"Okay, let's talk about it first and see if your information is worth my arm!" Perospero ignored Smoothie and said directly to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo shrugged and said, "Don't worry, you will be satisfied! You can grab that cake without worry! I can guarantee that there will be absolutely no problem before Big Mom eats it!"

"Before you eat it? Does that mean there will be problems after you eat it?" Smoothie asked with a frown.

Perospero also looked at Ye Luo, and wanted to exchange his arm with just such a news, so his arm was a bit too worthless!

"That's right, there is no problem with the cake, but there is a problem with BIG MOM! She has been suffering from food cravings for so long, and she suddenly ate the long-awaited cake, so it is the most relaxed time for her. Becky will not let go of this time. As long as you protect her well at that time, there will be no problem!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

"You mean they didn't poison the cake?" Perospero asked in disbelief.

"Don't think that you are a villain. Others are like that. Although Blackfoot Sanji is a member of the Germa family, he has been homeless since he was a child. As a chef, he will never allow anyone to tamper with his food! But with his cooking skills, Big Mom may be greatly impacted. His craftsmanship is great!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

"How can I trust your information!?" Perospero asked after being silent for a while.

"You can choose not to believe it, and I won't force it. Anyway, I've finished my words. If you don't want to leave, I'll continue to play with you!" Ye Luo smiled and said.

"Brother Pelos, Ye Luo won't lie about this kind of thing, let's catch up with Mom!" Smoothie said hastily.

Firstly, she doesn't want to continue fighting with Ye Luo now, and secondly, she is really worried about Big Mom.

Perospero nodded and chose to believe in Smoothie. Then he looked at the Straw Hats and said with a smile: "If I lick Pedro, I can be proud if I don't die. I changed my two arms!"

After finishing speaking, Perospero directly twisted his other arm with the hand made of candy.

"Brother Pelos!" Smoothie shouted with a complicated expression.

"Lick and lick Smoothie, needless to say, ahem, let's go! Mom's business is the most important thing now!" Perospero said to Smoothie, throwing down his arms.

After the two left, Brin took Sanji back to the Sonny on a flying carpet.

"Sanji, Miss Brin!" The arrival of Sanji and Brin made Nami and the others very happy.

"Is that Becky's ship? Why did it change its course?" Jinbe looked at Becky's pirate ship, took the cake and left, and asked BIG MOM to follow them.

"We can't predict how Big Mom will act after eating the cake, so Becky and the others plan to take the cake to a nearby island!" Sanji said softly.

"Eh? Isn't that just bait? Why did Becky and the others do this?" Brooke asked in surprise.

"It seems that they haven't given up their plan to assassinate BIG MOM, so"

"So you plan to attack Big Mom after eating the cake?" Nami continued before Sanji finished speaking.

Sanji nodded and said, "That's right, it seems so, Miss Nami is really smart."

Nami ignored Sanji, and instead looked at Ye Luo with a strange expression. You must know that they all heard the conversation between him and Smoothie just now.

"Don't look at me like that, it's just a simple reasoning!" Ye Luo shrugged and said.

"But with you here, our place is still destroyed like this, it's really miserable!" Sanji looked at the Sonny, lit a cigarette, and said.

"It's really miserable!" Ye Luo nodded and said.

"The enemy is worse than us. Daifuku's fleet was completely destroyed, Perospero lost two arms, and even Smoothie's fleet was destroyed in half. No one would believe this kind of thing!" Jinbe said, shaking his head.

"By the way, where are Garrot and Pedro? Why didn't you see them?" Sanji looked around and asked with a smile.

"Well, they went to rest. They were too tired from fighting, so they went to rest!" Brook said after thinking about it.

Sanji nodded, and he also felt that there were two people in the cabin with his knowledge, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, Sanji, why did Perospero say that Brin has become a traitor? You have been discovered?" Ye Luo asked Sanji with some doubts.

In his memory, it seems that apart from Qi Feng, no one else betrayed BIG MOM in this battle.

Sanji took a breath of cigarettes, looked at Pudding who was joking with Nami, and said, "Yes, the figure that was accidentally exposed, Pudding"

"Then what are you going to do? Once she is judged as a traitor, she won't be able to stay in Wan Guo!" Ye Luo frowned and asked.

"Ask her after the matter is over! Now I plan to let her stay on our boat!" Sanji said with a smoke ring.

Ye Luo nodded. Now he was a little worried about Bu Lei's situation. He seemed to have heard from the enemy that Bu Lei had also become a traitor. Although he had guessed that this would happen before, it was too early.

On the other side, Perospero and Smoothie returned to Daifuku's rearranged fleet and said, "Let's go, let's catch up with Mom!"

"Brother Pelos, what about the straw hats?" Barbarua asked in surprise.

Most of his fleet was also destroyed, so he was a little unwilling to give up the decision to pursue the Straw Hat Boy.

"No, Becky's side is the focus now, that guy hasn't given up on assassinating Mom! As for the Straw Hat Boys, they're going to Chocolate Town anyway, and we'll settle it together there then!" Perospero said, "But you can't let them go completely, Dafu, you take Barbarua's fleet to continue chasing the Straw Hats, and Mom's side will be handed over to me and Smoothie!"

"Okay, Brother Pelos!" Dafu nodded and said.

He didn't think the Straw Hats could escape, even if Bree betrayed him, but as long as Katakuri was freed, there would be absolutely nowhere for the Straw Hats to escape.

It's just that he didn't know that at this time, Luffy had brought Bu Lei back to the mirror world.

"We just met again, don't look so fierce! Answer my question, why did you come back? Even if you run away, no one will laugh at you, after all, your opponent is me!" Katakuri looked at Luffy who came back from the mirror, and asked with a smile.

"I'm here to defeat you!" Luffy looked at Katakuri and said with a serious face.

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