Just when Ye Luo blocked Smoothie and Dafu, BIG MOM over there was ready to attack Sonny again.

"Oops, Big Mom is here again. Is she going to slice us up this time?" Chopper looked at the saber raised again, and said fearfully.

"The situation is much better now than before! Come on, little Zeus, here is your favorite thundercloud!" Nami had recovered by now, and planned to use the ability of the weather stick to create thunderclouds and guide Zeus again.

"I won't be fooled by the same one! You are a charming woman, you are simply too hateful!" Zeus originally wanted to go over and take a bite of Thundercloud, but thinking of BIG Mom's state at this time, he immediately woke up and released an electric shock on Nami.

"Nami!" Chopper shouted anxiously.

Because he saw that the person who received the electric shock had turned into a skeleton, he was very anxious, afraid that something would happen to Nami.

"I'm fine!" Nami hid aside and said with a smile.

"Huh? Then" Chopper was a little surprised. It wasn't Nami who was hit by the electric shock, but who was hit?
"It's me!" Brook said with a smile, "That's right, lightning strikes have no effect on me without a physical body!"

"The king of souls? Do you want to fight me? Your sword couldn't even scratch me before!" BIG MOM jumped to Sonny, intending to cut Sonny directly.

"Really? Can you at least let me see your underwear?" Brooke said with a smile while standing in front of BIG MOM.

"Eh?" Both Nami and Chopper were stunned by Brook. Although this skeleton usually has such a hobby, what time is it now? Is it the time to talk about this?

"Aha?" BIG MOM was taken aback by Brooke's request, but Brooke was not careless, and took advantage of this moment to make a move directly.

"Nose Song Sanding·Soul Arrow Feather Slash!"

"It's over! We only plan to deal with you from the beginning! Zeus!"

Brook cut Zeus in half with a sword and said with a smile.

"Positive charge, black hole!" Nami held up the weather stick, and shouted to Zeus with a smile: "Zeus, let go of the electricity and make yourself easier!"

"Bastard, what are you going to do?" Zeus suddenly felt that his body was out of control. He already understood what Nami was going to do, but he couldn't resist.


A huge lightning strike directly hit BIG MOM, turning her whole body black, before she fell from the sky.

"Mom!" At this moment, Prometheus the Sun stepped forward immediately and caught BIG MOM. He was created by BIG MOM's soul, so it would not hurt BIG MOM.

"It worked, Brooke, it's great!" After Brooke returned to the Sunny, he immediately celebrated with Nami and Chopper.

"I guess this guy doesn't have the energy to toss around now!" At this time, Brooke took out a white cloud and handed it to Nami, saying with a smile.

"Oh~! Isn't this Zeus? That's great!" Nami said happily.

"What do you want to do? We were friends before?" Zeus looked at Nami with a weird expression and asked with some fear.

"What do you seem to have misunderstood? I didn't say I want to be friends with you. I'll ask you again, do you want to be my servant? Or die?" Nami looked at Zeus and asked with a scary and weird expression.

Not to mention Thundercloud Zeus, even Brook and Chopper hid away in fear.

"Mom!" Over there, Perospero and Smoothie were blocked by Ye Luo and couldn't go to support them, but they could clearly see what happened to BIG MOM.

"Bastard, Candy Spear!" Perospero once again made a move at Ye Luo. At this time, he had to rush over, and he couldn't be dragged here any longer.

"Haha, I really didn't expect them to be able to do this!" Ye Luo said with a smile while resisting the attack of the three.

Because he didn't think about defeating the three of them, he just held them back, so there is no problem for the time being.

"Prometheus! Chase me!" Over there, after being struck by lightning, BIG MOM was unharmed except for some black powder.

"It seems that just a few of them can't defeat Big Mom!" Ye Luo said with a sigh.

"What are you talking about in your sleep? Is mother so easily defeated?" Perospero looked like an idiot, and said to Ye Luo.

"Okay, Smoothie! The battle between us will end here. If you are interested, let's compete next time!" Ye Luo looked into the distance and said with a smile.

"You thought you left?" Dafu looked at Ye Luo and said dissatisfied.

"Then give it a try! The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms walk on the frost and ice, the lamb touches the scorpion, and the dragon swings its tail!" Ye Luo continuously played the last three moves of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and the huge dragon-shaped air wave went straight towards the three of them.

"Candy Wall!" Perospero used a defensive move for the first time, but he was smashed without holding on for a second.

"Bastard!" After the smoke cleared, Ye Luo had appeared behind BIG MOM, but most of their fleet was destroyed under Ye Luo's attack.

"Smooge, let's keep chasing, Dafu, you stay and clean up the mess, Strong, Snamon, and Barbarua, you can make sure of their situation!" Perospero created a smaller candy monster again, took Smoothie to chase after it, and left Dafu to clean up the mess of the fleet.


"No, Chopper! Don't do this!" Nami shouted anxiously at Chopper.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it! Now it's the only way!" Chopper's eyes revealed determination.

"Hahahahaha! Well, well, well~~~ You are really interesting!" BIG MOM sat on Prometheus, looked at the transformed Chopper with a big smile, and said, "Prometheus, show them if they have the ability to die with me!"

"Yes, mother!" Prometheus replied, making his whole body gigantic.

The huge sun raised the surrounding temperature, and the sea water evaporated a lot.

"Is this the strength of the Four Emperors?" Brook looked at the huge Prometheus, his mouth opened in surprise.

"It's so huge that even sea water is useless!" Jinbe also said in surprise.

"Hey, you are the Four Emperors! Isn't it bad to frighten these children like this?" At this time, Ye Luo's voice came out, making Nami and the others rekindle the fire of hope for survival.

"Six Meridians Excalibur Zhongchong Sword" Ye Luo fired a sword aura directly at BIG MOM with the middle finger of his right hand.


Napoleon's changing saber directly blocked Ye Luo's attack.

"Navy, you dare to stop me over and over again. It seems that you don't plan to return to Marlin Vandor alive!" Big Mom slowly turned his head and said to Ye Luo who was approaching her.

"No, on the contrary, I'm here to bring you a cake!" Ye Luo said with a slight smile.

"Cake?" Big Mom was taken aback, and looked at Ye Luo in surprise, but she didn't find any cake in Ye Luo.

"Bastard, how dare you play me?" Big Mom didn't see the cake, and shouted at Ye Luo angrily, then raised Napoleon and was ready to make a move.

"Ha~ Don't get me wrong, smell it carefully, and then look behind you!" Ye Luo said with a smile.

Big Mom sniffed her nose, not because she obeyed Ye Luo's words, but because a sweet scent had come to her, so she smelled it naturally.

"Wedding cake!" Smelling the scent of the cake, BIG·MOM not only left Ye Luo behind, she even forgot about the Straw Hats, and went straight to the distance to transport the cake, and flew towards the Becky pirate ship coming from here.

"Sanji!" Hearing Ye Luo's words, Nami and the others turned their heads subconsciously, and naturally saw a huge cake and a pirate ship. They knew that it was Sanji who had arrived.

"I'm finally saved!" The three of Nami almost cried with each other in their arms. It was not an easy journey for them.

Ye Luo landed on the deck of the Sonny, looked at the three of them, smiled and shook his head, and then said to Smoothie and Perospero who were chasing them: "Didn't I say that? Now you are not fighting us, the cake over there is what you want most!?"

"Bastard, Blackfoot of the Straw Hats has colluded with Brin. You are enemies. How could we let mom eat the cake you made? Besides, that fellow Becky will not let go of such a good opportunity. I'm sure they must be poisoned!" Perospero said angrily.

"Smooji, I have some news to tell you, but because of this guy, the news that was originally free needs some rewards!" Ye Luo looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

"What news? What kind of payment do you need?" Smoothie frowned.

"I want his arm!" Ye Luo pointed at Perospero and said, "Don't be angry, because of this guy, we have lost an excellent warrior and elder here, so it's not an exaggeration to take his arm! Even if I want to, it's not difficult to take his life!"

"You want my arm? What news can you say that?" Perospero asked with a smile.

He knew who Ye Luo was talking about, it was nothing more than Pedro.

"News about this cake!" Ye Luo said with a slight smile.

"How can I trust you?" Perospero frowned and asked.

"Brother Pelos!" Smoothie was taken aback. She didn't expect Perospero to continue asking Ye Luo, which proved that he had plans to get Ye Luo's news, so she quickly said, "Although the other party lost a soldier, you have also lost an arm. We don't need his news!"

"No, Smoothie! Mom can't have any accidents, as long as his information is accurate and can really help us, it's just an arm, I can afford the price!" Perospero shook his head with a smile, and said firmly.

"Ye Luo! Brother Peros is my brother! You can't do this, don't make me hate you!" Seeing that Perospero could not be dissuaded, Smoothie turned his head and said fiercely to Ye Luo.

"But you have to let him keep something! Otherwise, how can I explain to that little rabbit?" Ye Luo rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said.

This kind of thing that took advantage of others' danger really made him a little embarrassed, it had nothing to do with Smoothie, even if it was someone else, Ye Luo would not do such a thing, but Perospero was Smoothie's eldest brother, and Ye Luo couldn't do anything to him.On Jialuote's side, if Ye Luo didn't bring something out, she would feel a little sorry for her.

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