National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 127 Killing 7 people in a row, the master of 8 domains

Soon, the fighters fought hand to hand. The king-level fighters were powerful, and the aftermath of their attacks was enough to kill diamond-level fighters.

Therefore, in battles between kings, a large space will often be cleared, leaving them to fight with great momentum.

And the diamond-level fighters, on such a huge battlefield, have already forgotten their spiritual power, magic power and skills.

They are all relying on their instincts to launch various attacks and try their best, just wanting to leave more injuries to the opponent's fighters.

Except for the fighters who followed Chuzhou to fight against the Yuwu clan at the beginning, the fighters of other races did not have pumpkin sleeves on their bodies.

So the race that followed Chuzhou at the beginning, so far, except for being scratched by the aftermath of the king-level battle and suffered a little injury, there has been no death at all.

As for the later races, it can only be said that they suffered heavy casualties.

But no one had time to pay attention to these details. The surrounding area was densely packed with enemies everywhere, and they were either killed or killed by others.

Even if you kill someone, you may be killed by the enemy in the next second. Everyone has brought out the wildest side in their hearts, biting the enemy desperately.

With a radius of millions of miles, there were shouts of killing everywhere, the sky and the earth lost their color together, blood flowed everywhere, and broken limbs flew around in the battlefield.

Such a scene is rare even in the Infernal Hell!

Seeing this scene, the seven domain owners couldn't help but change their faces.

Compared with this battle, the previous battles between various domains are not even small fights.

The plants released from Chuzhou did not join the battlefield to help fight the first time.

The flesh and blood remains on the ground are extremely delicious to them, especially the enemy's wounded soldiers, who have big mouths to swallow in one gulp.

For plants without mouths, the root system drills directly from the ground, directly penetrates the enemy's body, and absorbs all the life essence in it.

This is the veritable licking of corpses, and the blood and flesh full of energy become the best tonic for plants.

After absorbing 50 enemy wounded soldiers, the plants were upgraded!
Chuzhou followed suit and was upgraded from a king-level 3-star to a 4-star level.

He glanced at the battlefield, and the warriors of those later races were gone.

There are less than 5000 people left, lingering in the army of millions.

And those king-level fighters also died a lot, and there are still more than 100 people struggling to support them.

Of course, the Allied Forces of the Seven Regions were also uncomfortable. Under the all-out attack of the soldiers from the Qinglu Region, the diamond-level fighters suffered 50 casualties.

Of course, most of the soldiers were not fatally injured, but the plants in Chuzhou devoured them.

The king-level fighters of the Seven-Region Alliance Army also suffered heavy losses.

Although more than 700 king-level fighters in Qinglu Region were beheaded, the price was nearly doubled, and more than [-] king-level fighters were injured and died.

Seeing that the fight was almost over, Chuzhou had a thought, and the 30 king-level plants quietly arranged finally started to attack.

Sunshine Mushroom found the injured diamond-level fighters and began to treat the injuries of the only remaining people

As for Chuzhou, he stood up suddenly, he was finally going to end!

The Lords of the Seven Domains, who had been paying attention to Chuzhou, also got up one after another when they saw this, ready to intercept Chuzhou.

However, Chuzhou's figure blurred for a while, and suddenly disappeared.

The seven domain owners turned pale with fright, and used their spiritual consciousness to search Chuzhou with all their strength.

But in the next second, 500 Chu states appeared at the same time, suspended in the air, beckoned to the seven domain masters, and said in unison: "Come here!"

Facing Chuzhou's provocation, the seven domain owners were furious, and they all attacked Chuzhou.

More than 500 Chuzhou, under the attack of these half-length domain masters, were unable to parry for too long.

Soon, one Chuzhou after another was torn to pieces.

But these Chuzhous are just transformed into eggplants. They have all the skills of Chuzhou and can perfectly restore Chuzhou's level and strength. They are almost Chuzhou himself!
The master of the Dongyang domain swung his long sword, chopped a Chuzhou into pieces in an instant, and then turned around and chopped down the next Chuzhou!
However, just as he raised his long sword that was shining like a scorching sun, and was about to strike at the next Chuzhou, he suddenly felt the sound of wind coming from his back.

He didn't care about the attack, and quickly dodged sideways, but the ax still hit his shoulder.

Turning around, it turned out to be Mei Muqing, the lord of the Meizhou domain. She raised the huge ax in her hand and slashed at the lord of the Dongyang domain again.

The master of Dongyang domain blocked it with his long sword, and asked sharply, "Why did you kill me, you traitor!"

However, Mei Muqing's eyes exuded a strange purple-red light, as if there was a vortex in the eyes that was constantly turning.

She swung the huge ax mechanically, and slashed at the domain master of Dongyang domain again.

Similar situations also happened everywhere on the battlefield. The Allied Forces of the Seven Regions were surprised to find that the comrades who were worth entrusting their lives to suddenly confronted their own.

No one knew what happened, but those who slashed at their comrades with knives, without exception, all had blurred eyes, and there was a purple whirlpool in it, which was constantly spinning.

The super cauliflower arranged by Chuzhou finally started to work.

Each king-level superpower cauliflower can control more than a hundred diamond-level fighters, bewitching them to fight for themselves!
Every time a soldier dies, the next one who is still alive will be bewitched and slash at his comrades beside him with a knife.

Soon, bewitched by 2000 super power cauliflowers, the Allied Forces of the Seven Regions collapsed.

Everyone was fighting with their comrades in arms, and had no time to care about the lives and deaths of the soldiers in the Qinglu Region.

The super cauliflower cannot confuse the domain masters who have reached the demigod level, but Chuzhou also quietly planted a charm mushroom for Mei Muqing.

But it didn't completely break through the barriers in her heart, but she was able to control her for a short time, making her slash at the person she hated the most at the moment.

What she hates the most is not Kyushu, but the domain master of Dongyang domain. It can be seen that there was a deep conflict between the two sides before, and now it finally broke out.

In fact, Chuzhou also planted charm mushrooms on other domain owners, but they were not bewitched.

There was no other way, Chuzhou, who had hidden his real body, had no choice but to come to the opponent's king-level camp.

After all, they are king-level fighters, and they came here mainly to suppress the formation, so apart from facing the king-level fighters of Shangqinglu Region one after another, they have almost never shot against diamond-level fighters.

But now, Chuzhou has arranged thousands of super power cauliflowers here, and planted charm mushrooms for a thousand king-level fighters.

The eyes of these king-level fighters suddenly turned red, and they shot up from their own tents and attacked the other king-level tents.

Soon, the kings also fought together, and the battlefield became even more chaotic.

Finally, the diamond-level fighters of the Seven-Region Alliance Army have also suffered heavy casualties, their morale is unstable, and they no longer have the ability to attack.

And the battle between the kings was almost coming to an end. Chuzhou gathered all the super power cauliflowers and began to control the remaining kings to attack their domain master.

The seven domain masters had just swept away all the Chuzhou present, but failed to find Chuzhou's body. Now they suddenly found that the king-level fighters they brought started to attack themselves.

They were so angry that they didn't dare to kill them all. After all, king-level combat power is very painful for every race. They can only do their best to subdue these bewitched fighters.

But the domain masters are only half-step gods after all, and they will still be tired and injured after repeated battles with kings.

Soon, these domain owners were already out of breath.

Chuzhou quietly appeared at this moment and began to harvest heads.

Accompanied by transparent spores, like a gust of wind, he inadvertently appeared behind the domain masters, and with a single swipe of the golden hoe, he chopped off the opponent's head and killed the domain masters.

Big Mouth Flower followed closely and swallowed the opponent's body and head directly.

Just like that, the seven domain owners didn't even see Chuzhou's face, and they all became nourishment for plants.

After devouring seven domain masters who had reached the level of demigods one after another, together with the previous Nan Batian, Chuzhou had a premonition that he was about to upgrade again.

As long as he digests them all, he will be able to reach the king-level 5-star strength!
And Kyushu is no longer the domain lord of the Qinglu Region, but has become the joint domain lord of the Eight Regions!

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