Just when Ye Luo took the children for special training, the world was once again shocked by the Straw Hat Boy.

Because of Ye Luo's relationship, the navy and the world government concealed Ye Luo's whereabouts, so the credit for defeating Kaido and BIG MOM rested on Luffy, and of course Eustace Kidd and Trafalgar Law.

So now Luffy's bounty has reached 20 billion, which is already a price that truly belongs to the Four Emperors.

"I didn't expect that in the end, we still made a dowry for that kid!" In the room, Smoothie held a newspaper and said to Bree and Breen with a wry smile.

Today Bree came to see Smoothie together. Although it was very quiet here, she was the only one. If something went wrong after holding back for a long time, so Bree often came to chat with her, while Bree was busy with the cake shop, so she came here occasionally with Bree.

"Sister, Ye Luo already said that he can let you out, why should you?" Brin pouted, a little unwillingly.

She has persuaded Smoothie many times, but Smoothie never answered her directly, just shook his head silently.

"Sister Smoothie, I don't understand, why don't you go out? This place is so small, people will go crazy after staying for a long time!" Brin said dissatisfied.

"Bling, you don't understand!" Smoothie shook his head bitterly, and finally said, "If I go out, where can I go? Back to my mother? Back to the brothers and sisters who used me as a shield and left behind?"

Bu Ling was taken aback, she hadn't thought about it at all, looking at the silent Bu Lei beside her, she must have thought of these things, so she never tried to persuade Smoothie.

"But but but but but but but but but but but but" Bulin said for a long time, but didn't say anything.

"Forget it, Bouling, Smoothie's situation is a bit special, maybe it's best to stay here! After a while, let's talk to Ye Luo, see if we can let Smoothie go out once in a while, just in the G1 branch, so he won't go far, so he won't be discovered!" Bree sighed and said.

Brin's eyes also brightened, and she said, "That's right, Sister Bree, we can also make Sister Smoothie the same as us. Wouldn't it be nice to live in the G1 branch? Sister Smoothie, what do you think? We don't want to go back to the Big Mom Pirates, it's good to live here!"

Smoothie shook his head with a smile, and said, "Brin, I'm different from you. You haven't been offered a reward, so it's unlikely to be recognized, but I'm different. As the three generals of the Four Emperor Pirates, I'm likely to be recognized. How will you let me deal with Ye Luo? How can I do it even if he takes it on for me?"

Brin's eyes dimmed when she heard that. She still remembered how sad she felt when her and Brui's identities were almost discovered. Not only that, but the children were almost killed.

Now it seems that being famous is really useless, unlike her and Bu Lei, as long as they keep a low profile, they will not be discovered at all.

"Then we can only follow Sister Bree's method. If you go out once in a while, just go to our place. You shouldn't be found, and the children are very cute. Sister Smoothie will definitely like them!" Brin said with a smile.

Hearing Brin's words, Smoothie also showed a smile. What I heard the most here was the orphanage that Bren and Bren said. When she came last time, there was no orphanage in the G1 branch, but now there is a real orphanage. Those children who should be like dogs are a real paradise.

"I also want to go and see the children whose ears are almost callused after being praised by you!" Smoothie said with a smile.

"Why don't sisters go with us today? Anyway, Ye Luo is not here, only an old man without an arm is guarding the G1 branch, and no one will find out when we go out!" Brin said a little excitedly.

Smoothie was also a little shaken, but Bree shook his head and said, "Don't underestimate the G1 branch. There are many capable people here. Although only the former general Zefa guards it, it is very close to Jomaria and Marin Fandor. A large number of strong people will come to support them at any time. But as long as we keep a low profile, there should be no problem!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Go to my cake shop first, Sister Smoothie, I'll take you to eat some cake first, and Luna, she's so obedient!" Brennet chattered non-stop.

"Is Sister Bree really okay? If someone finds out" Smoothie asked hesitantly.

She didn't want to implicate Bu Lei and Bu Lin. Ye Luo would have some influence when she was discovered, but in her opinion, that wasn't a problem. At most, it could only be regarded as an exchange of benefits. But if Bu Lei and Bu Lin were also discovered, then their seemingly happy life now would be completely gone!
"No problem!" Bree said with a smile.

She also knew it was dangerous, but how did Smoothie support her back then?Isn't it the same as taking a risk?She thinks this is what sisters are!
If she did nothing for the sake of a little danger, she would feel that she was really inferior to the children in the yard.

So after a short rest, the three left directly through the mirror, but they didn't know it. After they all left, the guard here immediately notified Zefa.

"Hmph! Pirates are pirates. Inform all patrols and pay attention to safety. If they dare to do anything, arrest them immediately!" Zefa said with a cold snort.

Although Ye Luo had explained that if Smoothie came out, he could not be stopped, but Zefa's hatred for pirates made it difficult for Zefa to have a good face towards Smoothie. Ye Luo had already told her that she could resist arresting her now.

As for Bree and Breen, he has nothing against them. Pirates who are willing to be good are not pirates anymore, and the most important thing is that during the time the two girls are in the G1 branch, he sees everything they do. They are indeed kind people.

Especially Bree, after taking over as the dean of the orphanage, Zefa's opinion of her has become somewhat liking.

Not to mention the navy's preparations, the three of Bree came to the cake shop's room through the mirror. They left from here, so there is no problem going out from here, the key is Smoothie.

"It's okay, I'll go out through the window and come in again, and then I'll just say I'm looking for you!" Smoothie smiled and said.

She is not Bree and Breen. With her strength, even if she is in the G1 branch, no one can stop her if she wants to leave now.

Soon, Smoothie appeared outside the cake shop without anyone noticing, and after brewing his emotions, he pushed open the door of the cake shop.

"Welcome, this is a chocolate cake shop, what do you want to order?" Luna smiled and trotted over when she saw someone coming in, and greeted.

"Are you Luna?" Smoothie asked curiously.

Luna was a little surprised. The people who came in had very long legs, which were different from normal people, but this is not a place to judge people by their appearance. In the G1 branch, even the murlocs can get along well with everyone.

"Hello, I'm Luna, may I ask who you are?" Although Luna was surprised, she still nodded for confirmation.

"Sister Bree and Brin often mentioned you in their letters, so I guessed like this, I'm Smoothie, I'm here to find Brin!" Smoothie said with a smile.

Luna froze for a moment, suddenly thought of something, stared at Smoothie, took a few steps back cautiously, and made gestures behind her back with her small hands frantically, trying to notify the little sisters who were busy in the store.

"What? Isn't Brin here?" Although Smoothie saw Luna's small movements, he didn't care, and still asked with a smile.

"Sister Brin, Boss Brin went to another town to buy ingredients, and he won't be back in a few days. May I ask what is your relationship with the boss?" Although Luna was very calm, in Smoothie's eyes, she was full of flaws, but considering the other party's age, she did a good job, but Smoothie didn't understand why Luna showed her wariness.

But according to Bree and Breen, these children have never been out at sea. Although they dream of becoming a navy when they grow up and destroying pirates, they probably haven't seen many reward orders, let alone the reward orders for members of the Four Emperor Pirates like Smoothie.

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