It was already the next day when Guerrero woke up, but he didn't feel the pain until all the bones in his body seemed to be broken.

"Hey boy, are you awake?" A doctor in a white coat stood beside Guerrero and said with a smile.

"Where is this here?" Guerrero asked in confusion.

"This is the hospital of the Navy Headquarters. You are here to receive treatment. But since you wake up, there will be no problem. You will be alive and well in a few days. Don't worry!" the doctor said with a smile.

Guerrero nodded and asked again: "Did I pass the assessment?"

This is what he wants to know the most now. At the last time of the battle, he almost collapsed, so he can't remember now.

"I don't know about that, but now that you're awake, I'll go and notify the Marshal. He told you to report to him when you wake up!" the doctor shook his head and said.

After speaking, the doctor called a nurse to take care of Guerrero, but he left directly.

After a short time, Guerrero heard the noise outside, and it seemed that a lot of people had come.

"Ah~ Let me just say it! This kid is as strong as a calf, how could something happen? Mr. Garp is not the kind of person who doesn't know the seriousness, and it is impossible to kill him!" Guerrero heard the voice of Keza before the person came in.

"Okay, keep your voice down. This is a hospital, don't make noise. Didn't the doctor just say that? Guerrero needs to rest now. Do you think anyone can withstand Mr. Garp's fist?" Another familiar voice sounded, but Guerrero couldn't remember who it was for a while.

But soon, Guerrero knew who it was. It was Kudes from the special operations team.

"Why are you here?" Guerrero originally wanted to struggle to sit up, but his whole body was so weak that he couldn't exert any strength at all.

"Let's take a look at you! Don't move, you got hit twice by Mr. Garp. You are lucky that you didn't die. However, Mr. Garp is not very reliable, but he won't kill you by mistake, so just laugh!" Xass said to Guerrero incoherently.

"So I didn't pass the assessment, right?" Guerrero said sadly.

Because he seemed to remember, he didn't seem to last until 10 minutes. In his opinion, that battle probably didn't even last 10 minutes.

"I'm sorry, you're lucky, you really passed!" Kesha blinked and said with a smile.

"Well! I knew it." Guerrero was only halfway through, and suddenly looked at Kezas, and asked, "What did you say? I passed?"

"That's right, it was exactly 10 minutes before you fell unconscious, so you passed!" Kesas nodded and said.

Guerrero didn't seem to believe it, and looked at Edmund again. Sure enough, seeing Edmund nodding, he said excitedly: "I really passed? I didn't expect that I really passed! So I am now a member of the Navy?"

"Don't worry, you need to heal your injuries first, and then go through the formalities, so that you can officially become a navy! But after you fought with Mr. Garp, Mr. Garp told you to go to him when you recovered from your injury. I don't know what it is. Then you call Derope. He has a bit of face with Mr. Garp. Let him accompany you!" Edmund patted Guerrero and said with a smile: "By the way, your grandfather has already returned. On the day of your assessment, after the news of passing was sent back, your grandfather left Alright, let us tell you, train hard and try to become an excellent navy, he is waiting for the day you become an admiral!"

Guerrero was a little sad to hear that the village head's grandfather had returned, but he came here to join the navy, so he was not unprepared, and Kezas told him that as long as he became an admiral, the navy would build a branch for his hometown, so that the safety of his hometown would be guaranteed.

After several people chatted for a while, the three of Kezas left. They didn't receive a notice, but they happened to come to see Guerrero. They didn't expect him to be sober.

After the three of them left, not long after, a navy soldier came over to deliver Ye Luo's order to let Guerrero recuperate for the time being, and after he recovered, he went to the logistics office to go through the formalities, and then proceeded according to the normal procedure.

On the second day of waking up, Guerrero was able to get out of bed and walk around. Although he was still in some pain, it did not affect his basic life, so Guerrero left the hospital immediately and went to the logistics office to go through the formalities.

"Recruit Simon Guerrero, here are your clothes. If they are damaged or damaged, you can come here to apply for a replacement. However, you must pay the cost of each set before you can take it away! In addition, this is your dormitory key. Someone will take you to the dormitory later!" The staff of the logistics department directly gave Guerrero all dozen sets of clothes, and told him to keep them safe.

In addition, he was also told what kind of clothing he had to wear under certain circumstances. A recruit like him had three types of clothing, one was the daily training and work clothing with the handyman printed on it, the other was the formal clothing that was not printed on formal occasions and only had the navy logo on the chest, and the third was the ordinary navy clothing that could be worn in everyday life.

After filling out the form and receiving the items, the staff of the logistics office explained to Guerrero the navy’s merit system. Every time you complete a task assigned by your superiors, you will receive merit. In addition, killing pirates, capturing pirates, helping civilians, etc. These are all daily tasks, which are suspended here for a long time. You don’t need to accept them.

And the merits of the navy can not only be exchanged for some regular items, after you reach the rank, you can also exchange for some precious things, such as sea tower stones, devil fruits, etc., and even the newly built secret book room of the navy can be entered with merits, which records the training and combat experience of many strong navy.

After everything here was over, Guerrero followed the staff to the dormitory with excitement.

In fact, Ye Luo is not easy to arrange for Guerrero, because the geniuses sent by the branch usually have worked in the branch for a period of time, they are not considered newcomers, and even many geniuses have made a lot of achievements in the branch, otherwise they would not have been sent by the branch.

Unlike Guerrero, who was a total recruit.

But Ye Luo didn't open the back door for Guerrero, but directly asked him to start as a handyman. Of course, his daily training volume was still the same as that of Kezas, so although he was a handyman, his daily working hours were not long at all.

For geniuses like them, the headquarters didn't let them do chores, so their main tasks were training and actual combat.

The best way for actual combat is to go to sea to do missions. Fortunately, Guerrero and Texas have a good relationship, so Ye Luo plans to let Guerrero and the special operations team act together for the first few missions. It can be regarded as letting them lead Guerrero. After Guerrero gets used to it, let him form a team with other people, or even complete the mission alone.

Back in the dormitory, Guerrero found that the dormitories here are all single rooms, which made him very happy, and he found that the members of the special operations team were on the same floor as him, which made him more relaxed.

But now everyone is training outside at this time, only he is still injured, so he was specially approved to rest in the dormitory for a few more days.

Guerrero, who had nothing to do, suddenly remembered that Kezas seemed to have said that Mr. Garp had looked for him, so he planned to come to see what the other party wanted from him.

As for the matter that Kesas asked him to find Drope first, he directly rejected it!

Now that he is already in the navy, what else can the other party do to him?Moreover, Droppe should be training now, and he is not here, so Guerrero asked for directions while heading towards Karp's single-family villa.

When he came to the door of Garp's house, he began to hesitate again, but after only a moment, he decided to knock on the door.

After the door opened, an old man looked at him curiously and asked, "Soldier, what are you doing here?"

"Hello, old man! Is this the home of Mr. Garp?" Guerrero asked somewhat restrained.

The old man nodded and said, "That's right, this is indeed Lord Garp's home. What's the matter?"

"It's like this. During my assessment, Mr. Garp told me to come to him after I woke up!" Guerrero touched the back of his head and said.

"Ah~ You are the little guy who awakened the domineering look on the spot, right?" The old man suddenly realized, and said with a smile.

"Overlord look? What overlord look? I don't know!" Guerrero shook his head and said.

"That's right, it's you, come in! Master Garp is having dinner with Marshal Ye Luo's family, you came at the right time!" The old man said with a smile.

Guerrero looked up at the sky, eating at this time?It's not lunch now, because it's been more than two hours for lunch, and it's not dinner, because it's not yet time.

But Guerrero didn't care about this time either. After following the old man into the villa, he came to the backyard. At this time, Garp was drinking with Ye Luo while drinking wine, talking happily.

"My lord, recruit Guerrero is reporting to you!" Under the old man's suggestion, Guerrero saluted and shouted.

"Yo~ It's you boy! How is your body recovering? Come and sit down, don't restrain yourself, this is not the time for training, nor is it time for missions!" Karp said to Guerrero with a big smile.

Guerrero touched his head, although he was a little embarrassed, he still walked up.

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