Is he really like what Doflamingo said?Abandoned Ace?

If you think about it carefully, this possibility is actually not impossible, because most of what they know about Whitebeard is rumors.

Most of them were little-known little people in the era of white beard.

After they became famous, Whitebeard had already stopped doing much, so whether it was related to Whitebeard's character or other things, they knew very little about it.

What's more, because of disease and aging, the current White Beard's strength has long been inferior to before, and there is no way to be as brilliant as before.

So giving up Ace is not out of the question.

And Sengoku on the execution platform was extremely anxious at this moment, unlike those Qi Wuhai, he had witnessed Whitebeard's peak state with his own eyes, and even fought against him countless times.

As an opponent, he naturally knows Whitebeard very well. After all, the one who knows you best is often the enemy.

At this time, a vice admiral suddenly walked over to the side and whispered a few words to the Warring States.

Sengoku's expression changed instantly, because "Ace" was escorted here from the Prison of Advance City.

"Start the execution directly!" Warring States didn't dare to be careless, and he could breathe a sigh of relief at this time. Because Ace hadn't appeared before, he was always worried that Whitebeard would kill halfway.

Now that Ace has been escorted over, as long as the execution is quick, it will be useless even if Whitebeard comes.

Soon, Ace, who was a little thin, was pushed onto the execution platform.

His face was haggard, and even in order to prevent him from escaping from prison, Ace's hands and feet were tied with huge sea tower stone chains, which were bigger than the empress's buckle at that time.

This is enough to see how much the world government attaches importance to Ace.

Ace was pressed to the ground by the soldiers on the side, and knelt directly on the execution platform, while the swordsman on the side was already ready.

As long as Marshal Warring States gives an order, Ace will be decapitated immediately.

But now is obviously not the time. Before the execution, the world government still has an important matter to announce.

"Opportunity!" Just as some reporters rushed up with microphones and phones, Zhishui's pupils suddenly turned red.

Sharingan was activated, and Estes on the other side sensed the situation in an instant. This is a special usage of Sharingan.

Two people with Sharingan can have a connection within a certain range.

People of the Uchiha clan generally use this thing to pass information and other important things to each other.

"Received!" Estes shouted softly, and then, just as Warring States was about to tell the news that shocked the world.

Suddenly, the navy below began to riot.

Warring States frowned slightly. These navies were all lieutenant generals carefully selected from naval headquarters around the world.

Both strength and discipline are far superior to ordinary soldiers.

I thought it was just a small-scale riot, but the movement below became bigger and bigger.

"What's going on?!" Zhan Guo stood up suddenly and looked under the execution platform. Now the whole world is watching the live broadcast.

Something went wrong with these carefully selected naval elites?This is a big shame for the world government.

"Boom!" Just as Warring States wanted to yell to quell the riot, there was a sudden loud explosion.

Then, as if some switch was touched, the entire square of the Navy Headquarters erupted in succession of reactions in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were explosions everywhere, making it impossible to tell where the explosion came from.

The vice admirals below were in a commotion, because they were standing too densely and the explosion happened too suddenly, so they had no way to prepare for it.

Everyone was caught off guard.

"Damn it! Who is it?"

"Where did the explosion come from!"

"My feet, my feet! Who the hell squeezed me!?"

Because it was too dense, there was no way for everyone to dodge. In addition, these are all detonating symbols that have undergone Esther's special traits.

Some vice admirals were even blown off their arms!Even if he reacted in time, the uninjured navy almost died on the spot because of the trampling of his companions.

"Whoosh!" The three generals sitting on the execution platform got up instantly, and it was time for them to make a move.

Standing on the execution platform, Zhan Guo yelled: "Everyone keep calm and find the enemy!"

"I found it!" On the execution platform, Huang Yuan let out a strange cry, and then his body began to become unreal, and his body turned into a burst of yellow light.

In the next moment, he appeared in the middle of the square, and grabbed a sneaky navy.

Although he was wearing navy clothes, he was holding a strange kind of paper in his hand. The yellow monkey saw clearly just now that he was holding this thing to cause the riot.

Seeing that he was caught, the man didn't show any panic on his face. Instead, he rushed up the next second, sticking to the detonating talisman.

He wanted to hug the yellow ape and use his body as a human bomb.

"Boom!" As an explosion flashed in the sky, countless stumps and internal organs were scattered.

Not far away, a yellow light condensed into a human form again, and the yellow ape's face was very ugly at the moment.

His usual smile and cynical expression disappeared, replaced by a dignified face.

Of course, this kind of attack couldn't hurt him. What really made his heart palpitate was the attack of that person just now who was not afraid of death.

The first reaction after being caught by him was not to run away in a panic, but directly chose to charge up with a bomb.

"Is this still a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? How did it become so terrifying!"

You must know that Whitebeard has always cherished his crew very much.

These crew members are all called "sons" by him affectionately. Of course, they are different from the Big Mom Pirates, and Whitebeard recognizes that all of them are godsons.

But Whitebeard is closer to them than his own, and it is this kind of fetter that makes Whitebeard seriously ill, and the Whitebeard Pirates are still in full swing.

It is absolutely impossible for Whitebeard to let his pirates do such a thing, even if it is to rescue Ace!

Of course, this was not the original member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Esdeth, who was hiding not far away, pressed the brim of his hat with an indifferent expression on his face.

These are the ice prison troops she brought from the world of the red pupil and the soldiers received from the world of giants.

Her task is to help Xiao Xuan and the others delay time, and cultivating such a group of dead soldiers is the best choice.

And the explosion of the first dead man just now seemed to give a signal to everyone, and then, people wearing navy clothes kept rushing to hug the lieutenant general beside him.

Then activate the detonating talisman directly. If you are lucky, you can use the Moon Step to avoid it in advance, but if you are unlucky, you will be directly blown to death by a large number of detonating talismans!

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