Everyone was a little puzzled, Ye Xiao looked around, there seemed to be nothing else in the tomb except the gemstone of the eagle's beak and the hanging coffin.

I have to make people think more about what Li Yuanhao wants to do?
If it was for feeding Gu worms, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have some clues just now, and then seeing the white bones almost confirmed his imagination.

At this time, Miao Feng stretched out his hand, and then looked at Ye Xiao, "Brother Ye, can you open it and see what's inside this meaty ball?"

"Yeah, it's already here anyway, if we don't look at it, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"The meat ball is intact, so there shouldn't be anything inside it?"

"The alien creature is still a new creature, maybe it's a Gu worm, please don't touch it casually."

Professor Zhou's words made Miao Feng withdraw his hand, and he also knew that if he touched it, if Gu worms were provoked, the consequences would be disastrous.

Ye Xiao nodded, "Let's go down first."

Just after everyone was reluctant to leave and wanted to go down, the meat ball suddenly moved, and the people between the screens gasped and shouted:

"Run! Mutated!"

"Why is the meat ball moving? My God, after a thousand years, there is still something moving in it. It's either a Gu insect or a fake corpse!"

"Let's go, this corpse has already turned into white bones, three people and three animals are spliced ​​together, how can it be a fraud!"

At this moment, Ye Xiao drew out the black gold ancient knife, seeing that he took out the black gold ancient knife, everyone was a little surprised, no one dared to come forward.

The meatball then slowly began to grow in size.

Everyone gasped, Ye Xiao said coldly: "Get down!"

Everyone went down one after another, and no one dared to stay here anymore.

Seeing that the meat ball was getting bigger and bigger, the cameraman was still on the scaffolding, aiming at the meat ball in the coffin, Ye Xiao also stayed where he was, watching helplessly as the coffin began to shake, and the scaffolding followed suit. The jitter.

Ye Xiao reminded him: "Go down quickly!"

Although the camera brother really wanted to go on, he didn't want to miss such a shot.

Without saying a word, Ye Xiao picked up the equipment and asked him to go down quickly, and the camera brother quickly retreated.

Everyone was a little surprised to see this scene.

"Is this Ye Dao's cameo job as the cameraman?"

"Brother Camera is really a high-risk job. Not only do you have to go down to the ancient tomb, you have to have all kinds of skills, and now you're finally going down."

"Is Ye Dao carrying the equipment? It's a pity that I can't see Ye Dao's face!"

"I beg the camera brother to come quickly!"

Without saying a word, Ye Xiao fixed the equipment on the scaffold, and then rolled over.

Old Professor Zhou's heart sank, and Ye Xiao came down, what the hell is this thing!
Ye Xiao shook his head, then walked up to the eagle's beak, took out the ancient black gold knife, and instantly picked off the gem. Seeing this scene, everyone was a little surprised, only to hear a bang, and the coffin actually tilted down by [-] degrees , It fell down with a bang!
And the meat ball also fell down the coffin with a plop, and hit the ground heavily, but surprisingly, it didn't break.

At this time, the cameraman climbed up to the scaffolding, took off the equipment, and shot from top to bottom. Everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do.

Professor Zhou looked at the meat ball and saw that it was getting bigger and bigger, and the veins inside were becoming clearer, like leaves.

"What the hell is this? Leaves in it?"

"Can the leaves still grow? They can't be moths, can they?"

Professor Fang next to him frowned tightly, "It looks like a butterfly."

At this time, Ye Xiao explained in a deep voice: "It's not a butterfly, it's a Gu worm."

Everyone panicked and rushed to Ye Xiao's side, the camera brother was trembling, if it was a Gu insect, it would be better for him to lie down.

The camera brother hurriedly climbed down the scaffolding. Just as it landed, the meat ball cracked open with a crack, and a transparent wing stretched out. The camera brother was stunned, wings?It's really a butterfly!

The wings are transparent with lines, like the veins of a leaf, and it looks a little nice. The big brother of the camera was stunned for a moment, and everyone around couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene. Professor Fang even took out a large square mirror to observe carefully. At this moment Everyone couldn't believe it. After a long time, it was a butterfly?
This is too incredible!

Holding the ancient black gold knife, Ye Xiao watched helplessly as the crack in the meat ball got bigger and bigger, and then something came out of it. If you say it's a butterfly, it doesn't look like a butterfly, it looks like a cicada. It's not big. The whole body is blue, but the wings are translucent, and there are leaf-like veins on the wings.In the center is a thick tendon that radiates out towards the surroundings, which looks a little weird.

The netizens in the broadcast room are all boiling!

"I rely on this is probably the most beautiful cicada I have ever seen!"

"The color is really pretty, can you bring it back as a specimen?"

"Even if you want to bring it back, it's not your turn to be the specimen. Professor Fang and the others must have already started to take action."

"Is this a Gu worm? Sure enough, the more beautiful it looks, the more poisonous it will be!"

"They won't forget it, but Gu worms can't get close to it! Is that Professor Fang a little carried away?"

Everyone was a little excited. This was probably the most beautiful creature they had seen since they entered the ancient tomb.

Completely forgot what Ye Xiao said just now.

Professor Fang was very excited, and immediately took out his mobile phone to take pictures from various angles.

This Gu exudes a warm and oily light, and the wings have changed from translucent at the beginning to a light green color.

At first glance, there are two eyes on it, and it looks a little scary, and the speed visible to the naked eye has changed.

"This thing seems to be constantly growing!"

Old Professor Zhou watched for a long time and finally let out a sigh.

A black line suddenly grew out of the tender green on the wings, and the next second it spread its wings and flew up, and such Gu worms kept flying out of the meat ball.

Everyone got a little excited.

"I rely on this to be too beautiful!"

"Take it back to make a specimen, hurry up, bring the net bag!"

Everyone frantically rummaged through things from their backpacks, but when Ye Xiao saw this, his expression darkened, "Don't touch them, they are highly poisonous!"

Everyone's hands stopped suddenly, "Is it highly poisonous?"

"Yes, it is highly poisonous. This is a Gu cicada, called Chaomu Cicada. It is growing rapidly now, and it will grow into a full-grown soon after it emerges from the larvae. It is beautiful now, but it will soon become rough and dull. Like a rotten dry wood, it will attack at that time, go! Get out of here!"

As soon as Ye Xiao finished speaking, someone noticed, "You see, the cicada has changed!"

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