.

No wonder the system was named Desert Wolf.

The island I exchanged for turned out to be a desert landform this time. It seems that there may be very few animals and plants obtained this time.

He plans to use these three wolf skins together with some materials he has collected to make a wolf fur coat.

In this way, it can be worn and used as a mattress, killing two birds with one stone, and this effort was not in vain.

To outwit the three wolves, he exhausted a lot of mental and physical strength and endured a lot of pressure. After all, the beasts here are really cannibals.

Originally in the tense atmosphere, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of, but after the difficulties passed, he felt terrified. What if the two feinting wolves rushed over?
He remembered a saying from his hometown.

"If you stockpile grain without stockpiling guns, your home is a granary; if you stockpile guns without hoarding grain, there are granaries everywhere; stockpile guns and stockpile grain, you are the king of the mountain."

It seems that the manufacture of more advanced weapons has to be put on the agenda.


Li Zhiwei praised while scrolling through the chat records.

"Yuyou, you're awesome. You did a great job this time. I'll cook something delicious for you another day."

Yoyo didn't seem to hear Li Zhiwei's praise, flicked her tail, jumped into its nest, and lay down with only a pair of pointed cat ears.

Li Zhiwei suddenly felt bored.

When will this incomprehensible cat be masturbated by himself?

Looking through the wolf's corpse, Li Zhiwei realized what an unusual cat Yoyo was, and he still underestimated Yoyo's fighting ability.

The wounded wolf had a shallow scratch on its bone, and these scratches were caused by Yoyo's cat's claws.

It can produce scratches on the bones, so one can imagine how sharp its claws are.

The past few days have not raised Youyou in vain, and his fighting ability is very strong.

This not only made Li Zhiwei question, what kind of world is this world?Animals can mutate, so can humans mutate?

A cat can be so powerful. To be honest, after watching Yoyo's performance and comparing the fighting strength of the two sides, Li Zhiwei found that he might be scratched to death by Yoyo in an upright confrontation.

He came to a conclusion that he couldn't beat a cat.

After hanging all three wolves on the tree, Li Zhiwei packed his things and prepared to sleep.

In the morning, without exception, he still woke up from the cold.

It's not good for people to stay in such a shelter for a long time. Let's move to the newly dug shelter today, Li Zhiwei thought to himself.

Simply had breakfast.

Looked at the private chat.

Zhang Qing asked, "What are the specialties on the new island?"

Ding Xiaowen: "Congratulations to Daxie Island for upgrading to level 4."

Yuan Jingjing: "Is the boss missing pendants? I am light and soft."


Looking through the chat records on the public screen, Li Zhiwei found that many people also mentioned him.

"Zhiwei, can you open the permission for strangers to add friends?"

"I have something to tell you."

Seeing the chat on the public chat channel, Li Zhiwei looked at his settings. Due to the celebrity effect caused by the upgrade, many people directly added him as friends, which annoyed him, so he set it to not add strangers as friends.

At this time, he felt that what the group said made sense.

Some people add that he really has something to say, he can't block it all, and he can't do it behind closed doors. In this case, he may lose some important information.

After all, everyone's island is different, and the situations they encounter are also different. He may have unexpected gains.

You can optionally add others as friends.

So he adjusted the settings for adding friends to add his consent.

Simply replied to the greetings from a few acquaintances.

He saw a lot of friend requests from people.


Yoyo is still not here today, I don't know where she went.

This defeats his plan to explore the new island with Yoyo.

One more cat gives you a sense of security.

After calling Yoyo for a long time, Yoyo didn't reply, so he had to explore the island alone.

Judging from the small island in the Q version, the vegetation on the small island exchanged this time is sparse and a little green.

Yesterday, the three desert wolves could tell that the island he exchanged for this time was a desert landform.

The area is about the same as the area expanded by the last upgrade island.

After visiting all the new islands, Li Zhiwei found that this island is the most barren place for him.

The number of species brought by upgrading the island this time is the least.

"No wonder the three wolves are so thin at night, so there are too few resources on this island." Li Zhiwei thought to himself.

This made him have new doubts. Since the resources on this island are so few, why are there still wolves living on it?

Could it be that a place is randomly selected and turned into an island and drifted over as a resource for island upgrades?

There is very little vegetation on the island, and Li Zhiwei is a little disappointed. The most valuable plant is the cactus, and the greenery on the island in the Q version is precisely this prickly cactus.

And when he was exploring the desert island, he found many scorpions hiding in the sand.

Digging up the sand with a tortoise shell shovel, it turned out to be a scorpion the size of a fist. Its body was pitch black, and its tail needle glowed dimly in the sun.

Scorpions don't look easy to mess with.

Li Zhiwei gently shoveled a few shovels of sand and buried the scorpion.

Such a big scorpion, but he didn't know how it tasted. He had seen others eat scorpions raw, but he couldn't do it.

In the future, it might be possible to stir-fry scorpions.

In addition to the scorpion is the cactus.

There are fruits on the cactus, the whole body of the fruit is green, the head is pink, and it is covered with dense needles, which indicates that the fruit is ripe and edible.

Li Zhiwei knocked a few down and put them in the back basket.

He's grown cacti before, but he's never tried eating them.

This time he wanted to try the taste of cactus.

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