"I will attack on the left, and you will attack on the right." Alice said to Chu Yang, "My flank, please."

"No problem." Chu Yang and the two hid in a corner to hide. At this time, the pursuer walked towards the direction of the two of them step by step with heavy steps.

Alice said: "Judging from the judgment just now, our weapons don't work, and it may take more time to find the weakness of the pursuer."

Chu Yang looked at her and said, "Why don't you go?"

Alice froze for a moment: "What are you going to do? Deal with this guy alone?"

Chu Yang curled his lips: "Do you think I'm here to talk about life with him?"

Alice said, "Then be careful."

After seeing Alice leave, Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Only when Alice leaves and he is alone, can he better display his skills of summoning zombies!
"Sometimes, it's better to ask others than to ask yourself."

Chu Yang stood up, and the pursuers found this terrifying man. According to the judgment of the pursuer's system, Chu Yang was the most dangerous!

The language system of the chaser is very simple. It only remembers the instructions given to it by the Umbrella master console, and any emotion it expresses is through this sentence.

The ferocious firepower of the Gatling machine gun swept over, Chu Yang stood still and let the bullets bathe him.

"too hot."

Chu Yang waved his hand. Gatling's indiscriminate bombardment did not even tear his clothes!
At this time, Charles was completely shocked in the laboratory!

"My God! what is he?"

The wolf pack team behind Charles was also silent. They watched Chu Yang bathed in bullets on the screen without saying a word.

Because at this moment, no one can think of using human language to express the shocking feeling at this moment!

"Well, it's better than the massage shop's technique." Chu Yang twisted his shoulder joint, "Are you finished? Then it's my turn."

Chu Yang waved his hand and activated the second skill!

Suddenly, three strong men wearing military coats, a few meters tall, and covered in blue muscles appeared around them!

The only difference from normal people is that these strong men have terrifying height and shoulder width. It can be said that they are three giants!

"Impossible!" The wolf pack team exclaimed, "This is Umbrella Company's powerful weapon, Tyrant!"

In the Resident Evil series, no matter which version it is, the tyrant is a horrible existence that makes people feel scalp tingling!
Chu Yang raised his palm and waved it down. The three tyrants walked forward slowly, gradually increasing their speed, from walking slowly, to trotting, and finally to running...

The pursuers slowly raised their Gatling guns, and fired at the two tyrants!

Chu Yang smiled lightly. How could a tyrant be a lowly creature that a 7.62mm armor-piercing machine gun could take down?

Two tyrants rushed up against the bullets, while the third stalked from the side. The pursuer raised his other arm, and he actually fixed a double-linked missile launcher in his hand, and a missile blasted the tyrant out.

However, the two tyrants also managed to get close. The tyrant and the pursuer were very similar in size and structure, so this time it must be a battle of three heavy-duty strong men with guns and sticks!

Chu Yang commanded the two tyrants, one for the head and the other for the legs, and beat the pursuers back again and again!

At this time, in another huge Umbrella command room, in front of the huge screen, countless Umbrella researchers watched this scene, showing expressions of disbelief!
"It's impossible, someone will command our tyrant to fight?"

"No, these three are not our tyrants!"

"Who the hell is that! Who has this ability?"

"The tyrant knows how to fight Muay Thai? It's impossible!"

"This is, that person is using his own brain to direct!"

At this time, in Umbrella's main control room, all the researchers were staring at the screen. They were so shocked that they could not speak when they saw the picture of Chu Yang directing the tyrant to fight!
"What's going on here?" A short-haired man who looked like a leader looked around, "This man is actually commanding BOW to fight?"

"We haven't invented this kind of control method that doesn't require computers to transmit instructions. Who is that person?" A researcher was surprised.

The blond man pondered for a moment, and said: "Just to test the pursuer, just to take this opportunity to see its real combat power."

I saw the third tyrant standing up from the fire!

The "military coat" on it began to fall off, and countless metal parts fell off. As the layer of clothes fell, red muscles burst out from the tyrant's body, and it turned into a monster with sharp claws!


All the researchers couldn't believe that the tyrant in front of him had actually evolved!
The evolved tyrant suddenly rushed forward, directly killing the pursuer's back with one paw!

"Can it evolve?" Chu Yang suddenly thought that the tyrant he commanded was exactly the kind of tyrant Leon dealt with in the movie "Resident Evil: Curse"!

That layer of military overcoat is not ordinary clothes, but restraint clothes!
Seeing this scene, Chu Yang suddenly said, "Three together! How can there be only two people in a righteous beating!"

I saw the other two tyrants also suddenly took off their clothes!
"Let's wrestle."

Chu Yang looked at the pursuer with a sympathetic expression.

I saw the three tyrants who had completely broken free from their shackles, and directly pressed the pursuers to the ground with explosive hammers. Because of Chu Yang's effective command, these tyrants actually used various fighting and capture techniques, and relying on their numbers, they actually defeated the pursuers. Those who hang and beat.

Soon, the pursuers were directly broken by the three tyrants, and they were beaten so badly that Mom didn't even recognize them.

"Forget it, let's go." Chu Yang waved his hand, "If you hit it again, it will show its second form..."

Chu Yang knew that this pursuer was basically invincible. Like the G virus, it was constantly evolving.

And although I can summon three tyrants, these three tyrants only have this fighting power. If I can fight the goddess of nemesis, that is, the second form and the third form of this chasing, I think the three tyrants are enough to fight pass.

As the saying goes, stay on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future. The theory of "cutting the grass and eradicating the roots" is obviously unrealistic for biological weapons like the pursuer.

Chu Yang found many corpses along the way, and these corpses were all zombies. The hands of these zombies were cut off and placed in the shape of arrows.

"My good fellow, this way of dying is truly unique." Chu Yang couldn't help shaking his head, "Alice is indeed a genius."

Alice is using this method to guide Chu Yang to find where everyone is now.


Chu Yang saw that the arm of the last zombie body was pointing to a school with a relatively large area.

The school was in dilapidated condition, and it must have been attacked by zombies.

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