National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 99 The King of the White Horse, Friendship and Peace Talks

Soon, Chuzhou came to the core of the Baiju clan's territory, that is, outside the palace of the Baiju clan.

In the palace, the King of the White Horse is dealing with government affairs.Hearing the noise outside, he couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on outside?"

A centaur who looked like a butler came over immediately, bowed his head and said, "Two human races broke in, platinum one-star level, and the captain of the defense team, Nahas, is leading people to arrest them!"

The King of the White Steed frowned and thought about it: "Tell Nahas, don't hurt their lives easily. The human race has risen recently, and we need to maintain friendship with human beings."

"Catch them, put them in jail, and then ask them the purpose of their trip. If they are from the Kyushu base, they will be sent back."

"Yes!" The butler left after speaking, leaving only the King of the White Horse in the room.

After Chuzhou heard the words of the King of the White Horse, he couldn't help but nodded: "Little brother, you are quite sensible!"

With a wave of his hand, Chuzhou dispersed the mist and appeared in front of the King of the White Horse.

The King of the White Stallion was reviewing the documents when a human suddenly appeared in front of him, making him jump!
"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Chuzhou smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, I am the lord of the Kyushu base, and I want to discuss something with you!"

The king of the white horse was shocked, and a purple crystal appeared in his hand when the New Year moved.

Just about to crush it hard and summon the dinosaurs to come to the rescue, but found that my whole body seemed to be petrified, unable to move at all.

Fortunately, I can still talk.

Chuzhou comforted him with a smile: "Don't worry, this is just a plant toxin that paralyzes the sensory nerves and will not have any effect on your body."

"You just wanted to call for rescuers, come on, give me this thing."

As he spoke, he took the crystal from the hand of the King of the White Horse, threw it back casually, and a flower with a big mouth appeared, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Chuzhou took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the table, took various documents and began to check them.

While browsing randomly, he persuaded the King of the White Horse: "Since I like what you said before, now I will give you a chance to surrender to Kyushu."

"You are a smart person, you should know how to choose!"

Big Mouth Flower finished eating the purple crystal, and now he is next to the seat of the King of the White Horse.

Dozens of purple vines protruded from the mouth, sending out bursts of jet-black mist. From time to time, dark purple saliva fell on the carpet and sizzled, quickly melting a big hole in the floor.

Now, these vines danced in front of the King of the White Horse, trying to wrap him around him and swallow it directly into his mouth.

The King of the White Steed broke out in cold sweat, feeling that he had never been so close to death.

He hurriedly begged for mercy: "I surrender, I surrender, but I still have a problem!"

Chuzhou waved his hand with a smile, and Dazuihua withdrew his tongue, but still looked at the King of the White Horse with some malicious intent.

The King of the White Horse said: "We are currently affiliated with the Dinosaur Clan. If we surrender to Kyushu, the Dinosaur Clan will definitely attack immediately."

"At that time, Baiju can only be put back under the hands of the dinosaur clan, which is of no use."

"So, if Jiuzhou sincerely accepts us, we should make a good plan and gather the territory of Baiju City near Jiuzhou City."

Chuzhou nodded: "This proposal is very reasonable! Well, I will contact the acting city owner of Kyushu now and help you arrange accommodation."

As he spoke, he raised his arm, and a transparent holographic smart watch interface appeared on his wrist, directly connected to Du Feiming.

"Little Du, recently there is a Baiju tribe who wants to surrender to Kyushu. Hurry up and plan the territory, help the Baiju tribe make room, and move their territory there."

Du Feiming was a little unbelievable. After walking for less than three days, he won a new race?
But he still nodded again and again, and said, "Okay God Chu, arrange it immediately, and the open space will be freed up in about 3 days to accept the new race!"

Chuzhou continued: "Leave a few more open spaces to accommodate other races. There should be a lot of large races accommodated in Kyushu recently!"

Du Feiming continued to nod: "Okay! I'll find a place first, and set aside places for 10 races. The Baiju clan is a gold rank, so let's plan according to the gold rank!"

Chuzhou nodded: "Yes!"

After finishing the call, Chuzhou looked at the King of the White Horse and said, "I heard that, I'll give you three days to pack up and go to Kyushu together."

The King of the White Horse nodded, and was about to speak, when there was a burst of playful cheers outside the door.

"Dad! Dad!" Immediately afterwards, a slightly smaller figure knocked open the door and rushed in.

The king of the white horse was startled. He was about to stop his daughter from coming in, but he felt relaxed and could move freely.

Looking around again, there is nowhere to be seen Chuzhou.

Trembling, he tried his best to smell the breath left by Chuzhou, whether he was still in the house.

A voice suddenly came from next to my ear: "I advise you not to have other thoughts, your life, and your daughter's life, are in my hands now."

The spore mist can not only make it transparent and help Chuzhou hide his figure, but also cover up the smell on Chuzhou's body.

He was standing in the hall, but the king of the white horse couldn't feel the existence of Chuzhou at all, which made him feel like a thorn in his back and sitting on pins and needles.

However, he still pretended to be calm and looked at his daughter who was running over.

"My dear Alisa, what's the matter?"

Alisa put her arms around King White Stallion's arm: "Father, come play with me! Come watch the human fight with me, okay? Those two humans are so powerful, even Uncle Nahas is not them opponent!"

Alisa is also a centaur, with a small loli on her upper body, and the body of a white pony connected to her waist.

A white ponytail swings back and forth, obviously she is very excited!

The White Horse King slapped his head: "Forget about this! Alisa, go and tell Nahas that they are not enemies, but distinguished guests from Kyushu!"

After finishing speaking, he gently comforted his daughter: "Good boy, Dad is busy now, go and play by yourself."

Little Alyssa pouted, and walked away with a flick of her tail reluctantly!
Still muttering in his mouth: "Work, work, dad knows work! It's been a long time since I played with others!"

After Alisa left, Chuzhou quietly appeared next to the King of the White Horse: "What a lovely child!"

"So, for the safety of you and your family, as the king of white horses, you should know what to do!"

The King of the White Horse nodded: "I understand!"

Soon, Li Qinghe and Ling Yun came to the living room of King Baiju.

Chuzhou also disappeared, and no one present could spot him.

It was mainly Ling Yun and the King of the White Horse communicating, while Li Qinghe was paralyzed the whole time, sitting on a chair and pretending to be cool.

The king of the white horse first apologized: "I'm sorry to have surprised the two honored guests."

Ling Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, it's an offense if we come here uninvited!"

Afterwards, the two sides had a harmonious and friendly talk, and the two sides exchanged valuable opinions on the friendship and harmonious development of the Baiju and Jiuzhou ethnic groups.

After the meeting, the King of Baiju also invited Ling Yun and Li Qinghe to taste the local delicacies of Baiju City and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Baiju City.

The two sides reached an agreement on harmonious coexistence again.

After this set of procedures, Ling Yun and Li Qinghe were arranged to live. The two sat in a large room, and Chuzhou quietly appeared in front of them.

"Boss Chu, I have to say, what you are doing now is really scary!"

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