On Luffy's side, after turning on the fourth gear, he didn't completely defeat the cracker. In the end, Luffy was cruel and ate the biscuit soldiers transformed by the cracker.

This frightened Cracker, he had never met such a person before, this battle has lasted for almost 11 hours, except for the fierce battle between the two at the beginning, the rest of the time was that Cracker kept making biscuits, and Luffy kept eating.

The people watching the battle were all terrified by the two of them, but not to mention them, even Cracker himself probably never encountered this kind of battle!

But this is also because of Nami, otherwise the cookie soldiers in the cracker would not be so delicious!
Because Nami uses the rainwater summoned by her ability to make the cracker cookies soft, so Luffy can eat them so easily.

"You must have reached your limit, kid!" Cracker looked at Luffy who had already eaten into a ball, and said with a smile: "And the king coconut tree, I will report to mom about your collaboration with the enemy!"

"Master Cracker, you chopped off my hair, can't you forget it? Besides, it's all because this girl has her mother's life card in her hand. We, Homiz, can't refuse my mother's order!" said King Coconut Tree, who was about to cry.

"I don't care, if it weren't for your hindrance, how could that woman make strange rain? Then my extremely hard biscuits wouldn't turn into delicious food!" Cracker was a little annoyed, and now he couldn't wait to kill Luffy.

"Sister Bree, do you think Cracker will be defeated by the Straw Hat Kid?" Smoothie and Bree watched the battle between Luffy and Cracker from the world in the mirror and asked.

"It shouldn't be possible, right? Don't you think the straw hat kid is already reaching his limit? But it's the first time I've seen someone so edible like him. In terms of appetite, I'm afraid he's really at the level of the Four Emperors!" Bu Lei said with a smile.

Not far from them, Chopper and Garrot fell to the ground, completely passed out.

"But Smoothie, are you going to be too ruthless? So they are also members of the Straw Hat gang. If something really happens, it's hard for that person to explain?" Bree looked at the two people who had passed out, and asked with a smile.

Smoothie curled his lips and said, "Explain? What do I need to explain to the navy? Besides, they just passed out and were not injured! If the Straw Hat Boy really defeated the crackers, then my sister just needs to throw the two of them out. Mom can't blame you, after all, even the crackers failed! But if the Straw Hat Boy loses, then my sister must have some merits, otherwise Mom will really have a hard time explaining it!"

Bree was taken aback, she didn't expect Smoothie to think about her like this, but she didn't show it, she just smiled and said, "Have you not given up yet? After all, I didn't say who it is just now!"

Smoothie was silent for a while, then sighed, and said, "I don't want to lie to myself, it's really not that easy!"

At this time, she was a little bit blaming her mother. If her mother hadn't messed up the couples, she wouldn't have been so entangled.

"Sometimes I wonder if our BIGMOM Pirates would be disbanded! At least for you and brother Katakuri, you don't have so many burdens!" Bree said suddenly.

"What nonsense is my sister talking about? We are the Four Emperor Pirates! How miserable the defeated Four Emperor Pirates are, you can see the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates now! So Mom must not be defeated!" Smoothie said seriously.

Bree nodded, just about to say something, but outside the mirror, the battle between Luffy and Cracker had reached its final moment.

Luffy, who ate into a ball, directly activated the fourth gear, which became the fourth gear of the full version.

"Let's go, there's no need to watch anymore. I'm going to the palace too. Mom's call must be coming soon. Sister finds a place to throw these two people out, or pretend to be defeated by them. Just remember not to get hurt directly!" Seeing that Cracker was about to be defeated by Luffy, Smoothie turned and said.

"Huh? Well then, I'll take you to the palace!" Bree nodded thoughtfully. She was not as strong as Smoothie, and she didn't see that Cracker was about to be defeated.

On the other side, Sanji, who had joined Germa 66, boarded the carriage that the prince was riding in, and was heading towards the royal palace of Cake Island.

Smoothie, who came out of the mirror world, met Katakuri, the leader of the three generals, at the gate of the palace.

"Brother Katakuri, long time no see!" Smoothie greeted with a smile.

"Are you so lazy now? Did Bree send you here?" Katakuri said with a smile.

Smoothie nodded with a smile, and said, "The Straw Hats went to the Forest of Temptation. I was worried about Sister Bree, so I went to have a look!"

"Oh? Is Bree okay? Didn't you say that the cracker passed? What are you worried about?" Katakuri asked with a frown as he turned his head.

"It's all right, but Cracker is about to lose?" Smoothie said, shaking his head.

"What?" Katakuri asked in surprise.

"Well, well, well~~~ It's been a long time since your three generals gathered like this? Where's the cracker? Why haven't you come back yet?" BIGMOM said happily when he heard the news of Smoothie and Katakuri's arrival.

But at this moment, something suddenly flew towards the palace of Cake Island.


After a sound of impact, only then did someone look over.

"Big brother!"

"Brother Cracker?"

"What's going on? You are our three dessert generals!"

Just around the landing of the cracker, the No. 19 male cheese minister Charlotte Mondor, the No. 18 female butter minister Charlotte Garrett, and the fifth male butter minister Charlotte Opera walked up and said.

"Who did it? I'm going to kill him!" Meng Daoer said angrily when he saw Cracker's fiasco.

"Where did he fly over? The enemy should be nearby!" Opera also said hastily.

"My brother probably went to the Forest of Temptation to get to know the straw hat boy yesterday!" Garrette, who knew something inside, said while squatting on the ground to check the cracker's injury.

"I didn't expect Cracker to be defeated!" Katakuri said in disbelief when he saw all this.

He had met Luffy when he was in Fishman Island. Although the other party gave him a faintly dangerous atmosphere, he didn't care too much about Luffy's strength, and what made him care more about Luffy's identity.

"Forget it, look at the sky, mom is already angry, the revenge army should be formed!? Let's go, let's go in!" Smoothie said while looking at the sky, walking towards the castle.

Looking at Luffy and Nami again, after defeating Cracker, Luffy and Nami rode the king coconut tree and rushed straight towards Cake City, but they were lucky, they met Germa 66's convoy on the road, and Sanji happened to be on it.

"Hey Sanji~~!" Luffy, who found Sanji, was extremely happy, shouting and ran towards Germa 66's convoy.

Yongji, who was sitting next to Sanji, immediately spotted Luffy, and asked in surprise, "How did this guy break through the border of the territory and come here?"

"Great, Sanji, I thought I'd never see you again, but I didn't expect to meet you here!" Nami also waved to Sanji on the big coconut tree.

"How did they get here?" Sanji was stunned, looking at Luffy and Nami running towards him.

In fact, he doesn't want to see his companions now, among other things, if he dares to escape from marriage, the Big Mom Pirates will go directly to the East China Sea and kill the old man he values ​​most. As an old man who is no longer a pirate, Tetsuo is definitely not the opponent of the Four Emperors Big Mom Pirates, so Sanji dare not run away at all.

And now he still wears a bracelet on his hand, as long as he leaves the territory of the BIG MOM Pirates, the bracelet will explode. For the chef, losing his hands is more uncomfortable than cutting off his legs.

"Sanji, we're here to pick you up! Although you left a message saying that you would definitely go back, I didn't want to wait any longer, so I came here to pick you up!" Luffy flew directly onto the cat cart, and said happily to Sanji, "I originally planned to come here by myself, but you also know that I might not be able to come here by myself, so Zoro and the others have already gone to Wano Country. Nami, Chopper, and Brook insisted on coming with me, so"

The most important purpose of his coming here this time is to take Sanji back and steal the text of the road sign, which is what Pedro meant. That's why Luffy is so happy after seeing Sanji.

It's just that it wasn't Sanji's words that answered Luffy, but his feet.

Just when Germa 66 was about to attack Luffy, Sanji kicked Luffy away step by step.

"Go back, you low-grade pirates!" Sanji said while standing on the edge of the cat cart with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Sanji, what are you doing?" Nami was shocked and shouted at Sanji.

"My name is Vinsmoke Sanji. I'm the prince of the Germa Kingdom. I'm sorry to keep it from you all the time, but if I tell you, you will be too miserable. After all, I am different from your identities. The gap is so clear! It's like all the soldiers present are at my command."

"So there's no need to compare whether you want to go back to your boring ship or stay and marry the beautiful daughter of the Fourth Emperor. Which one is happier? Then you take this broken letter seriously? Give up, I won't go back! I really didn't expect that you guys came here after you. It's really hard work. What's your name? Get out of here!"

Sanji stood on the edge of the cat car, ignored the ridicule of his brothers, and told Luffy and Nami a lie against his will.

"Stop joking! What nonsense are you talking about? I can't just accept it!" Luffy stood up and said to Sanji angrily.

"Hey, do you need me to help you drive away these annoying guys? Hahaha" Yongzhi smiled and said to Sanji.

"No, I'll take care of it, don't interfere!" Sanji said as he got off the cat cart.

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