Faced with this sudden and mysterious phone call, everyone has different guesses in their hearts.

"This, this can't." The female reporter was also very surprised, she didn't expect that there were people calling here all the time.

"Come on," Jill said.

"I also think it would be better to pick it up." Li Yue said.

Alice walked to the phone, she picked up the receiver, and the voice on the other side was actually Dr. Charles.

"I know who you are and where you are." Dr. Charles cut straight to the point, "I can help you leave Raccoon City."

"Who are you?" Alice asked.

"A person you can trust." Charles said, "but you need to do something for me."

"What is it?" Alice asked.

"Help me save my daughter." Charles said, "Due to some special circumstances, I cannot save my daughter, but you have the ability."

"How can I trust you?" Alice asked.

"I can show you the way to escape. Believe me, the entire Raccoon City has been blocked by Umbrella and the USS army, and now no one can help you except me."

Alice switched on hands-free mode, and this time everyone heard the conversation.

"We can't trust him." Payton questioned, "Umbrella Corporation created this virus leak, and these people are the ones who started it!"

"However," the female reporter had her own plan, "if I can get in touch with him, I will pry out more useful information, and then we can publish in the newspaper."

"Damn it, don't you still worry about your news?" Peyton frowned, "Now is not the time to use your news profits to drive you a Porsche, miss."

Alice said: "You need to give something practical now, otherwise we won't believe you."

"Okay." Charles replied, "I will tell you a location now. There is a batch of munitions kept by Umbrella here. I can tell you."

Alice looked at everyone, and everyone nodded in agreement.

After all, now overall, they have no better choice, either stay here and wait to die, or reach a temporary agreement with Charles.

Hearing the news about this batch of munitions, Chu Yang and Li Ke immediately laughed. You must know that the boys themselves are interested in guns. When they heard that there were munitions left by the Umbrella Company, they were immediately extremely happy.

Alice said: "Okay, after we get the batch of arms, we will consider whether to cooperate with you."

Dr. Charles is confident: "Of course."

Alice said to everyone: "Let's go, let's upgrade our equipment."

A group of people came to the place provided by Charles, they passed the password Charles told Alice, and finally opened the door to store the ammunition.

There are weapons on every wall here. Even if Chu Yang had a black gold ancient knife, he couldn't resist holding two Desert Eagles in his hands.

"The boss is the boss." Li Ke walked over and chose a bazooka at first glance, and put it on his back without saying a word.

"This knife is not bad." Li Yue chose an alloy knife, which was more of a modern version of the katana, and it just matched her silver katana.

"We need to pick quickly." Alice said, "We don't have much time left."

The female reporter finally chose the best Uzi submachine gun, and Peyton naturally chose the Marine Corps version of the M4 carbine. Alice is full of weapons and looks quite iron-blooded.

Chu Yang and the others left the building. As soon as they left the building, they heard cries for help.

Everyone followed the sound and found an iron bridge with a car on it. A survivor was holding his leg on the ground and screaming in pain.

"I'm going to save people," Payton said.

"Wait." Jill stopped him, "Didn't you notice? The survivors have been screaming for a long time, but they didn't attract zombies?"

"Generally speaking, if you shoot a gun, the zombies will come long ago. This person has been screaming for a long time, but there are no zombies." Li Ke said.

Chu Yang didn't feel right, he said, "It's like a trap, go and see the situation."

"Why did you go there when you knew it was a trap?" The female reporter didn't understand.

"Because I want to find out who set the trap." Chu Yang said, "This kind of person is the biggest threat to us now."

Jill said, "Then we'll cover you."

As Chu Yang stepped onto the iron bridge, he slowly approached the survivor. The survivor shouted for help, obviously finding a straw.

But Chu Yang didn't make a move. He slowly grasped two Desert Eagles with both hands, because he felt that things might not be that simple.

Payton said: "Look, he's fine, I'm going to save him."

Jill didn't say anything, because Chu Yang had been standing there for a long time without encountering any problems. If someone had set up an ambush on the opposite side, they would have shot.

Just as Peyton was on the bridge, a burst of fire suddenly shot out from the opposite darkness!

It was too late for Peyton to dodge, the machine gun bullet directly slit his stomach and broke his body down the middle.

Seeing that Peyton was broken into two pieces, Chu Yang suddenly remembered that this is where the pursuer appeared in the movie!

"Chaser!" Chu Yang quickly drew his gun and fired, but the huge figure in the darkness stopped firing!
"Boss! In the setting of the movie, the pursuers will only attack the STARS special forces for the time being!" Li Ke reminded.

Chu Yang said, "Alice, come here!"

Alice and Chu Yang stood on the bridge, and Chu Yang said, "This monster only hits stars, we're fine now."

Sure enough, the pursuers stopped shooting, and Jill and the others passed the iron bridge smoothly.

At this moment, suddenly the pursuer rushed towards Chu Yang!

"The system has changed!"

Chu Yang understood that it must be Umbrella's controller behind the scenes, who wanted the pursuer and Alice to fight to the death!

"I'll help you." Chu Yang said calmly.

"Thank you." Alice smiled, then pulled out the two submachine guns behind her, and fired at the pursuers!
In the left hand of the pursuer, there were actually two parallel individual Gatling machine guns of the Minigun machine gun, and the bullets swept across like a straight line!
Cars, bridges, corpses, etc. were all interrupted by the powerful machine gun firepower. This firepower belt was indestructible, and everything around it was quickly penetrated in an instant.

Chu Yang and Alice fired alternately. Two submachine guns and two pistols simultaneously poured deadly bullets at the pursuers in front of them, but the pursuers did not seem to be hurt by this.

The two fell under the bridge. At this time, there was an entire army under the bridge, and the entire army was wiped out!
Chu Yang took a closer look, and found that these troops were all National Guards with excellent equipment, but at this moment they were gutted and died under the bridge!
"It's all made by it," Chu Yang said.

"You killed an entire army by yourself." Alice couldn't help being shocked by the strength of her pursuers.

And at this moment, the pursuer finally appeared.

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