National Destiny: I build a plant army to resist all races

Chapter 126 7 domains unite, 9 states meet the enemy

Of course, before going to Dongyang Domain, we must first deal with the affairs of the Yuwu clan.

Chuzhou has no plans to wipe out the Yuwu clan. After Kyushu becomes the domain master, the Yuwu clan will be the race under the control of Kyushu.

Although Chuzhou killed the domain master Nan Batian, the Yuwu clan still has thousands of diamond peaks, tens of thousands of diamonds, and more than 100 kings.

It is a sharp knife, if used improperly, it is likely to scratch Kyushu himself.

After all, Kyushu can pull down the domain owner, and other races can also tear Kyushu from the domain owner position.

And the powerful Yuwu clan is the most likely.

Chuzhou put away [-] king-level plants and came to the headquarters of the Yuwu clan, Yuwu City.

At the same time, let Zhou Teng, Zhao Ziguang and others take some soldiers back to the Kyushu base.

The people in Yuwu City have already received the news of Nan Batian's death, and they also know about Chuzhou. This young man in his 20s has become the new domain owner.

The elders of the Yuwu Clan wanted to come over to make friends, but Chuzhou ignored them and browsed the Yuwu City.

Soon, Qian Haoduo came with his business team and began to discuss with the people in Yuwu City about taking over.

Qian Haoduo's level is currently only Diamond [-] star, which is relatively poor. This is also because he has been busy with business and has not had much time to practice.

But he wasn't worried that the other party would get violent and hurt people, because he wore more than a dozen pumpkin covers alone, and there were always a few big mouth flowers and big puff mushrooms around him to protect his safety.

And the race under the rule of Kyushu has already begun to cheer, and has been exploited by the Yuwu clan for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if a mouthful of soup leaks from the treasure house, it is enough for them to eat!
At the same time, after the Yuwu Clan was breached, the originally ruling races bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows to Kyushu one after another, sending gifts to Kyushu to express their sincerity.

Now, although Chuzhou no longer cared about money or resources, he was still shocked when he saw the treasure house of the Yuwu Clan.

A valley that is tens of kilometers long is densely packed with all kinds of jewels and wealth.

And there are hundreds of such valleys!
Facing such a treasure house, the gifts from other races are not even a drop in the bucket.

Chuzhou didn't have time to check what was there, Qian Haoduo would check the accounts of the Yuwu Clan and take care of everything.

But even so, Chuzhou couldn't help sighing: "War is really the fastest way to make money!"

Looking back at the history of the Blue Star countries, except for Kyushu, the rise of almost every country was accompanied by war.
In this way, it has been busy for more than a month, with tens of thousands of people sorting out the wealth of the Yuwu clan, and distributing financial reports and resources to the thousands of clans under the Yuwu clan in Kyushu.

After meeting the major races in the Qinglu region who have surrendered to Kyushu, everything was on the right track and the dust settled.

At the same time, Chuzhou also got news from Shadow White Ape that the domain masters of several nearby domains had already started to join forces, gathered soldiers together, and prepared to attack Qinglu domain.

In the past, the Qinglu region was ruled by the Yuwu clan, and although there were frictions with other races, everyone already had a tacit understanding.

You win me once, and I win you again. We capture each other's prisoners, exchange prisoners, and exchange resources.

But Kyushu is different. In the previous AI trials, Kyushu not only never lost, but also showed no mercy to races from other domains. The soldiers who came back were either killed or injured.

This time he directly became the domain master of the Qinglu domain, which made other domains feel threatened.

Therefore, it is rare to abandon all contradictions and start to cooperate against Kyushu.

As for what to do after defeating Kyushu, it is natural to carve up the Qinglu Territory!
Soon, the coalition forces of all domains were ready. In addition to Dongyang domain, Lishui domain, and Wuliang domain, there were also Qingcang domain, Mingyue domain, Meizhou domain, and Chongjian domain. out.

Strive to destroy Kyushu in one round!

According to secret reports from Shadow White Ape and spies from various domains, the king-level peak combat power alone exceeds 300, and the diamond-level combat power exceeds [-] million!
A total of 300 million troops quickly gathered in the Dongyang domain within a month, and drove all the way to the junction with the Qinglu domain.

During this period of more than a month, Chuzhou and Qian Haoduo not only met the patriarchs of various clans, but also conveyed the news of the war to them.

For this battle, there is no need for fighters below the diamond level. If there are more than 20 diamond-level fighters of each race, half of them must be set aside to defend their own base.

As for some powerful races, such as the Yuwu Clan, the high-end combat power is directly poured out. Chuzhou arranged [-] king-level plants to help them guard the Yuwu City and various treasure houses.

Of course, the Hundred Thousand King Plants are not well known.

Soon, all the high-end combat forces in the Qinglu Region had been assembled. Except for the diamond-level fighters who stayed behind, a total of 20 diamond-level troops were assembled, and half of the king-level troops of various clans were also left for defense. Finally, 1000 king-level soldiers were gathered. warrior.

Such a reserve of combat power is simply not enough in front of the Seven-Region Allied Forces.

There are also some races who don't believe that Kyushu can win, and have secretly defected to the Seven-Region Alliance.

And when Chuzhou met the patriarchs of various clans, he had already quietly planted spores on them.

The king-level spores can not only absorb the opponent's spiritual power, but also play the role of eavesdropping.

It can be said that Chuzhou knows whoever has a different heart from Kyushu!
At the swearing-in meeting before the expedition, Chuzhou didn't say much, just snapped his fingers. Those races who had different intentions and planned to defect and attack the soldiers of the Qinglu region suddenly began to become shriveled and old to the naked eye.

At the same time, countless dark purple mushrooms grew on their bodies. The mushrooms ruthlessly absorbed the life source and spiritual power in their bodies, and sprayed spores to kill these traitors.

It left a soul-touching deep impression on everyone present. Even if there were some small Jiujiu in their hearts, they completely dispelled the idea of ​​attacking Jiuzhou.

After dealing with the traitors, there are only 16 diamond-level fighters left, and only 864 king-level fighters left.

But Chuzhou still had no hesitation and went straight to the Seven Regions Allied Forces.

Those Wan clans who did not follow Kyushu to eliminate the Yuwu clan were very puzzled by this, thinking that this was clearly sending them to death.

He kept admonishing Chuzhou to take back his life, not to confront each other head-on, if he really wanted to fight, he could break it up into pieces and fight guerrilla warfare with the opponent in the Qinglu area.

But Chuzhou has made up his mind to avoid them!
Soon, less than 20 soldiers led by Chuzhou ran into the Seven-Region Alliance Army.

The Allied Forces of the Seven Regions quickly completed the siege of the Kyushu army.

The soldiers in the Qinglu region panicked for a while, they didn't know what to do, the mountains and plains were surrounded by enemies, there were so many of them, it was daunting.

Seven domain masters who had reached the level of demigods came to the sky at this time and appeared together to mock Chuzhou!

"Hehe, I thought the new owner of the Qinglu Region was brave and resourceful, but I didn't expect him to be a reckless man! Do you think you can defeat me with less than 20 diamonds?"

"Haha! Kid, you dare to come here even though you know that we have an alliance of seven domains and 300 million troops are waiting here. I don't know if you should say you are brave or too stupid? How could Nan Batian lose to such a brat like you?"

And the domain owner of Lishui is a very cold man, he said coldly: "It's useless to talk, let's go!"

The 300 million troops began to rush towards the soldiers in the encirclement!

Chuzhou ordered to shrink the camp and let the king-level fighters stand at the outermost edge to meet the impact of the enemy fighters first.

Then began to release an army of plants from the Zen Garden and the Mushroom Garden.

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