Parting always comes quietly.It was originally planned to only stay at the Kyushu base for 3 days, but Chuzhou and others have been enthusiastically persuaded to stay.

So it was not until 5 days later that Chuzhou, Li Qinghe, and Lingyun finally left the base.

Set foot on the land of Manghuang Continent.

Of course, before leaving, Chuzhou spent 500 trial points to buy a nuclear-powered suspension vehicle.

It has various modes such as convertibles, off-road vehicles, RVs, and spaceships.

When you choose RV or spaceship mode, you will have a car interior blessed by a space magic circle, which is as spacious as a basketball court.

If you choose convertible or off-road vehicle mode, then this car is a cool suspension car.

The three left the Kyushu base early in the morning.

Ling Yun took the initiative to control the steering wheel, and the three of them didn't look back, but waved their hands behind them, and rode away.

During the few days they stayed in the Kyushu base, Li Qinghe and Ling Yun also made breakthroughs and reached the platinum one-star level.

According to the strength of the three of them, they can basically walk sideways in the Manghuang Continent.

And they are not here on the Manghuang Continent for wandering, there are two main purposes.

One is to defeat other races, gather them under the banner of Kyushu, and become a vassal of Kyushu.

Another purpose is to find the group of vicious thieves and overthrow their lair.

Before leaving, Chuzhou contacted the shadow white apes who had been released before, and asked them to regularly hand over the collected treasures to Du Feiming, the temporary person in charge of the Kyushu base.

Now, this group of shadowy white apes formed a gang and took over the mountain as king, almost controlling all the forests in the Lancang Realm.

Any trouble, can't escape their eyes.

And with Chuzhou's careful training, the shadow white apes who are the monkey kings have all upgraded to silver 8 stars and can speak.

The communication between the two parties is no longer hindered, which is also an important reason why Chuzhou travels boldly and does not worry about being attacked by vicious bandits.

The speed of a nuclear powered levitation car, although currently in convertible mode.

The seats in the car seem to have limited space, but in fact, you can feel the large space when you are in it.

It's no fun to just drive, Chuzhou waved his hand and released a sunflower band from the Zen garden.

The sunflowers were on the platform at the rear of the car, holding a microphone, playing the guitar, and began to sing for this journey.

The car was speeding across the boundless field, and the sunflowers sang songs with a slightly hoarse voice.

"I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword"

"Look at the prosperity of the world"

"Young hearts are always a little frivolous"

"Now you are home from all over the world!"

Ling Yun, who was driving the car, let out a loud cry, and stepped hard, the car was flying like flying, and the speed directly reached 300 miles.

Although this speed is not as good as three people running at full strength, running is not as comfortable as riding in a car!
All the way to the west, the goal of the three people in Chuzhou had already been determined before they set off, and that was the small territories in the Qinglu region that had not yet been under the jurisdiction of Kyushu.

These small territories are generally attached to other powerful races.

If the Kyushu base goes to war with these races directly, the races behind them will inevitably intervene, and it is very likely that there will be endless battles with Kyushu.

The three people from Chuzhou went directly to the opponent's territory, broke through the opponent's city wall, captured the opponent's territory, and fought a blitzkrieg.

Let those powerful races be unable to react, just fine.

Soon, Chuzhou and others came to the territory of the Dinosaur Clan, the Baiju Clan.

The Baiju tribe is half-man, half-horse, and their attack power is not strong, but their advantages are fast running and strong carrying capacity.

Chuzhou still likes this race very much.

He came to observe outside the territory of the Baiju tribe.There are cameras on the walls of the Baiju tribe's territory, and they are also equipped with ion cannons for defense. If they attack rashly, it will not be too easy.

Fortunately, Chuzhou has another way. He released the Sunshine Mushroom and the Big Spray Mushroom from a distance.

Afterwards, the spore psychedelic array was activated, and bursts of spores as light as mist swept towards the territory of the Baiju clan.

The glowing spores sprayed by the sun mushroom slowly changed into the appearance of the vicious thieves.

Now, the radiant spores sprayed by the Sunshine Mushroom can not only simulate the body shape, but also simulate the temperature, spiritual power, strength level and so on.

It has been able to achieve the level of real ones.

Just like that, dozens of vicious thieves appeared in the seemingly transparent, but actually psychedelic fog of spores.

As soon as they appeared under the city wall, the ion cannon was aimed immediately.

Soon, the people of the Baiju tribe climbed the city wall to check the enemy, and found that there were only about 50 gold-level fierce robbers. They couldn't help laughing!
"With just a few of you, you also want to break through Baiju City? If you are sensible, leave quickly, and I won't beat you!"

The vicious thieves did not answer, but continued to run towards the wall of Baiju City.

Seeing this, the people of Baiju City couldn't take it anymore. With a wave of their hands, the ion cannons on the wall fired a salvo, killing all the bandits.

However, at this moment, on the other side of the city wall, several long-eared and lizard tribes were found. There were only about 30 of them, with tattered clothes and blood stains on their bodies.

Running towards Baiju City.

Seeing this, the defense captain of Baiju City stopped immediately!

"You have entered my territory of Baiju City, stop quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being cruel!"

As soon as the words fell, more than 100 vicious robbers appeared behind the group of refugees, brandishing machetes in their hands, and slashed towards the long-eared and lizard tribes.

Upon seeing this, the captain of Baiju City immediately put himself on high alert. Could it be that the vicious bandits are going to attack the city?

He was about to call the dinosaur clan for rescue, but saw that the more than 100 bandits were only gold-level, so he stopped after thinking about it.

Summon the ion cannon again, and fired a volley, killing all the vicious bandits and the long-eared and lizard tribes.

Not even a scum was left.

But at this time, he already felt that something was wrong, why these guys, no matter whether they killed or were killed, did not make a sound.

Like acting in a pantomime?
But at this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the city wall: "It's not good, there are humans attacking!"

The captain of the Baiju clan looked serious, and ran over, only to find two young men standing on the city wall.

One was holding a long sword with a cold look on his face, the other was wearing a Taoist robe and was digging his ears with one hand.

After seeing the levels of the two clearly, he couldn't help but sneer!
"A mere platinum level, dare to break into the territory of my Baiju clan, take your life!"

With a yell, he jumped forward and fought with Li Qinghe and Ling Yun.

As for Chuzhou, he was accompanied by five big spray mushrooms and three sunshine mushrooms, and the transparent spore mist around him covered his figure.

Even though he was in the crowd of Baiju tribe, no one could see him.

Seeing Li Qinghe and Ling Yun fighting with this group of centaurs, Chuzhou shrugged and took the big mushrooms and walked towards the center of the Baiju tribe's territory.

As he walked, he praised: "This boy Ling Yun's Taoism is really easy to use, even the city walls can't stop it."

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