When Ye Luo came out of Aokiji's office, she immediately returned to the G1 branch.

"My lord, here are the documents for all recent important matters!" In Ye Luo's office, Baby-5 pointed to a thick stack of documents and said to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo froze when he just entered the office, and then said nonchalantly, "Well, I see, let's put it here first! Come and tell me about what happened recently!"

Baby-5 chuckled, and did not expose Ye Luo's tricks, and simply told Ye Luo about the recent major events.

In addition to the attack on the Alabasta fleet, the dispatch of the Blackbeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, is a relatively big deal. In addition, the recent situation of the G1 branch, Baby-5 also specifically mentioned that the children in the orphanage have passed the test and are now training with ordinary soldiers.

After Baby-5 finished talking, Ye Luo nodded to express her understanding.

"Little Ye Zi, what do you plan to do with that girl?" Baby-5 finished her report and left without waiting for Ye Luo's orders. After she left, Zefa asked with a troubled expression.

"Senior is talking about Smoothie?" Ye Luo asked, turning his head to the side.

"That's right, as a senior cadre of the Four Emperors, isn't it bad for us to keep her behind?" Zefa asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

Seeing this, Zefa didn't say anything more, but picked up a document on the table, handed it to Ye Luo and said, "This is about the orphanage's training plan for the children, take a look!"

"Senior personally appointed this?" Ye Luo turned the pages and asked in surprise.

"They are the future of our navy!" Zefa said with a smile.

Old man Zefa is like this. Because his family was killed by pirates, he regards the young navy as his own descendant, so he cherishes it very much.

Ye Luo was silent for a while, then stood up and said, "I wonder if senior is free now? Let's go and see?"

"Oh? Do you have any good ideas?" Zefa's eyes lit up and he asked.

"It's hard to say now, I have some immature thoughts, I'll try it in the past to know!" Ye Luo rubbed his chin and said hesitantly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Zefa immediately got up and said with a big smile.

Soon, the two sneaked into the boot camp. As for why they sneaked, according to Zefa, after being seen by the two of them, the little guys might not perform well.

So Ye Luo simply played with Zefa, and after arriving at the boot camp, Ye Luo smacked his lips, as if he had found another pleasure from this sneakiness.

He seemed to understand now why those old men like Warring States and Karp always like to sneak around.

"The kids are working hard! But there doesn't seem to be any monster-level guys!" Ye Luo looked at it for a while, and said with some regret.

Zefa looked at Ye Luo with an idiot look on his face, and said, "What do you think a monster-level rookie is? It's so easy to find one? You know, among people of the same era as Kuzan, he is the only one who is called a monster-level rookie. He didn't appear in the next few navy. Even the current Smoker is not a monster rookie, of course, you are not!"

"That's right! After all, only a few geniuses are called geniuses. If there are too many geniuses, they can't be considered geniuses!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"However, I think that little guy is pretty good. He will be trained well in the future, and a school lieutenant won't be able to escape!" Zefa looked at Drope, who was working hard in the group of children, and said softly.

"Oh? Senior is optimistic about that child?" Ye Luo asked in surprise.

"That's right, among this group of children, he is not the most powerful, but he is definitely the one with the strongest willpower! In fact, except for a few who are really strong, the final competition is willpower!" Zefa said with a sigh.

"That's it! The strongest among them should be the oldest child, right? Then seniors think, how long will it take for the little guy you like to surpass him?" Ye Luo touched his chin and asked.

"It's hard to say. The strength in the early stage is not much different. If you want to surpass it, it is difficult to say, and it is easy to say!" Zefa said with a smile.

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it!" Ye Luo asked with a smile.

"If he trains as he is now, it will take at least a year for him to surpass the strongest child among these children! And he has to maintain this concentration!" Zefa smiled slightly and said: "But it is very simple for him to quickly surpass these companions! As long as you order them to receive special training, then this child's willpower will play a big role. I believe that within three months, he will be the strongest!"

Ye Luo nodded and understood Zefa's meaning. The training they are doing now does little to improve their strength, but they don't need the navy to pay extra military expenses, so if they want to become outstanding, their willpower will play a very small role.

But it's different if you do special training, that kind of improvement is huge, the better the talent, the faster the progress, and the more the gap between you and your peers will be widened.

"Let's go, senior, let's go in and have a look, I still have something to test!" Ye Luo looked at these children who were working hard, and said suddenly.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zefa asked in surprise.

"I want to see if these children can learn my formation!" Ye Luo said with a grin.

"Haven't you tried it? Although the moves can be learned, but without your unique energy support, it doesn't work!" Zefa said a little puzzled.

"This time things are different, and I don't know the details, so I plan to teach these children myself!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"Huh?" Zefa was taken aback, Ye Luo taught himself?He didn't doubt Ye Luo's ability, but Ye Luo now has this time to teach the children?

"Aren't you going to visit Alabasta in person?" Zefa asked in surprise.

"It's no longer necessary! Those kids are just scapegoats pushed by the black hand behind the scenes!" Ye Luo shook his head and said.

"Do you believe what they say?" Zefa frowned and said, "You can't believe what the pirates say!"

"I understand, senior, but it doesn't make sense for those pirates to lie, because they have already been caught by us, so I believe that they were only bewitched by others, so they went to that sea area at that time, happened to meet the Alabasta fleet that was attacked, and then robbed them, but they were caught by Mr. Smile who drove over!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"If so, then who attacked the Alabasta fleet?" Zefa asked with a frown.

Ye Luo shook his head and said: "I don't know, and I don't understand what the other party's purpose is! I have already sent a message to Mr. Yixiao, asking him to pay attention to whether everyone on board this time has any unusual behavior! Especially King Cobra and Princess Weiwei! I suspect that someone wants to take the opportunity to replace them!"

"If that's the case, it's really troublesome!" Zefa nodded and said.

"That's why I originally planned to go there in person, but now Blackbeard Tiqi is not restless, I have to stay here to sit in town, just in case! Since I stay here, let's use this time to play with these children!" Ye Luo finally explained why he wanted to train these children himself.

"So that's the case, that's really their blessing!" Zefa laughed and said.

"But Alabasta still can't take it lightly, it's the most important part of our plan!" Ye Luo said worriedly.

"If that's the case, why don't you wait for you to train these little guys and take them to the first half of the great voyage? This will not only increase their experience, but also let them come back to guard the branch!" Zefa said with a smile.

Ye Luo's eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "That's right, and after such a long time, if Mr. Yixiao and the others come back on the bright side, they won't doubt it, and then I will go there in person, so I can see who it is and what they want to do! At that time, they have a greater chance of showing their feet!"

Zefa was taken aback, he didn't think of this at all just now, he just wanted to win a chance for the children to practice, he didn't expect Ye Luo to think of so much, but Zefa smiled calmly, pretending that he thought so.

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