"Go back!" Sanji got off the cat cart and yelled directly at Luffy.

"What do you mean by driving us away? Sanji?" Luffy asked Sanji, a little confused.

"It's really commendable that you came here to pick me up, but if you really think about me, it's better for you to leave. After all, compared to your small and poor pirate group, the BIG MOM pirate group is stronger and richer! Can you become the Pirate King? To be honest, I'm not sure, but betting on horses has a better chance of winning, right? This is also human nature!" Sanji calmly replied.

"Stop joking, Sanji! What did you say when you started?" Nami couldn't listen anymore, and shouted directly.

"Does that mean you have been lying to me all this time?" Luffy looked at Sanji and asked.

"Yeah, in fact, I really look down on you in my heart! It's really difficult for you to recognize the facts so suddenly, I think it's better to prove it with practical actions!" Sanji said as he started to ignite flames on his right foot, which was the prelude to launching his devil kick.

"Devil's foot, cheekbones shoot!" Sanji kicked Luffy's face directly. Luffy didn't dodge or defend himself, and was kicked away by Sanji.

"Ahem..." Although Luffy didn't fall down, blood was already bleeding from his nose and the corners of his mouth.

"You fought back!" Sanji said cruelly, looking at the embarrassed Luffy.

"I won't fight you!" Luffy said firmly.

"Then you disappear! You always act recklessly!" Sanji attacked again. Luffy still didn't dodge or resist.

"Sanji, stop! We came to pick you up, Luffy has been fighting with the local officials all night without sleep! Now his body is gone" Nami almost cried, and shouted at Sanji.

"Huh~huh~ stop talking, Nami! This is a duel!" Luffy interrupted Nami and said.

"What kind of duel is this!" Angry Sanji attacked again. He didn't know whether he was angry with Luffy or himself, but he didn't show mercy. He just wanted to drive away Luffy and others as soon as possible. If the BIG MOM pirates found them, they would not be able to leave even if they wanted to!

"Quickly disappear from my eyes!" Under Sanji's continuous attacks, Luffy still stood firmly.

"I refuse!" Luffy accepted Sanji's attack and said stubbornly.

"Stop! Sanji, we're leaving now, don't fight any more!" Nami looked at the crumbling Luffy and said with tears.

"No, I will never leave!" Luffy said firmly.

"Smashing!" Sanji kicked Luffy on the head directly, kicking Luffy to the ground, and passed out.

"Hey Sanji!" At this time, Nami got down from the big coconut tree, walked up to Sanji, and stopped Sanji who was about to leave.

"Slap!" A very loud slap hit Sanji on the face, but Sanji didn't dodge or fight back, but took Nami's slap with his face.

"Wow~~ This woman is so cruel! She just slapped her face!" said Yong Zhi, who was sitting in the car watching the excitement, with a smile.

"Farewell~ I'm sorry, we are meddling in our own business!" Nami said to Sanji with tears in her eyes.

Sanji looked to the other side, not daring to look into Nami's eyes.

"I've been waiting for a long time, let's drive!" Sanji returned to Germa's car in silence, and said softly.

"Hoo~~Hoo~~ Stop for me, Sanji!" Luffy, who woke up, struggled to stand up and shouted towards Sanji.

"Luffy!" Nami ran over worriedly, preparing to support the seriously injured Luffy.

"What inferior pirate, you are forcing yourself to say things you don't want to say! Don't lie! Do you think you can drive me away like this? Are you kidding me! No matter how hard you kick me, you are the one who hurts!" Luffy shouted towards Sanji's cat car.

"Why? Luffy, no matter what the reason is, he treats you like this." Nami asked puzzledly.

"Do you want to stop? Sanji!" Reiju, who was sitting next to Sanji in the car, asked Sanji.

"Keep going!" Sanji put one hand in front of his face, covering his tear-filled face.

"Stop talking! Sanji, our journey is still going on! I'm waiting for you here. If you don't come back, I'll starve to death here! You are the cook on my ship, and I won't eat food cooked by anyone except you!" Luffy interrupted Nami and continued to shout at Sanji.

And Sanji's tears over there have reached the point where he can't hide, and Yuji and others next to him are laughing at him mercilessly.

"Even if I'm hungry, even if the sky rains swords, I won't move a single step, I'll just wait for you here!" After Luffy shouted, he rested for a while, and continued to shout: "Hu~hu~ You must come back, Sanji! I can't be Pirate King without you!"

When Sanji in the car heard these words, tears finally flowed like a bank bursting.

However, the cat car did not stop, but continued to move towards Cake City, and slowly disappeared in front of Luffy and Nami.

"Are you really planning to wait here? This is the very center of the enemy camp!" Nami sat on the grass and asked Luffy who was lying down and resting.

"I'll wait, Sanji will come back!" Luffy said firmly.

"Eh~? Why is there a dark cloud suddenly coming over?" Nami looked at the dark clouds in the cake city and said in surprise.

According to her observation, there shouldn't be this dark cloud here!

"Ah~ah~~that's that" Dawang Coconut Tree looked at the dark clouds and stuttered a little in fright.

"What's wrong? King Coconut Tree!" Namei asked curiously.

"That's because mom is angry!" Dawang Coconut Tree said in horror.

Nami was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Bree had told her that Big Mom was the one who could control the weather.

At this time, in Cake City, the Vengeance Legion had already assembled and came towards Luffy's location, just in time to meet the Germa convoy entering the city.

"It seems that they are going to attack the straw hat boy! He just said that he would wait for you at the same place, right?" Yongzhi said with a look of watching the excitement.

Sanji looked at the army outside the convoy, and couldn't help feeling a little worried. Based on what he knew about Luffy, that guy would definitely wait for him where he was.

"However, your captain shouldn't be so stupid, right? Seeing such a mighty army, don't you know how to run for your life? Hahaha" Although Sanji didn't pay attention to Yuji, he was very happy when he said it alone.

Soon, Sanji followed the Vinsmoke family to Cake Island and drank afternoon tea with BIG MOM. During the dinner, he also received a note from Brin asking him to chat alone later.

When Sanji came to Brin's room, Sanji, who was deceived by Brin's disguise, told Brin directly what was in his heart. Brin suppressed a smile and cooperated with Sanji to finish the scene.

After Sanji came out of Brin's room, he went to BIG MOM, hoping that she would let the Straw Hats go.

"Yes, no problem!" Big Mom readily agreed to Sanji.

"Eh? Really?" Sanji couldn't believe it. Big Mom simply agreed to his request. Knowing that the other party is the Four Emperors, he had already made up his mind to save Luffy and the others no matter what the cost.

"Yeah, it's true! As long as things make sense, I'm a reasonable woman! I will do what I say!" BIG MOM said with a smile while eating dessert: "As long as you don't want to run away and stay and get married honestly, then I will turn a blind eye to some things!"

"Thank you so much! I will definitely make Pudding happy!" Sanji said happily.

After getting rid of the biggest worry in his heart, Sanji's mood has indeed improved a lot!

"Hahahaha, it seems that you are very obsessed with my daughter!" Big Mom laughed and said, "But let me state in advance, what the Straw Hat Boy did is impossible to be forgiven. He destroyed the Forest of Temptation, defeated a member of our general star, and what's worse, he ate all the desserts I had in Fishman Island, and then provoked me!"

"If it wasn't for you, it's an important day for you to get married. Everything goes well. At this time tomorrow, I will have Germa's scientific power. As long as you don't want to escape, then everything can be solved satisfactorily!" Big Mom said with a smile.

"Okay!" Sanji promised with a smile.

On the other side, Ye Luo, who returned to Qiao Maria from the G1 branch, finally began to perform the duties of a general, and began to patrol around occasionally to check the guards and safety.

And the generals in the navy also started to set off to meet the kings of various kingdoms. Without the escort of the navy, in this world where pirates are rampant, many kings of the kingdoms would be killed.

"Hey, you sent all my men out, are you planning to bore me to death?" On this day, Ye Luo came to Qingzhi's office out of boredom, and complained to him.

"General Ye Luo, you are also an admiral after all, so can't you be more serious?" Kasarsky said with a cigar in his mouth, glanced at Ye Luo.

"Serious? Who told you that I'm not serious? Did I peek at your wife taking a shower or steal your son's toys?" Ye Luo curled her lips, and directly yelled at her.

He didn't expect Red Dog to be here, but it's a joy for Ye Luo to hate Red Dog!
"Okay, Ye Luo, now is not the time to talk about this, what are you doing here?" Qingzhi directly advised the two who were about to quarrel.

"Haven't you guys noticed that Wano Country is no longer peaceful?" Ye Luo put away his joke and said.

Akagi and Aokiji looked at each other, but they didn't speak strangely.

"Isn't it? Are you still hiding this kind of thing from each other? Did you make a mistake? If the two of you continue like this, the navy may really split up. Is this your purpose?" Ye Luo said with a frown.

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