Talk to the screenwriter, what's the matter with your unicorn tattoo

Chapter 493 is to prevent him from being reincarnated

After hearing Ye Xiao say this, everyone reacted.

No wonder they felt strange when they saw those figures before, but now they realized that they were stabbed by vines and sucked up all the blood, so the entire figure was printed on the wall.

The members of the archaeological team also had lingering fears. At this time, netizens jumped up when they saw this.

"Me! Listening to Ye Dao's words is better than reading for ten years!"

"Ye Dao appears, and the crisis is instantly resolved, Ye Dao, I want to worship you as my teacher!"

"Ye Dao's figure just now is too explosive! By the way, how did Ye Dao find out?"

"Ye Dao's eyes are rulers, nothing can escape his eyes!"

"Stop bragging, I suspect that Ye also came down here, otherwise how could it be so clear."

"Don't say that Ye Dao is wrong anymore, Ye Dao is already very good, but these things are familiar to him."

"Don't ask, the question is what my third uncle said, who let people rob the family of the tomb!"

"Wrong, he is now the leader of the Zheng'er Eight Classics archaeological team, this is called abandoning the dark and turning to the bright!"

Seeing the screen flashing one after another, Ye Xiao couldn't laugh or cry. He was clearly looking for secrets, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared here.

Right now, before everyone had time to recover, Huang Longfei and the others also noticed the clue, "What do you think is this place?"

When they first came in, they didn't check carefully, the most important thing was to stay away from the vines and save a life.

But now that I calmed down, I realized that this is a burial chamber, and there is a coffin in the middle!
After experiencing so much, everyone was a little scared when they saw the coffin, especially the rescue team. It was their first time to go down to the ancient tomb. His face was pale, and even though he had a gun in his hand, he didn't dare to approach him at all.

After Ye Xiao and other members of the archaeological team came up, Huang Longfei was on the outside. He was really scared and didn't dare to look at it.

Who knows what's in this coffin!
The vine killing just now has already made them amazed. They used to just watch live broadcasts or movies, and they would only feel disgusted through the screen. How could they think of such horror.

But seeing this scene now, everyone shrank their necks in fear. Ye Xiao glanced at Huang Longfei and said nothing. As an outsider, it is easy to get scared when seeing this scene, but they are different.

The pattern engraved on this coffin is a bit strange, and it is also a mandala, the flower of witchcraft.

The appearance of more and more mandalas also made Ye Xiao feel that this place is closer to the clues, and some snake-shaped symbols also appeared on the coffin lid.

After Professor Zhou saw it, he was a little surprised, "Xiao Ye, what does this snake shape mean?"

This snake shape is the same as his snake shape bone jade, Ye Xiao said in a deep voice: "The handles on both sides of the previous altar also have this snake shape, I guess it should be a high priest, or maybe a wizard."

Hearing what he said, everyone also remembered that the altar handle they saw in the main hall was in the shape of a snake at first, but now there is a snake shape carved on the coffin, as well as mandala flowers, which should be the wizard.

"You said that the practice of witchcraft in the Western Han Dynasty did not implicate many people, so why should this wizard be buried here now? Shouldn't it be Lingchi?"

"Mostly it is for longevity, and it is for them to live better forever. Generally, wizards have psychic effects, so they are buried here. From the beginning when we entered the tomb, what we have seen so far Everything we do is for this purpose.”

Hearing what Ye Xiao said, everyone took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect these things to be so paranoid. They can give anything for longevity!"

"It has lasted for thousands of years until now, aren't scientists still studying it, wanting to break through the limit of human life span? So it's not surprising to see it this way."

"It seems that what the ancestors said is correct. Longevity is an eternal pursuit. Every generation has it, and the coffin you see now is even more so!"

Everyone took a look and touched the lid of the coffin, feeling cold all over.

"This coffin seems to be made of black iron!"

Everyone couldn't help but take a step forward when they heard this. Professor Zhou and the others studied for a long time before nodding.

"It's indeed made of black iron, but it's a bit different. It seems to have a layer of cinnabar on it."

Professor Zhou's words made everyone curious, "If it is black iron, what is the purpose of brushing cinnabar on it? And what is this?"

Everyone saw some nails on the side of the coffin. If it was black iron, why were they nailed so hard?
"The one in this coffin can't be a fraudulent corpse, right? Nails are only used if you are afraid of fraudulent corpses!"

"There is also a saying that his soul will be nailed here for life after life, and he cannot be reincarnated. If the person buried here is a wizard, then this operation is a bit too weird!"

"Yeah, who would dare to do this to the wizard's corpse?"

"If his master is either rich or noble, or is a royal nobleman, then there is nothing wrong with such an arrangement."

"Since you have surrendered to your master, life and death are up to you, wealth and honor are in the hands of God, and even the dead body has to contribute."

"Looking at it this way, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong!"

At this time, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw this. People live without any dignity. They were used while alive, and their corpses were also used after death. This is really disgusting.

"Everyone, open the coffin and have a look!"

Old Professor Zhou made the final decision, and everyone dispersed, and selected a few brave ones to push the lid open with Ye Xiao, but the nails were already nailed so tightly that they couldn't be opened at all.

Ye Xiao took out the ancient black gold knife, and cut all the way along the gap in the coffin. In an instant, half of the coffin lid was cut off, revealing a hideous corpse.

Although the facial features cannot be seen, the whole face will be covered by a spider silk-like substance, and the entire mandible will be opened, occupying half of the face, and the face will be very ferocious.

The black body was wrapped into a ball, everyone was a little surprised to see this scene, what's going on?

This was not the same as the corpse in their impression, and this guy seemed to have experienced a struggle before he died. A finger protruded from the right side of his body, leaving deep finger marks on the side of the coffin.

Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and pulled a spider-like substance from his body. After looking at it for a long time and smelling it, a foul smell came over him.

Seeing his gloomy complexion, everyone couldn't help being startled!
"What is this, Xiaoye?"

"The excrement of the Gu insect may be the black feather sac spider."

Hearing this, everyone immediately became tense.

But what Ye Xiao said in the next second made them relax.

"The Gu worm is already dead, it's just that this person was maliciously installed here before he died, it must be a punishment."

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