"How are you doing? Are you feeling better?" Ye Luo asked with a smile as he handed Guerrero the bowl and chopsticks.

When he just came in, the two had already sensed him, so it wasn't surprising at this time.

"Yes, it's much better. Originally, I wanted to participate in the training tomorrow, but they all said that I have to rest well, otherwise the body will suffer from the root cause of the disease!" Guerrero rubbed his head with some embarrassment, and said: "I heard from Xas that Mr. Garp has something to do with me, so come and have a look today if you have nothing to do!"

"Hahaha I have nothing else to do with you, you awakened your domineering look that day, do you know?" Karp asked with a smile.

"Um~ I heard that, but I tried a few times myself, but it seems that I can't activate it!" Guerrero said a little annoyed.

This is the bad thing about him being alone all year round. No one has ever taught him how to use his abilities correctly!I also developed the habit of exploring and pondering by myself, so when I learned Luna's sword slash, I immediately digested the moves and created a more suitable hundred slash.

"That's for sure, without training, you can't use this kind of power!" After Ye Luo smiled, he looked at Guerrero and asked, "How is it? Are you interested in learning from me?"

"Huh? Follow you to learn? How to use Overlord Color?" Guerrero asked with some surprise.

But Ye Luo shook his head and said, "No, what I mean is to be your teacher, how about it?"

In fact, Ye Luo didn't intend to accept apprentices at first, but Garp fell in love with Guerrero's talent, so Ye Luo had no choice but to accept apprentices, otherwise, would it really be possible for Garp to accept apprentices?

Guerrero was overwhelmed by the huge surprise. Even he could know Ye Luo's strength. It is said that Ye Luo defeated three of the strongest four emperors, and put an end to the pirate disaster.

"Is that true?" Guerrero trembled with excitement and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, but let me tell you first, I am very strict! And because you are my disciple, you will have preferential treatment in the navy, and your responsibilities and pressure will be even greater! For example, if you are not the strongest member of the same generation as you, others will doubt my vision. As a disciple of the marshal, if you cannot be the first, you will be suspected of your strength. Even if you are obviously strong, but you can't be the best, others will not recognize you! Because you are my disciple! How is it? Do you still agree?" Ye Luo looked at Guerrero with a half smile , asked.

"Of course! I will definitely become the strongest!" Guerrero said firmly.

"Very good! Let's kowtow! The initiation ceremony to become my disciple is very simple, as long as I approve you, the rest should be simple! You are not strong enough now, so don't announce our relationship for now, or you will not be able to stand on the cusp!" Ye Luo nodded and said with a smile.

Without further ado, Guerrero just knelt down and kowtowed to salute. Ye Luo's family helped him up, then handed him a small book, and said, "Here is the training plan I made for you temporarily. Your physical fitness is not up to date, so in addition to your own training, you must complete the above training plan every day! Do you know?"

"Yes!" Guerrero immediately stood at attention and replied before he had time to read what was written on it.

"Okay, don't be too restrained, come and have some food together! Can you drink?" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"A little bit!" Guerrero said with a simple and honest smile.

"Okay, let's drink some! Come to my place after dinner. I'll teach you how to control your arrogance first. You are still too rough in this aspect. When the armed color can cover your whole body, you will pass!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

When Guerrero heard this, he immediately became excited, grabbed the small wine glass that Ye Luo handed over, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Slow down! Teacher, this little guy seems to be taking a break with you!" Ye Luo saw Guerrero grabbing the cup and drinking it. Before he could finish speaking, Guerrero fell to the ground.

"What did you drink for him?" Garp asked in surprise, "Isn't it the Ice and Fire Bar? Can he bear that now?"

"I didn't expect him to drink it in one gulp!" Ye Luo said with a wry smile, "But the amount is not too much, so it shouldn't be a problem. It's just a little bit of suffering at most, and it will benefit him a lot!"

In fact, Guerrero often drank with the village chief's grandfather in the village, so seeing that the cup Ye Luo handed over was not big, and knowing that he would start teaching him to control his arrogance at night, he drank it in one gulp.

Sure enough, before Garp and Ye Luo finished their meal, they found that Guerrero, who was lying there, was starting to feel hot all over his body, and he was almost curled up into a ball. Although he hadn't woken up yet, the pain in his body made him unconsciously let out painful sounds, and his forehead began to sweat.

"Hahaha, the little guy will never drink so boldly again!" Seeing Guerrero's appearance, Karp laughed and said.

He and Ye Luo simply ignored Guerrero and let him sleep on the ground beside him.

Not long after, when Guerrero woke up, he found that his whole body seemed to be falling apart, which made him think that his injury had exploded all at once.

"Are you awake? There's a bathhouse over there. Go in and take a bath by yourself. Remember to clean the place for me after you take a bath!" Not far away, Karp came over and said to Guerrero.

Guerrero tried to move a few times, and then said with a sad face: "Master Garp! I can't move anymore! Am I useless? What did the teacher give me to drink?"

"What a worthless guy! Also, it's wrong to call me Shiye in the future, I should be called Patriarch! It's not right, forget about calling me whatever you like! What Xiao Yezi gave you is a good thing, and you will understand after a while!" Garp came over and took Guerrero three times, five times and two times in one hand, and stripped Guerrero naked.

"Ah~~~~~" There was a scream like killing a pig.

"Don't come out, the things in here are good things, most people would not be willing to use Xiao Yezi! When Smoothie was accepting apprentices these years, he gave a copy to little Luna, you should cherish it!" Garp ignored Guerrero's screams and said softly.

But he ignored the fact that Guerrero was injured, and he also ignored that after he had just finished drinking the ice and fire wine that increased his internal strength and threw it directly into the medicine bath barrel, all the meridians in Guerrero's body began to swell.

But after slowly waiting for Guerrero to adapt, he actually felt a little refreshed, but Karp knew that it was not adaptation, but numbness, so it was just a wrong feeling given by the brain nerves.

After all the water in the medicinal bath changed color, Karp let Guerrero come out by himself, but after calling for a long time, he found that the other party did not respond, and only after walking by did he realize that the kid had fainted again.

It seems that Ye Luo has no way to teach today, so he sent his old servant who has been following him to inform Ye Luo, and Garp personally lifted Guerrero out of the medicinal bath, then threw him in the guest room and ignored him.

In the early morning of the next day, when Guerrero woke up, he felt that he seemed to have inexhaustible strength, but he didn't even dare to go out the door of the guest room because there was nothing covering his whole body.

Finally, after gritting his teeth and wrapping himself in a quilt, he slowly walked outside, but he didn't find half a figure after walking around, and finally started to look for his own clothes in desperation.

"Master Garp has already gone out in the morning, and said that you can arrange your own time after you wake up, but it is best to go to Marshal Ye Luo, because you may not be able to control your strength!" When Garp's old servant found Guerrero wrapped in a quilt, he had been walking like this for almost half an hour.

Finally, with the help of the old servant, Guerrero found his clothes, and after wearing them, he fled like flying, and swore in his heart that he would never come here again if he had nothing to do.

When Guerrero came to Ye Luo's office, Ye Luo was shocked when he saw Guerrero's state, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"What's going on?" Guerrero asked in confusion.

"Punch me with all your strength!" Ye Luo stood up, came to Guerrero, and said.

"Huh?" Guerrero still didn't understand what Ye Luo meant, but Ye Luo didn't intend to explain, but asked Guerrero to attack him directly, and he had to use all his strength.

"Hey~~!" Guerrero was unambiguous, and after exerting enough strength, he punched Ye Luo. Before the fist hit Ye Luo, Guerrero was surprised at first, why the direct force is so great?

Among other things, even he can feel the resistance of the air, what does this mean?It shows that the speed of his punching has reached a certain level, which is why this happens.

"Boom~!" Ye Luo caught Guerrero's fist with one palm, and the impacted airflow blew the documents in the office all over the floor.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have such abilities! Hahahaha!" Ye Luo laughed happily.

Guerrero still doesn't understand it very well, but he knows that his strength has increased a lot, at least Texas is definitely not his opponent now.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Guerrero asked with a simple smile, rubbing the back of his head.

"The wine you drank yesterday is specially made by my family, which can enhance the energy in the human body, and the medicated bath you used yesterday is even more precious, it can increase the body's physique, even if I only have two copies in my hand! But I didn't expect that your absorption of these things exceeded my expectations!

The average person absorbs at most [-]% of this kind of thing, which is not bad. The little guy Luna absorbed [-]% last time, which has already surprised me. I didn't expect you to be more powerful, at least absorbing [-]% of the medicine!Very good, now that your energy and physique have suddenly increased, you may feel a little uncomfortable, but it's okay, go!Practice hard, and after you are familiar with the strength of your own body, I will teach you how to master domineering! "Ye Luo said with satisfaction.

"Yes, sir!" Guerrero said with a grin.

"By the way, your injury should be completely healed, right? It's a bit of a waste this time. Some of the potency of those medicines should be used to heal your wounds, otherwise the effect might be better. Before, I thought you could absorb [-]% at most, and the extra potency was enough to heal your wounds. I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you actually absorbed [-]%! But it doesn't matter, teacher, I still have the last medicine bath. I will use it when your physique reaches the bottleneck. It can help you solve a lot of trouble!" Ye Luo said happily! .

"Thank you teacher!" Guerrero said gratefully.

"You don't need to thank me. Since you and I are already masters and apprentices, these things are naturally yours! You don't need to do other exercises today, just follow the instructor to do physical training, but all the items will be doubled! After that, you can just follow the training items in the booklet I gave you! I estimate that in two or three days, you should be able to adapt, and then come to me again! Go!" Ye Luo waved and said.

"Okay, teacher! But let me sort it out for you first!" Guerrero said a little embarrassed looking at the scattered documents in the office.

"You don't need to tidy it up, and you don't know how to tidy it up. When you go out, call the guards in and leave it to them!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

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