Everyone was stunned, "No, why do I not understand, who is he?"

"Sometimes he is said to be a wizard, and another moment he is said to be punished. I am a little confused!"

"That is, if he is a wizard, his status should be quite high. How could this be?"

"Just kidding, even if the status is noble, who would like to be buried alive?"

Hearing this, Ye Xiao frowned tightly, "I guess this wizard should be very important, in order not to let others get it, that's why he was buried with him."

"His existence is to protect the owner of the tomb, and even to keep the secret of longevity. No one is willing to be buried for others, let alone he is a wizard."

With Ye Xiao's explanation, everyone seemed to understand.

"According to what you said, this guy was forced to come in, but what kind of crime he suffered and was treated like this is too horrible! If it were me, even if it was death, I would let these people buried with people!"

"Hey, it's too miserable to have no peace before death."

"If I can be buried in the imperial mausoleum after death, so that future generations can benefit from it, I am also willing!"

"Cut! The great wizard may not have offspring. If he dies, he will die. Who can help him?"

"Don't discuss this anymore, everyone. There shouldn't be any abnormal changes in the corpse in this coffin, right? Although the Gu worm is dead, the centipede is dead but not stiff."

Hearing what they said, Ye Xiao shook his head, "Probably not, there are no eggs in it, and there is no smell of Gu insects."

As soon as these words came out, even old Professor Zhou couldn't help being shocked, "Can you smell the breath of Gu insects?"

Ye Xiao laughed, "Professor Zhou, don't forget, when we opened the coffin before, once we encountered Gu insects, there would always be some clues, either we could see the eggs, or we could smell the smell, and There is nothing here, even this corpse has no changes, so I guess it should be safe."

Ye Xiao's explanation made everyone feel terrified, they still couldn't believe it completely, Ye Xiao shrugged, anyway, he didn't intend to stay here for too long.

Those vines outside just now are an example, it should be safe to come here.

After hearing Ye Xiao's analysis, everyone didn't dare to be careless, but some people said it was unbelievable. Different people have different opinions on this thing. Some people are afraid of it, but some people don't take it seriously. In addition, they have weapons on their bodies now, so there shouldn't be any changes.

At this time, Ye Xiao looked around, and the people around him gathered around the black iron coffin and studied it carefully.

Huang Longfei boldly cut off the silky material wrapped around the corpse, and sure enough, as Ye Xiao said, there were no insect eggs inside.

After peeling off that layer, the exposed bones have already been strangled and deformed, and it can be seen that they were thrown in with broken legs before they were alive.

The leg bones have been broken, and he must have suffered a lot of torture before his death.

Seeing that there were no insect eggs inside the corpse, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Netizens are full of praise across the screen.

"Look, Ye said that it's okay if it's okay, but you don't believe it!"

"Who is Ye Dao? That's an expert!"

"That's right, there are experts more than experts, Ye Dao made the final decision, no one is allowed to question Ye Dao in the future!"

"What's going on, isn't it normal to have doubts? What is inaccurate? Could it be that what Ye Dao said was golden words, you are too exaggerated!"

"You stupid fans will recruit Ye Dao!"

Netizens were all arguing, Ye Xiao didn't have time to care about this, except for the black iron coffin, there seemed to be nothing special in these tombs.

He set his eyes on the wall beside him. There were vines inside the outer wall, so there might be something strange inside.

Ye Xiao drew out the ancient black gold knife, walked slowly to the wall, and groped with his hands.

Did not fumble for vines, but fumbled for a mechanism.

He stretched out his hand to buckle the stone brick on it, and found that the inside was hollow, so he stretched out his fingers, inserted his slender fingers directly into it, and forcibly pulled out the brick!

At this moment, the cameraman pointed the camera at Ye Xiao.

Netizens were stunned.

"The little expert who breaks down the wall!"

"Ye Dao really refreshed my cognition time and time again."

"Ye Dao's fingers are really long, are they born?"

"The question upstairs is really fresh. Isn't it born or acquired? How did it grow?"

Ye Xiao didn't have time to look at the camera. After crushing a stone brick, he found that there was indeed a mechanism inside, but a button. After he pressed it hard, he saw the black iron coffin shaking suddenly, which shocked everyone around him. jump!
They hurriedly looked around, and there was a hole in the bottom of the black iron coffin, and the coffin fell down at once, making a loud noise!The rising dust made everyone lose their eyes.

After a long time, everyone came back to their senses, only to see that the cave in front of them was pitch black.

I took a photo with a flashlight, and there was indeed a step leading down.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other, all looked at Ye Xiao, Ye Xiao turned his head to stare at them, then thought of going outside again, forget it, let's continue.

"It seems that this is another mechanism. Everyone goes in first, and you can't get out outside. This is the only way to prevent those vines from coming out to kill people."

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly flashed their flashlights to go one by one, but I have to say that the hollowness here is too scary, even if there is a weapon in hand, they dare not be careless.

Everyone walked down the steps, and the more they walked, the more panicked they felt inside, and a chill came over them, and they couldn't help but hugged their arms tightly.

Old Professor Zhou turned around and asked: "Xiaoye, at first you said this is not a dragon's lair, but I think it is still a place of geomantic omen. Is this a place where shade gathers and hides caves?"

Hearing what old professor Zhou said, Ye Xiao nodded, "That's true. This place is [-] meters underground, and it was originally backed by a mountain. There is nothing wrong with the tomb here, but over the years, there have been too many bones gathered underground, and the yin has increased. The Necropolis is even bigger than I've seen before."

Hearing that Professor Zhou was very surprised at the time, Li Yuanhao's tomb had already amazed them, but now it is even worse, the owner of the tomb has not been confirmed, and the main tomb has not been found.

Professor Zhou felt a little incredible at the time.

Ye Xiao took out the compass, wanting to see the situation below, but the compass shook violently as soon as he took it out, this discovery made Ye Xiao frowned, and he quickly walked to the front of the team.

Everyone was a little surprised.

"What did Xiaoye find?"

"Why do you see that nothing will happen when you are in a hurry?"

"We are underground. If you tell me there is a change, I might as well stay up there, just like the black iron coffin!"

"If you want to be with him, go there. Anyway, I don't want to. If some spider comes out again, wouldn't I be swallowed?"

"How can there be so many Gu worms who are deceiving, besides..."

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