"Come on, everyone! There is only one lap left to rest, don't give up!" As the oldest member of this batch of Naval Tests, he has been taking care of the children.

"Brother Desas! Don't pay attention to us, you finish yours first, and we will definitely persevere!" The youngest Texas said to Desas while panting.

"Don't talk, just run forward! I will always lead you in the front!" Desas didn't have Kesas's words, he still ran firmly at the forefront, and did not speed up.

"Little guy, you can't do this!" Ye Luo and Zefa came out of their hiding places, squatted aside, and said to De Sass with a smile.

"Ah? Your Excellency?" Desas wanted to refute when he heard someone say that he was wrong, but after a closer look, it turned out that it was the base's top commander, General Zilong, and the base's chief instructor, Mr. Zefa.

Ye Luo smiled and shook his head, telling him not to be nervous, and then said: "Are you not convinced by what I just said?"

De Sass was indeed unconvinced at first, but since Ye Luo said it, he must be right, so he was a little at a loss at this time, no matter how mature he usually behaved, he was still just a child after all.

"First of all, you slowed down your speed and took these children to complete the training. It's a good intention, but in this way, your training will not be effective at all. When the time comes for the real test, you may not be able to become a truly qualified naval soldier!" Seeing that Desas did not speak, Ye Luo said with a smile.

Ye Luo's words caused the younger children to become agitated immediately, but because Ye Luo was here, it was hard for everyone to say anything, they just kept this matter in their hearts.

"My lord, after each training, I will practice more to make up for the training I missed today! So I still have the confidence to become a qualified naval soldier!" Desas was silent for a while before he said loudly.

Except for him, the rest of the children were all stunned. They didn't expect that Desas would practice more, but they were usually together and would go to work after training. How could they have time to practice more?Is Desas deceiving adults?

Just when the children were a little puzzled, Drope, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said: "Brother Desas does extra training every day after we go to bed!"

The children all looked at Drope, as if asking him why he knew.

"Why do you know?" At this time, Ye Luo asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Because he's also practicing extra every day!" Desas said with a smile as he glanced at Drope.

It turned out that the children suddenly realized it, and then looked at the two of them with unconvinced eyes, and secretly practiced more without telling everyone, it was too bad.

Ye Luo smiled, nodded and said: "I see, then I've finished talking about the advantages of what you did just now, then let me talk about the disadvantages of what you did!"

Desas was taken aback, was it an advantage just now?

"First of all, do you know why this kid has to practice extra at night?" Before Desas could react, Ye Luo pointed directly at Drope and asked him.

"Because he wants to become stronger!" Desas didn't have to think about this problem, because it was also the reason for his own extra training. He didn't know that such a slow lead would make his training ineffective. He just felt that the daytime training became dispensable for his own growth.

Ye Luo nodded, approving Desas's answer, then put away his smile, and said with a slight seriousness: "In addition to wanting to become stronger, it is also because of the slow training during the day that it has no effect on him at all! The other older children should be able to feel this, right? The current training should have no effect on you at all!"

Desas was stunned for a moment, turned his head in disbelief, and looked at his companions who were only slightly younger than him. Sure enough, they all lowered their heads when they saw them.

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault, I didn't expect this to happen! The next training, you guys will do it alone, and I will lead the little ones myself!" Seeing the appearance of his companions, Desas didn't know that what Ye Luo said was completely correct. His mood, which was still relaxed just now, immediately became heavy. After clenching his fists, he turned and bowed to his companions to apologize.

"Brother Desas! What are you talking about? How can we blame you! We are just a little ashamed. We know that the training effect during the day is not as good as before, but we don't know how to train at night and still take it easy every day. We are too superficial!" Several children immediately helped Desas and said anxiously.

"That's right, Brother Desas, they are your younger brothers, and they are also our younger brothers!" Droppe also stood up and said at this time.

"Huh~ Good! As expected of my brother Desas, we will train with the little ones during the day, and we will practice together at night!" Desas clenched his fist fiercely and said excitedly.


It's a pity that just after he finished speaking, Ye Luo hit him on the head with a chestnut.

"My lord?" De Sass looked at Ye Luo in a state of bewilderment, not understanding what he said wrong.

"Brother Dexus! Why do you have to accompany us? We can do it ourselves! We don't need you to accompany us!" Ye Luo was just about to speak, but was preempted by the youngest Dexus. The little guy said to Dexus very excitedly.

Desas was taken aback, he didn't expect the little guy to be so excited, then he smiled and said: "You are still too young, the training process is very hard, if you are not taken care of, you will be easily injured! If I don't take care of you, I need those adults in the navy to use their precious training time to take care of you. We are already very kind to the generals for training, how can we trouble them?"

Desas was stunned for a moment, not expecting this to be the reason. Indeed, a soldier must be there to take care of them. They would rather let Desas come. At least in this way, they would have a chance to repay the favor in the future. If the navy soldiers were to do this, the other party would not know where they were when they were able.

"Puff ha ha ha"

Just when this group of little guys fell into a sentimental atmosphere, the two unscrupulous guys Ye Luo and Zefa were laughing out loud, and the laughing children were baffled.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, alas~~ It's so much fun, you're just an idiot!" Ye Luo pointed at Desas, and laughed and said, "Isn't your training weight reduced? That's a change for the training that your body can accept! As long as you can persist, then a day's training can be completed alone! That is to say, these little guys can complete it with or without you leading the way, even if they do it alone, they can complete it very well!"

Ye Luo's words stunned all the children, they never thought that this was the case.

"Didn't you realize? As older children, it's especially easy for you to complete the training? That's because your body has not yet reached the limit of training you can do! You may feel tired in the first few days, but after your body grows, it should be very easy to cope with this kind of training! So you need to apply for a new training plan by yourself to continue improving your physical fitness!" Ye Luo said with a strange smile when he saw a group of bewildered children.

"That is to say, we have been working in vain these days?" Drope, who reacted the fastest, pointed to several older children waiting for him, and asked in disbelief.

Seeing Ye Luo nodding with a strange smile, the faces of the older children headed by De Sas all turned black. Apart from being deeply involved in a brotherhood melodrama, they were actually acting like idiots.

"I thought that if you showed your due strength, the navy soldiers in charge would come to tell you about the new training plan, but you suppressed your own speed, which must have made the soldiers in charge of you miscalculate your strength, thinking that you have not fully adapted to this stage of training, so I didn't tell you about the next stage of training plan! Because in the navy, there are also strict requirements. You can't decide what kind of training to complete, but you have to go step by step!" Ye Luo and Zefa laughed. explained to the children.

After Zefa's explanation, Desas can't wait to slap himself a few times now. Not only did he delay his own training, but he also caused several partners of his age to miss a lot of training time.

"My lord! Brother Dexus and the others, what are we going to do now?" the youngest Dexus asked worriedly.

You must know that the reason why these older brothers became what they are now is entirely because they want to take care of their younger brothers!So naturally they were very worried.

"No problem! Go find the navy soldier in charge of you and let him test your strength again. He will re-allocate your training methods according to your true strength!" Ye Luo said with a smile and waved his hands.

Hearing Ye Luo's words, the children breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, apart from these, there is another biggest shortcoming of intentionally suppressing my growth rate and waiting for my companions!" Seeing that the children were all relaxed, Ye Luo slowly put away her smile and said solemnly.

"Little guy, what's your name!" After Ye Luo finished speaking, she didn't wait for the children to ask questions, and asked De Sass directly.

"Sir, my name is Desas, and my goal is to become a navy like yours!" Desas asked loudly, staring at Ye Luo with his eyes shining.

He never thought that he would meet Ye Luo and Zefa today, and he was lucky enough to be asked his name by Ye Luo.

"Is it Desas? Little guy, I'll tell you that suppressing your growth rate will have serious consequences!" Ye Luo looked at Desass and said seriously: "To use a very simple analogy, if you didn't suppress your own speed, would your current strength be stronger than your current one?"

Desas hesitated for a moment and said, "This should be possible!"

"It's not that you should, but you must. According to your perseverance to practice more every night, even if you don't practice more at night after you get the new training method, your strength at this moment will be stronger than now!" Ye Luo said with certainty.

Ye Luo's words silenced De Sass.

"Then let me make another analogy! Now I issue an order to let all of you children participate in a simple task in order to increase your experience and horizons, so you all went and encountered pirates. But the information was wrong. You encountered a few more pirates than in the information. The navy soldiers protecting you couldn't take care of them, and one pirate came to kill you! What are you going to do?" Ye Luo said with great interest.

"Of course it is to stand up and resist. As a righteous navy, we will definitely destroy the evil pirates!" Desas said firmly.

"But at this time, you discovered that this pirate is a little bit stronger than you. All of you combined are no match for him, but the pirate's strength is also limited, just enough to kill these young children, and can't continue to kill you! What are you going to do?" Ye Luo continued to ask.

"I will do my best to protect my brothers, and I will never let the pirates hurt them, even if it costs me my life!" Desas said in a deep voice.

"But if I tell you, if you don't suppress your growth now, when the mission is out, you will be able to kill that pirate alone without worrying about the safety of your younger brothers, and you will still think that you suppress your speed and train with the little guys, right?" Ye Luo asked the last sentence with a smile.

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