"Boom! Boom!" With the sound of explosions, there was a bloody smell everywhere.

Under this kind of near-suicide terrorist attack, the number of vice admirals in the entire navy dropped instantly. This wave of attacks killed at least [-] vice admirals.

However, these vice admirals are not waste, and they quickly reacted.

They began to spread out quickly to prevent them from being attacked by the enemy because they were too dense. At the same time, they covered their bodies with domineering colors.

This will minimize the damage you take.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Warring States Period on the execution platform looked a little better. After all, they were also naval elites selected from all over the world.

If it is so vulnerable, then there is no need for the world government to exist.

With a good start, the vice admirals began to fight back, in groups of three or two.

Find acquaintances in the navy and form a gang so that any strange strangers they meet are their enemies.

Besides, hesitant Esdesi was short of time, so what he grabbed was only some ordinary navy clothes. Now that everyone has calmed down, these people are particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

One of the vice admirals held a special Hailoushi weapon in his hand and two cigars in his mouth. His body turned into a cloud of smoke and he rushed up.

"Crash!" The body turned into a ball of air rolled up, and one of the soldiers from the giant world was caught before he had time to attach the detonating talisman.

The smoke quickly became thicker and became granular, and it penetrated into the soldier's body in an instant.

"Ah!" The soldier just had time to let out a scream, and then his body went limp.

The lieutenant general threw it away, and then continued on to the next battlefield.

"Smog, you did a good job!" Another lieutenant general who was partnering with him praised him, and then followed suit.

This smoky lieutenant general is none other than Smoker. After experiencing what happened in Rogge Town and adding his own natural fruits, he was quickly promoted to lieutenant general.

Now naturally it also appeared in the war on the top.

The people cooperated very tacitly, coupled with the continuous attacks of the yellow ape at the side, these "dead men" were soon forced to retreat steadily.

"White Beard, if this is your method, it's too low-level!" Standing on the stage, Zhan Guo squinted his eyes as he watched the situation stabilize.

Looking at the sea level not far away, he still couldn't believe that it was Whitebeard's handwriting, because this method was too low-level and could cause limited damage to them.

At most, it can disgust them.

In the crowd, looking at the "dead man" in trouble, Esdesi didn't panic at all, and even showed a smile on his face that seemed to have been frozen for thousands of years.

Even if these people all die here, it doesn't matter, because the purpose has been achieved!
"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Just as everyone was about to take action to deal with the dead men in front of them, suddenly there was a sound of piercing through the sky!

"Look!" Suddenly a lieutenant general shouted, which attracted everyone's attention.

I saw a gigantic portal appearing in the sky, and then, a huge figure slowly flew out from it.

Then, one figure after another appeared continuously behind him, they all seemed to be stepping on the air, suspended in mid-air.

That tall figure was White Beard, and behind him, one figure after another flew out.

"Shanks", "Ben Beckman" and "Ice Witch!" Every time a figure flew out.

The people below kept exclaiming, what they didn't expect was that the Whitebeard Pirates appeared in such a strange way.

As all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared above the Navy Headquarters, all the navy looked solemn.

The Warring States and the three generals even stood up directly, looking at the white beard floating in the air, they were also very shocked!
"Quick, quick, did you take a picture?"

"It was filmed, it was filmed, and now it has been broadcast!"

"Very good, this time is big news. As long as we seize the opportunity, we won't have to worry about this year's wages."

The reporter below who was originally going to interview the Warring States period quickly asked his companions to point the broadcast phone bug at Whitebeard.

With his keen sense of smell, he knew that something big that would shake up the entire pirate world would happen next, so he immediately started reporting.

"Here we come!" In Charlotte Lingling's pirate ship, Steel Bones Kong stood up suddenly, and he already felt several powerful auras from the outside world!
"Are we going to make a move now?" Charlotte Lingling, who was on the side, asked upon seeing this.

Because she is an ability user of the soul fruit, she is very sensitive to the soul on the battlefield.

At the moment just now, she at least sensed several powerful souls, not inferior to her, even stronger than her!

She had a bad feeling that White Beard's body might really return to its original state.

This made her very uneasy.

"Don't worry, we can't expose it yet. We still don't know what cards the enemy has in their hands." Gang Gukong pondered for a moment and sat down.

Charlotte Lingling on the side was silent for a moment, what Steel Gukong said made sense, and now he didn't know that Whitebeard had really recovered his full strength.

Or take any medicine.

If he really took some medicine, then even if they don't need to take action, White Beard will perish by himself!
"Hahahaha, Ace, daddy is here!" Whitebeard's thunderous roar resounded over the Navy Headquarters.

"Ace! Hold on!" Marco also said anxiously. For Ace, he regarded him more as a younger brother.

When he saw this arrogant little devil for the first time, Marco thought of his past.

So I took great care of Ace who had just boarded the ship.

At the same time, Ace is also very close to him.

"Ace! Ace!" Hearing the calls of his companions, Ace's eyes that were as gray as death lighted up again.

Even if he can't be saved today, but he can see his father and the others come to save him, Ace will die without regret.

Then he suddenly remembered something, and shouted anxiously: "Father, don't worry about me, you go, the World Government and the others"

"Boom!" Before Ace finished speaking, a guard on the side quickly kicked him, which made Ace's already weak physical condition worse.

Later, he wanted to tell White Beard that the preparations of the Navy Headquarters were not even said this time.

Warring States waved his hand, he is the admiral of the navy, he has never seen such a big storm!

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