"My lord, Wano Country announced the founding of the country, and began to communicate with the world, but at the same time, the Straw Hat Pirates also announced the occupation of Wano Country. Anyone who tries to take Wano Country's idea will face the wrath of the Straw Hat Pirates!" The messenger handed the folder to Ye Luo, and reported.

"Found the country? Luffy!" Ye Luo looked at the news in the folder, and at the end was the latest reward order from the straw hat kid Luffy, with a reward of 18 billion, which made Luffy completely confirm his status as the fifth emperor of the sea.

In fact, the founding of Wano Country and Luffy representing Wano Country were the result of discussions between Ye Luo, Kin'emon, Nami, Sanji and others.

The current world government is not a world government that Ye Luo is satisfied with, so Ye Luo first proposed that after the founding of the Wano country, Luffy would directly protect them, following the example of countries in the new world such as Fishman Island and Dressrosa.

Of course, in fact, these countries are actually protected by Ye Luo's G1 branch navy, so that they can directly bypass the world government and become Ye Luo's help.

After discussing with Momanosuke, Kinemon and others agreed to this request. Compared with the World Government, they obviously believed in Luffy, so the matter was resolved without any trouble.

"Understood!" Ye Luo nodded and waved to the messenger.

"Okay, children, we are about to set off. The pirates in this world are getting stronger and stronger. If you don't grow up quickly, you will not be the opponents of those vicious pirates!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

"Yes!" The children replied magnificently.

Soon, Ye Luo took the children aboard the Huaxia. At this time, Ye Luo and the children saw Bu Lei and Bu Lin who came to see them off, as well as the children from the orphanage who were not yet of age.

"Okay, remember the concern in your heart, and use it as your own motivation. After making yourself stronger, let's protect this bond!" Ye Luo stood behind the children and said softly.

The children didn't make a sound, but silently clenched their fists, expressing their determination.

Soon, Huaxia put Ye Luo and the children on an uninhabited island, and then returned directly.

"You will spend the next month here. The food is the animals on the island. Of course, if you can't catch them, you will have nothing to eat! Every day is the time for you to hunt and train yourself. After dinner, it's my tutoring time! Do you understand?" Ye Luo looked at the curious eyes of the children and said directly.

"Yes, my lord!" replied the children in unison.

"Today is the first day. I will prepare the food for you, and today I will guide you for a day! When you have conquered all the animals on the island, or after a month is up, we will go to the next island! As for the team members who did not keep up, I suggest going back to this island directly, because this island cannot be conquered, and the next island will be very dangerous for you!" Ye Luo looked at the children and said seriously.

"My lord! I have a problem!" Drope shouted, raising his hand.


"Can we help each other on the island?" Droppe asked directly.

"No! Of course, I won't prevent you from cooperating here, but the next island will definitely not allow it, so I suggest you start here, and don't hold the idea that others will help you." Ye Luo nodded and said.

The children looked at each other and nodded to show they understood.

Soon, Ye Luo's guidance began. As a super expert, Ye Luo's guidance to the children is absolutely targeted, so it is very precious to the children.

From the second day onwards, the children would hunt during the day. The island originally only had some small animals, but Ye Luo asked the navy soldiers to release some animals on the island for the training of recruits.

As for the animals on this island, as long as the children don't provoke those ferocious animals, there will be no danger, but whether they can catch the prey depends on their abilities.

Originally, Ye Luo thought that apart from Desas and Drope, these children would be hungry for the first time hunting by themselves, but unexpectedly, except for a few unlucky guys, all of them succeeded in getting their own food.

Drope even used his wisdom and strength to hunt down a big porcupine which is a dangerous animal, which successfully aroused the attention and envy of the children.

"Okay, I didn't expect your performance on the first day to be beyond my expectations. Maybe Senior Zefa is right. You who lost your family at a young age have stronger willpower than others, but starting tomorrow, I will increase your difficulty level! You have to be prepared!" When the dinner was over, Ye Luo said to the children with a smile before giving instructions.

"Tomorrow I will definitely hunt the biggest and most ferocious beast!" Desas said confidently to Drope next to him.

Drope wanted to be humble at first, but when he saw Ye Luo's eyes, he remembered what Ye Luo had said before, that he must go all out during training. This is the best way for himself and his companions, so he said with a smile: "Brother Desas! Tomorrow I will still be number one!"

"Haha! As expected of my brother, you have to have this kind of pride. If you continue to give in, it will really make me sad!" Desas blinked and said with a smile.

Droppe was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. It seems that what General Zilong said was right. It was obvious that Desas knew Droppe's character very well, and he also knew that Droppe was letting him down most of the time.

After a day of training, on the second day, the children suddenly found that the originally peaceful island began to become chaotic. On the first day, the animals had their own territories and would not run around. They also took advantage of this and caught a lot of prey. As long as they are careful not to go deep into the island, there is no danger.

But today is different. The animals on the island began to become chaotic, and the wild beasts also started running around, attacking everything they saw.

"How? You can't deal with just ordinary beasts, why don't you go back!" After dinner, Ye Luo appeared again and said to the injured children.

"My lord, stop joking. I was just not careful. Tomorrow! I will definitely not get hurt tomorrow!" one of the children said with a serious face.

"Well, whatever you want, anyway, the 50.00% fatality rate is up to you! I never force anyone!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

The children did not talk nonsense and started the training of the day again.

In fact, throughout the whole day, Ye Luo enveloped the children with his own knowledge, but they couldn't feel it, and the animal riots on the island were only because Ye Luo leaked a little domineering arrogance.

Animals are more sensitive than humans, so they feel danger and start running around.

Ye Luo's training at night is actually based on each of them's performance during the day, strengthening training on their weak points. How much water can a barrel hold? It's not about the longest piece of wood, but the shortest one.

In addition, Ye Luo also formally taught them the six naval styles. Although their physical strength is not up to the requirement, it does not prevent them from starting to learn at this time.

Half a month later, Desas and Derope first dominated the entire island, and they each wiped out one of the most powerful lions on the island, so Ye Luo stopped their hunting behavior and let them start practicing under Ye Luo's guidance around the clock, which made other children envious.

After 25 days, all the children had reached Ye Luo's level, so Ye Luo took the children to the next island.

"Okay, before arriving at the next island, what I want to tell you is that the first island is not even considered easy difficulty, just to let you get used to it. I estimated that it would take you 20 days to pass, but it took you 25 days. Only Desas and Drope completed the training ahead of time! So do you want to continue now?" Ye Luo stood on the deck and said to the children.

Compared to when they first came out, the children appeared to be much more mature. Although they were still unable to use the Navy VI, all the children were much stronger.

"Of course! My lord, our progress is like riding a rocket. Now even the dean's mother can't pull me back!" Desas licked his lips and said with a smile.

He had an extra scar on his chest from a fight with the mightiest lion on the first isle.

Although they are just beasts, when they came, they were not even ordinary navy soldiers!And they are all very young, except for Desas who has reached the standard for leaving the orphanage, the rest of the children have not yet reached it.

"Now that you are ready, let's go to the second island!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

After a day of sailing, Huaxia arrived at its destination again.

"Huh~? This is it?" The children got off the Huaxia and saw a tent. You must know that they all slept in the wild before, so even if they slept, they are now full of vigilance.

"This is our special training headquarters at this stage! Because the monsters on the island are very strong, even the weakest of you can't beat them now, so I specially prepared this headquarters for you. Here, I guarantee your safety!" Ye Luo pointed at the tent and said.

"Huh~" Hearing Ye Luo's words, the children breathed a sigh of relief. In the first stage, fighting wild beasts was not the most difficult thing. The most difficult thing was not being able to rest in peace. You must be ready to fight at all times, because you don't know when Ye Luo will drive a wild beast towards you who is sleeping.

"Here, you can ask me any questions at any time. I will always be here. When you feel that you are strong enough, you can leave here to hunt on the island, but I will not follow! If you die, you are really dead!" Ye Luo said in a deep voice.

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